Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(32)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He ran his hands through one of the blonde girl’s hair. “In the morning. Piper knows to stay away until everyone is gone.”

“You didn’t ask to keep him overnight. Savanna ain’t goin’ to like this.”

“She’s not here, Colt. Come on, dude. Just let yourself unwind. You don’t have to cheat to have a good time with these ladies.”

“Just give me Piper’s number so I can call my son.” I waited for him to write it down, before walking away from Zeke so I didn’t put my fist into his face. I couldn’t call Savanna and tell her any of this. She was going to kill me. This was what she’d warned me about.

I got to the far side of the pool area and sat down on a large lounge chair. The party was completely out of hand. Topless women were running all around the pool area and jumping in the water. Guys were getting loud, like they’d had way too much to drink. There was some kind of platform in the center of the pool that some girl was dancing around on. Of course she was topless. Male and females in the pool were cheering her on to remove her shorts. I shook my head when I watched her shimmy out of them.

I wasn’t a pu**y. I’d been to strip clubs and had exotic dancers all over me before. This was different. Once I met Savanna, those days were over for me. I had no interest in being turned on by another woman. She gave me everything I needed.

Knowing that every corner of the house was filled with these types of women, I figured there was no way around it. I grabbed a beer and sat back down in the far corner lounge chair. The dancer danced and the other women ran around naked and fondled each other. It was like every teenage boys wet dream.

I thought about my cousins Ty and Conner and what they would be doing if they were sitting where I was. Without thinking about what I was doing, I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the madness. I sent them both the photo, with the caption of ‘wish you were here’.

While I was hating it, they’d be so jealous.

The party lasted until five in the morning. The crazy females that had been dancing around and giving the shows, were all passed out around the house. They still weren’t covered up. All I wanted to do was get to my bed and go to sleep. When I got to my room I found the two girls, completely naked, asleep.

“What the f**k?”

It only took me a second to turn back around and look for another place to lay my head. Seemingly, though, everywhere I turned, there were people. Trashy women were sprawled all over the place. I’d even found a couple having sex in the garage.

This was not the kind of thing that I ever wanted my son to know about. If I would have found out that Noah came to visit and was exposed to this kind of nonsense, someone would have been put in a grave.

After exhausting all other sleeping options, I headed back to my room to kick the girls out.

I looked around the large bedroom. Then I thought about what these women had been doing for all this time. Suddenly, the urge to kick them out of my room was gone. My bed had been soiled by some freaky sex-fest. Back in college, I would have loved to see what had happened.

After walking over and covering up the girls, I grabbed a throw and two pillows and went to sleep on a fancy rug in the bathroom. It was extra plush and felt like it may have been real fur. Another thing I liked was that this particular room did have a lock on the door.

I didn’t want any naked girls thinking they could creep on my shit while I was trying to sleep. I also didn’t want anyone walking in the room and assuming that I’d been involved with them. All I needed was to go home and be kicked out of my own house. Living with my mother was never going to be an option. I had to do my best to make it out of this damn trip with my dignity and marriage intact.

Chapter 17


I stood in the doorway staring at Ty. He had his hands crossed against his chest.

“What are you doing here?” I repeated.

He looked back and I noticed a cab was sitting with the engine running. “You got any cash? This dude says his credit card machine ain’t working.”

I rummaged through my purse and handed him my whole wallet to go through. I think I was just so shocked that he was standing in front of me that I couldn’t comprehend what I was actually doing.

When he came back inside, he had a small book bag on his back. He sat it down on the chair and walked over to me. Before I could say anything, Ty pulled me into a tight hug. “I got here as soon as I could.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m taking care of my best friend, like I said I would. Geesh, do I have to spell it out?”

I plopped down on the couch and watched him sit next to me. “You shouldn’t have come. What did you tell Miranda? She must think you’re up to something.”

“Miranda is fine. I would have brought her with me if Amy wasn’t due to pop a baby out of her vagina any day now. Besides, she thinks I’m here to help out while Colt is gone.”

I didn’t want Ty holding information from his wife. This was just a big fat mess. “You should go home, Ty. I will pay for the ticket. I’m fine. It was just a false alarm.”

I went to stand up and he grabbed my arm, pulling me back down on the couch. “Not so fast, Wonder Woman. Look me in the eye and tell me that nothing is wrong.”

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him, but the words wouldn’t come out. I could deny it all I wanted, but I knew that he would see right through my lies. I covered my face with my hands. “I can’t talk about this with you, Ty.”

He pulled one of my hands down and held it. “I’m here because you need me to be, whether you will admit it or not. I have no hidden agenda and I sure as hell don’t want your money. Like it or not, you’re going to tell me.”

I could have sat there and beat around the bush until he gave up, but I knew that come morning, he would be hounding me for answers again. I had to face the fact that he was the only person around who was supporting me. I wished it was Colt, although, I knew he was where he needed to be. Life went on, even if I ended up having cancer or not.

“Do you promise not to tell anyone, especially Colt?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Now just spit it out. I haven’t pissed since I left the airport and the three beers I had before I got on the plane are ready to come back out.”

“Just forget it! This is hopeless. You can’t even be serious for three seconds.”

I was getting so frustrated with him. For Ty to hop on a plane to come to my rescue was just surreal. I knew he cared about me. We were family and that’s how it should be, but I just couldn’t believe that he would drop everything to make sure I was alright.
