Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(31)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Don’t come here, Ty. I’m going to be fine.

Except, I wasn’t going to be fine.

Once I got back in the house, I crawled into bed and had a sob fest. It wasn’t unusual for me to get emotional about things. It was how I was wired, I guess. The unusual part was this was legitimately a good reason to be breaking down.

A little while later my mother in-law called and asked if she could take my mother and the girls to some doll convention that was a few towns over. Since she was footing the bill and already had them excited, I knew I had to say yes.

I lied and told her I wasn’t home, so that they could come and pack some clothes. Without even putting shoes on, I grabbed my keys and moved my SUV into the garage so they wouldn’t see my car. Like a little kid, I hid in the office with the door locked, so they wouldn’t find me.

I knew that if I saw my two beautiful little girls and my two mothers, I would lose it and the cat would be out of the bag.

They took forever getting their things together for the overnight trip. I could hear the excitement in their voices and I wished that I hadn’t been so selfish so that I could kiss them each goodbye. I love my little princesses so much. Family was always the most important thing in my life.

When the house got quiet, I knew I was in the clear. They had turned on every single light, even though it was daytime. While walking through the house, turning them all back out, I stopped and looked at the pictures on the wall. They were all such happy times that we’d shared together. I imagined them all getting on without me and it crushed my heart even more.

Without considering the time of the day, I put on one of Colt’s t-shirts and climbed into my bed, alone.

After being overwhelmed with anxiety, sleep came fast and I didn’t fight it. I woke to knocking on the front door and looked over at the clock. It said that it was after ten. I’d been asleep for a good eight hours. Just to be proper, I threw on a pair of shorts before walking downstairs.

When I opened up the door and saw who was standing there, I couldn’t believe it was real. I had to be dreaming.

Chapter 16


I missed my wife and girls, but I had to admit that I was having a pretty darn good time. Noah was in heaven. After we’d spent the weekend sightseeing and visiting all of Zeke’s favorite places, we spent the next two days lounging around the house.

Zeke and Noah were getting to know each other and it wasn’t half as bad as Savanna and I had imagined.

He and his wife really did live pretty normal lives. Sure, they were filthy rich and surrounded by an entourage of very emo folk, but when we were all alone they were as normal as you could get.

Zeke had told me ahead of time that they were having a get together to celebrate the end of his tour. His other band mate’s wives were taking all the kids to an amusement park and Piper had offered to take Noah. This was another thing that Savanna would have frowned upon, but the last thing I wanted to do was hang out with a bunch of women and kids all day. I just figured I could have the night off from being a guard dog to my son. I’d planned on relaxing for the night, possibly catching a game on television or having a beer by the pool. I never expected to be thrown into a party that could possibly cause me to be a divorced man.

The people didn’t start showing up until after dinner. By that time, the caterers had already set up everything on the first floor and out in the pool area. Alcoholic beverages could be found every ten feet and I appreciated that Zeke and Piper had the decency to make sure my son wasn’t in the house.

After at least fifty people had showed up, I was starting to realize that the party list didn’t just include band members. Another dead ringer was the fact that slews of half dressed females were pouring in by the minute.

I grabbed a six pack of beer and several mini-sandwiches and found my way through the crowds, up to my room. The last thing I wanted to do was party with these people. I didn’t even understand how Zeke was doing it, considering he was a recovering addict himself. No wonder it was so difficult for celebrities to kick the habit for good.

Once I got up to my room, I took my shirt off and got comfortable on the bed, knowing I was going to fall asleep there for the night. I flipped through the channels until I came across the basketball championship game. The series was tied and this game would determine the winner.

I’d watched the whole game, while listening to the crowd of people and music coming from the lower level, but when there was only two minutes left, two giggling broads came barging into my room. I sat up in the bed, looking at them paying me no mind at all. “Hey, this room is taken!”

They looked at each other and giggled. “The more the merrier, right?” They approached me from either side of the bed. I looked down and remembered that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. This was not an invitation like they thought it was. “Seriously, I’m a married man.” I backed myself as far as I could on the bed. They climbed on either side.

“Every man in this house is married. That means nothing, honey.” In one instant the girl was whipping off her top and kneeling in front of me shirtless.

I wasn’t sure what her friend was doing since I closed my eyes. “You got the wrong idea. I ain’t interested in this type of thing.”

When I felt one of them grabbing my arm, I pushed her away and jumped off the bed. The half naked one just sat there with her hands on her thighs. “Are you g*y? The hot ones always are.”

“No! What the hell? I ain’t interested in you because I got a family back home and I don’t think my wife would appreciate me shackin’ up with other women.”

They looked at each other and smiled.

I shook my head and walked out of the room. There was no way I was going to be caught in that type of predicament.

It took a while to find Zeke. He was laying under a canopy with three topless girls around him. “Colt! Did you decide to join the party?”

The naked girls were groping each other, paying me no mind.

“No! I didn’t decide to join in on this nonsense. I was tryin’ to relax in my room when two crazy women busted in. Who has a million dollar home with no locks on the bedroom doors?”

Zeke laughed at me. “Look around you, Colt. This is the high life, man. For once why don’t you sit back and enjoy yourself. Nobody will know!”

I was obviously not getting anywhere with this guy. Apparently, his wife was fine was him being around naked women. I guess that was why he was in those magazines with other women.

“When are the kids gettin’ back? I don’t want my son seein’ this!”
