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Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(34)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I pushed Ty and went running into my room, locking the door, so he couldn’t follow me. “When I get done with his ass, he may not have balls left!”

“Van! Open the door. He doesn’t know I’m here. Just wait until he calls you. I’m sure there is an explanation. Do you really think he’d let Noah around that kind of thing?”

I stopped punching in Colt’s number and thought about what Ty was saying. There was no way Colt would have allowed our son to be near anything like that. As mad as I was about the picture, I wondered if I was freaking out over something that never happened.

Reluctantly, I opened the door and saw Ty standing there. “You’re telling him a different reason for coming here, Ty. I’ll talk to him about the picture later.”

Little voices filled the foyer and I found myself almost running downstairs to greet the girls. They both had new dolls in their hands that were wearing outfits that matched their own.

Addy held her doll up. “Mommy, look what Grandma got me.”

“That’s so cute! You girls look like you had a great time.”

Colt’s mom smiled. I could tell how much she loved being a grandmother. “They were angels. I told them we could go next year if they wanted to.”

“There’s my pretty nieces!” Ty came running down the stairs.

I could see the curious look he was getting from his aunt. “Ty got here late last night to help out when the alarm company comes to fix the chicken houses. Since Colt isn’t here, him or Conner had to be here. I told him there was plenty of room at your house.”

“I guess you’re better company than me and Lucy. We tend to get boring nowadays.”

Ty hugged his aunt. “You’re never too old to have a good time. Maybe you could cook me some of your fried chicken while I’m here.”

She shook her head. “Sometimes, I think all he loves me for is that darn chicken.” She patted him on the shoulder. “Didn’t Miranda and the kids come?”

He held up his arms. “I wanted her to, but with Amy being due, she didn’t want to leave. That’s why I’m here and Conner stayed.”

“Of course. Amy would kill him if he wasn’t there for this one. They claim this is the last one they’re having, but we all know how the two of them are.” Colt’s mom gave Ty the look like she knew what they did in their spare time.

We all three laughed.

Addy and Christian had run upstairs and finally came back down. Addy looked sad. “Where’s Daddy and Noah?”

“They’re still in California. They’ll be back this weekend.” I tried to reassure her.

“Can you ask him to come home now? I want to show him my doll.”

I bent down and kissed her little forehead. “They will be home in a couple of days.”

“How about, after Uncle Ty gets done with the alarm guy, we go out for ice cream?” He always talked to the kids like he was one himself.

She started getting all excited. “Mommy, can we? Can we please?”

“Of course.”

Colt’s mom leaned down to talk to Addy. “How about Grandma makes fried chicken for dinner and then you can go have ice cream afterwards?”


“That sounds great, Mom. I will bring a side dish.”

She started to walk toward the door. “See you all at six, then. Savanna, don’t you let him get on your nerves too much.”

Her reference to Ty must have hit a nerve. “I’m not that bad, am I?”

We both looked at each other and ignored his comment.

Once she was gone, Ty turned to me. “You came up with a story fast.”

“It’s not a story. I was going to have to call Colt and give him the bad news about it. They were fitting us into their schedule. Anyway, they’ll be here around ten. It’s the first four chicken houses. You just need to be there to sign and answer any questions that he might have.” I had almost forgot about them coming. I would have had no clue what to tell the men.

“I guess it’s time to call Colt!”

I smiled. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

I walked out on the porch with my phone and dialed my husband. The vision of the naked girls was still fresh in my mind, but I was truly believing that it was just a joke he was playing on the guys.

The phone rang four times before someone picked up.

And it wasn’t Colt.

Chapter 18


I woke up on the bathroom floor, looking around and trying remember why the hell I was where I was. Once I was in the sitting position, it all came back to me.

Without my phone, or a clock in the bathroom, I had no idea what time it was. All I knew was that it was daylight out.

I could hear my phone’s ringtone, but it wasn’t in the bathroom, so I jumped up and headed out into the bedroom to find it.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw one of the blondes from the night before holding it in her hand and talking to whoever had called. I said a little prayer, hoping to God that it wasn’t my wife. I‘d never hear the end of it, if it was.

“Hold on, he’s right here!” She handed me my phone.


The line was already dead.

I looked up at the girl. “Who was it?”

She giggled. “I think it was your wife. She thought she dialed the wrong number, I guess.”

“Shit!” I started pacing around the room. “You two need to get your shit and get out of here, now!”

Her smiled dissipated as she gathered the rest of her clothes and her sleeping girlfriend and ran out of my room.

I sat down on the bed and stared at my phone. Without giving myself time to rethink things, I dialed Savanna.

I don’t want to talk to you right now, Colt!

Just hear me out, would ya?

I think I’ve heard about enough!

Savanna, it ain’t what you think. That was just Pi…

Don’t you dare lie to me, Colt Mitchell. So help me God.

You’re this mad over someone answering my phone?

No! I’m not just mad about that. I’m mad about something else, too.

Well, I ain’t done nothin’ else.


Savanna, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.

For someone that sent the message himself, I’m finding it hard to believe that you can’t remember. I mean, if I took a picture of a bunch of naked men, I think I’d remember it.

What the hell? Let me guess, Ty sent you that shit?

No! I saw it on his phone this morning. He’s here to help the alarm company install a new system.
