Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(26)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I don’t want you to have to go to those kind of extremes. He’s just rebelling. Your mother says that you were the same way.”

I was a handful. I could remember having my ass beat more than a dozen times. Once I set fire to a pile of leaves that my father forced me to rake up. I ended up burning down a tool shed and damaging a fence. Another time, I drove a four wheeler straight through a barn, with Conner on the front of it. I wasn’t exactly a innocent child, but I never talked to my parents the way that Noah was talking to us. It was uncalled for and I wasn’t having it in my house. My biggest problem was the way he was treating his mother. “I never disrespected my parents.”

“I did a few times. I mean, I never told them off, but when they wouldn’t let me do things that I wanted to do, I definitely wasn’t an easy person to live with. Being an only child yourself, I suspect you did it a few times as well. Your mother wouldn’t have put up with it. She probably threatened you with that wooden spoon more than you can remember.”

I kissed the top of her head again. “I guess you’re right. We still need to hold our ground. If Noah keeps at it, the girls are goin’ to follow in his footsteps and then we’re goin’ to have a bigger problem to deal with.” I rubbed her cheeks with my thumbs and looked deep into her eyes. “How about we take a bath before bed? I could use some quality time with my wife.”

She looked up and smiled. “That sounds fantastic!”

“You take off your clothes and I will get the water started.” I undressed and tossed my clothes on the floor as I walked. Since I was feeling distant from Savanna, I wasn’t going to waste one second I had to be alone and naked with her.

Chapter 13


After picking up the clothes that Colt left on the floor and making my way into the bathroom, he was already in the tub with his arms reaching out for me. I smiled as I removed the last of my clothes and climbed in to sit in front of him.

The water was so hot that it took a second to get used to, while the tub edges were cold against the underneath of my arms. Colt warmed the rest of my body as he reached his large hands around and started washing my neck, then down to my br**sts. His stubbly face tickled the backs of my shoulders and I couldn’t help but close my eyes while enjoying what only he could do to me.

The soap in his hands made the friction slippery, allowing him to maneuver his way up and down my arms with ease. He groaned as his fingertips massaged beneath my br**sts. I felt both of his hands slide down my abdomen and continue until they reached my inner thighs. I was so eager for him to touch my pu**y. I craved his attention after being away from him for days. The slightest touch to my sweet spot would send me in a frenzy. Colt must have sensed my anticipation. A small chuckled vibrated off of my shoulder as he rubbed harder on my inner thighs, never touching my pu**y. I was just wanting , no needing, him to fill me with his love. The more he placed small kisses on the side of my neck, the more I could feel myself surrendering to his every touch.

Colt slowly let his fingers slip over my sex. If it weren’t fully submerged in the water, I would have said that it was on fire. I was so hot for him to touch me there; to penetrate his fingers into my entrance.

He went slowly, moving his fingers up and down both sides, never allowing himself to feel what was inside waiting. I moaned each time, feeling the friction of his fingers sliding over my sensitive skin.

His strong arms surrounded my body, leaving me feeling completely safe and overwhelmed with desire for him. We were alone and all of my worries seemed to fade away with every precious touch of his lips to my skin. “I love you,” he whispered into my ear.

As much as I wanted him to continue teasing me with his fingers, I wanted to kiss his perfect lips even more. Slowly, I turned to face him, never hesitating when I leaned in and pressed my mouth over his. I pulled away, opening my eyes slowly and watching him doing the same. “I missed you, Colt.”

I needed this more than he could imagine. It was important for me to connect to my husband, when I felt like everything around me was falling apart. I just needed to know that no matter what happened with my health, or with our son, Colt would never stray from our beautiful marriage. I don’t know why I felt insecure. For the longest time, I was certain that he would always love me. I think it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but my emotions seemed to be on overdrive. We’d come so far, after being through what no couple should ever have to endure.

I brought my fingers up to his lips and traced them before leaning in and kissing them again. He groaned and kissed me harder than before, letting his tongue finally make contact with mine. As they meshed together, so did our fingers and bodies. I wrapped my leg around my husband and straddled him, while holding both of his hands. We finally let go, but only so that we could explore each other’s wet skin.

His long, stiff erection was poking me in the leg, reminding me that I wasn’t the only one in the tub with needs. I reached down and grabbed his shaft, using the water as a slippery guide while stroking. Colt leaned his head back against the tub and closed his eyes.

I leaned in and kissed above one of his ni**les, before running my tongue up to his neck. When I got to his stubbles, he looked down at me and grabbed either side of my face with his hands. For a few seconds, he just sat there staring into my eyes.

He leaned in and let our noses touch. I could feel his breath on my lips, but waited for him to make the first move.

Our next kisses were fueled by a mutual need. Our mouths moved in sync, matching brushes of our tongues and exploration with our hands. We were surrounded by bubbles, but I didn’t need to see Colt’s body to know what I was doing. I had every inch of him memorized.

Colt placed his hands under my ass and got me into the exact position for it to slide in once he sat me down. Between the hot temperature of the water and the shear size of my husband, I gasped. He cleared his throat and used his hands to guide me up and down. The water was splashing all around us as our pace became vigorous. I threw my head back and closed my eyes to concentrate on the pleasure I was feeling. Colt took one hand and ran it up to my breast. He pinched my nipple in between two fingers. I lifted my arms around his neck and teased his lips with my tongue. They tasted of sweat from the heat of the hot bath we were in. He leaned in and teased me back. It turned me on so much, feeling my sexy man mimicking my actions. I loved when Colt became the aggressor. His once gentle kisses started to become untamed. I could feel his teeth against my own as I increased my seductiveness, by moving my body like I was jumping up and down. I could hear little sounds escaping him the faster I moved. When his nails dug into my ass and steadied my pace, I knew he was about to finish. I could feel him releasing as it pumped inside the walls of my pu**y. I matched his moment of euphoria, throwing my head back and letting my wet br**sts rub against his chest.
