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Blackmailed by the Beast

“I figured as such. Anyway, I’ll let you continue telling her the outcome, George.” Wayne didn’t go back to studying the gardens but sat in a chair off to her left. She could see him if she turned her head slightly.

“Wayne has offered us a solution. He’ll pay off all of our debts and keep us in a life of reasonable comfort, providing we live within our boundaries.”

“Well that’s nice,” she said. Nothing so wonderful came without a price.

“But there is a condition. A condition which concerns you, Lily.” Okay, not the direction she was expecting.

“What can I do?”

“Marriage, Lily.”


“Wayne will pay all of our debts and write everything off. Our name will remain firm but with the exception of your hand in marriage.”

Had she stepped into an alternative universe?

“No, I can’t do it.”

Lily got up from her chair and moved away from the group. Her hands were shaking. “Can’t you just agree to pay the debt, and we’ll pay you back?” she asked him.

“How will you do that? With buttons?”

“What you’re suggesting is barbaric and old-fashioned.” Caged in the tiny study was too much. She ran shaky fingers through her hair.

“There is only one solution here. Marry me and I’ll make your life worth living. Don’t and I leave today and won’t come back,” Wayne warned.

“Leave then.”

“George, Wayne, leave me alone with my daughter.” Jessica stood. The two men looked at the older woman but decided better than to argue. They left the study and once again, Lily was alone with a woman who despised her.

The full accusation of her stare levelled on her. “So you’re going to be a selfish bitch once again.”

Lily knew this was coming, the hatred for her clearly written on her mother’s face. “‘A selfish bitch?’ When have I ever been a selfish bitch?”

“Personally, I think he should have chosen Stephanie. Look at you—fat and ugly—nothing at all like your sister. I can’t believe we’re being blackmailed for a lesser woman.” Each word cut into Lily, but it wasn’t anything new. After all, her mother spent a great deal of times over the years telling Lily how much of a disappointment she’d become.

“She can have him. I want nothing to do with him,” Lily said each word even though her body told her she lied. Every time he was around, it was as if she felt him deep inside, and she didn’t want to let go. Even if she did hate him at certain points.

Her mother moved next to her. She took Lily’s chin in a vicious hold. Some time had passed since the last time she’d been up close to her mother, but she could see the aging take effect, the signs even Botox couldn’t hide. “Now listen to me, you little bitch. You’ll marry Wayne Brown, and you’ll do it with a smile on your face. You’ll f**k and play happy family with him. Don’t and we’ll all be out on our arses. Am I making myself clear?” Tears formed in Lily’s eyes, the pressure from her mother’s grip started to take hold and hurt. “I didn’t hear clearly, Lily Jones. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, perfectly,” she whispered. Her mother let her go with a shove. Lily fell back and caught herself in time before she hit her face on the floor.

“Hopefully, Wayne will see the disappointment in you and shift his attention to Stephanie. Until then you’ll be the picture of acceptance.” Her mother sneered and left the room.

Lily touched her face. She felt to see if her mother had broken anything. Once she was sure, Lily slowly got to her feet.

“What are you doing on the floor?” Lily cringed when she heard his voice. Before he turned up, everything was going fine, and now, she was left with nothing but blackmail.

“I think the floor is comfortable.” She lied. Nothing about the study gave any indication of comfort.

“Witty comments. I’ve been told you have an answer for me.” Lily stood and put her back to him. She knew from the dull ache near her jaw that the marks would resemble her mother’s touch, and like every other time, shame built inside her. She needed to keep the marks hidden. “Look at me, Lily.”

“Yes, I’ll marry you,” she said.

“Turn around, Lily,” he repeated his request.


“I want to see the face of the woman I’m going to marry.”

Lily took a deep breath before she turned to face him. He gasped, and instantly, her hand went to her face. The marks weren’t that bad, surely.

“Why me?” she asked.

The marks didn’t matter. What she was going through didn’t matter but this did.

“What are you talking about? Who did this to your face?” He came over and reached out to touch her. He didn’t lay a finger on her. Her flinch kept him away.

“I’m not Stephanie. You could have any number of girls. Stephanie would be more than willing to be anything you want. Why me? I’m not good—” She stopped, unable to bear the years of hurt brought by the people who were supposed to love her the most. Ironic really, the amount of pain family could produce.

“Stephanie isn’t you.”

“She’s pretty and slim.”

“I don’t want to f**k a bag of bones.”

Lily gasped. His words were crude, vulgar, and strangely erotic. “There is no need for that. I get it. You want me to f**k. Fuck the fat Jones girl, is that it? Take one for the team?” She started to shout, and the tears she’d held in so long suddenly overflowed and poured down her cheeks.

“Don’t you dare talk about yourself like that,” he growled. Wayne took her in his arms and held her against his chest.

Lily pushed him away, lashing out, and hit him.

“I don’t want to marry you. I hate you and everything you stand for. I hate you,” she screamed. She raved and through it all, he let her. When she was finished and exhausted, he held her close. No words were spoken.

“You’ll marry me because I demand it. One month from today, you’ll be at the church where we decide, putting a ring on your finger, and you’ll belong for me for better or worse.”

“And if I don’t?” Lily couldn’t believe the rebellion in her. Why was she attacking the man who was prepared to give her the whole world?

“If you don’t, I’ll make your life and the life of your family a living hell. I’m a beast, Lily. You should have heard about my reputation by now. I take and take and very rarely give. Take this opportunity as the gift it is.”
