Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(16)
Author: Jennifer Foor

So, by the time I came in for the day, I would say that I was not a guy that Savanna wanted to be around. I knew I was being rude to her. I felt bad, but I just wanted to be alone. I had decisions to make and she wasn’t going to even want to hear what I was considering.

When she finally retreated to our bedroom and had fallen asleep, I did go upstairs to check on her. She was still so beautiful and I appreciated her more than she could know. I got that I had a horrible way of showing it. Sometimes, I just needed to deal with things in my own way, even if it meant shutting her out for a short period.

I picked the kids up from the bus stop and watched my son walk right upstairs to his room, without saying a single word. I wondered how long the silent treatment was going to last.

The girls were telling me all about their day and as much as I loved hearing about it, my mind was in other places. Since their mother was still asleep, I got a movie on for them and headed up to check on her. When I knew she was still out like a light, I pulled out my phone and called Zeke.


Zeke, it’s Colt. We need to talk.

Now you want to talk?

You’re damn right I do.

I assume you heard from my lawyer?

And mine.

Colt, I really don’t want this to get ugly. If we could just…

We need to work somethin’ out, Zeke. I realize you have a right to know your blood nephew. You need to understand the predicament it puts me in knowin’ that he’s never been around your kind of lifestyle. I don’t approve of him being a part of it either. That is no place for a child.

I can assure you that what you think goes on, doesn’t. Piper and I live a very normal life when I’m not on tour. We have a big house with a nice size pool and rarely even entertain people. Noah would be our guest at our home, not out on the road like you’re thinking.

It still doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t know you. I don’t know you anymore, Zeke. What kind of parent would I be if I just let him hop on a plane and go see you?

I understand your concern. What do you have in mind for a compromise?

I want to come with him to visit you. I need to see where you live and how you live, before I can let my son be involved in your life. I don’t mean to offend you, but I am looking out for his best interest.

I think that would be a great start. I don’t have hard feelings against you Colt. You’ve always been a stand up guy.

We can’t come until school is out. Will that be a problem?

Not at all. My tour is wrapping up and when it does, I will get in touch with you and schedule something.

So, you’re callin’ off the lawyers?

Of course. Look, I just wanted to get to know the kid. I didn’t want to cause drama. You know how close I was to my sister, Colt. I know it’s taken me a long time, but I’m trying to change my life around. Getting to know my nephew is one of those steps in making things right. I’m not trying to take him away from you. I just want the opportunity to spend time with the only family I have left.

I get it. I don’t like how you went about it. Did you have to call your lawyer the second you left out of my house?

I guess I jumped the gun and for that I’m sorry. I’m used to having to cross my t’s and dot my i’s. It’s just habit, man.

Just get in touch with me when your home. I will make sure I can take some time off.

Thanks, Colt. This means a lot. I know I’m around people everyday, but it gets so lonely. I don’t have kids, or anyone that I can call family, except for Noah. I just want the chance.

I’ll talk to you in a month or so, Zeke.

I didn’t wait for him to reply before I hung up.

I covered my face in my hands and thought about my wife. She wasn’t going to like this one bit.

Later that night, after Savanna had made dinner and we’d gotten the kids to bed, I climbed into bed next to her. She was reading, like she did every night. I kissed her on the shoulder and laid my head against her smooth skin. “I’m sorry for bein’ a jerk.”

She never looked away from her book. “You should be.”

I smiled, knowing she was literally giving me the cold shoulder. “I need to talk to you about somethin’.” I grabbed the Kindle out of her hand and finally got her attention. “It’s important, darlin’.”

She folded her hands and cocked her eyebrow. “Did you buy something?”

We had an agreement about buying major things without telling each other first. “No!”

“Is it good or bad, because I don’t feel like having anymore bad news today, Colt. I know you think this is some phase, but it doesn’t hurt me any less.”

I put my hand over hers. “I need you to hear me out, Savanna.”

She shook her head. “Oh God! It’s bad!”

“Would you just calm down and let me talk?”

She threw her hands up. “Fine! Just tell me.”

“You already know that I had a piss poor day, but you only know half of why that was.” I got her attention. She turned and looked right into my eyes. “It seems that our visitors last night weren’t happy with how things went. Zeke took it upon himself to contact his lawyer about having visitation rights.”

Savanna jumped off the bed like it was on fire. “Are you shitting me?”

“I’m not!” I laughed at her using that word. She rarely cursed. “Keep your voice down so we don’t wake up the kids.”

She got back in bed and got close enough so we didn’t have to talk loud. “How do you know he called his lawyer. Did he call and threaten you about it?”

“No. His lawyer called me, when I was dealing with the bullshit in the chicken houses.”

Her eyes were huge and I could tell that she was scared. “What happened?”

“He was goin’ on and on about Zeke bein’ legally entitled to get to know Noah. I wasn’t listenin’ that well, on account of bein’ so damn mad about it. I gave him Mike’s number and hung up.”

She readjusted herself. “So, that’s it? Did you call Mike and ask him if he heard anything? Is Zeke going to try to take Noah away from us? Colt, I can’t lose him.”

I grabbed at her hands again, squeezing them inside of mine. “Mike called me.” I hesitated telling her what Mike gave as advice. She wasn’t going to be happy. In fact, I saw her firing my family’s long term attorney over it. “Before you freak out, just listen to what I have to say.”

“You’re scaring me, Colt.”
