Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(36)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He turned to Ramona. “Watch the kid. Be nice!”

Zeke led me to an empty bedroom. He shut the door behind us and finally gave me his attention. “What’s up, Colt?”

I pointed at his face. “I’ll tell you what’s wrong! You got no right to make decisions regardin’ my son without my permission. Me and his mother are the only ones to decide what’s best for him.”

“Look, man, it’s a f**king video, not a surgical procedure. I ain’t asking you for a kidney. I thought you would feel honored.”

I ran my hands through my hair and just shook my head trying to control myself before I threw this ass**le up against the wall. “I did you a favor by lettin’ my son come to stay with you. It’s nice that you want to get to know Noah, but I can’t let him do somethin’ like this without talkin’ to his mother.”

He chuckled. “It’s funny that you keep calling her that, considering we both know she ain’t his real mother.”

“She’s been his REAL mother since the day he came into our lives. You can say and think whatever you want. Savanna and I have given that kid more than your sister ever could. I won’t stand here and hear you say shit like that. Got it?”

He put his hands up. “Okay, okay! I get it. Look, I want Noah to do this with me. It would mean a lot. If you need to make some calls and talk it over with Savanna, go ahead. I can let everyone know that we need to shoot a different scene until I know what to do.”

It was weird that he calmed down so quickly. I didn’t doubt that he was afraid of me, but it seemed like he just agreed to make me happy. “Fine. I’ll call his mother and let you know.”

“What do I tell the kid in the meantime?”

“You tell him that minors need permission from their parents to participate, because it’s the damn truth.” I walked out of the house, still feeling like I wanted to bust him up. Savanna was definitely going to flip with this one.

Chapter 19


I hated fighting with Colt, especially when he was so far away. Honestly, I think I missed him so much that my frustration was making things ten times worse. Ty being here just added fuel to the already burning fire.

After our heated argument, I put my phone in my purse and promised myself that I wasn’t going to answer it again until I calmed down. My mother always said never to say anything to people you love when you’re mad. Some things, you just can’t take back.

Since I had a full day to wait for my biopsy, I was full of worry. The only thing that kept my mind off of the test was scrubbing everything within reach. The girls were occupied in the playroom, planning the wedding of Barbie and Joe. I could hear them making decisions and discussing how they wanted to decorate the room for the event.

After getting the bathrooms done, I started on the bedrooms, even organizing the girl’s dresser drawers. When I got to Noah’s room, I was finally getting tired of cleaning. Deciding that his dresser drawers where the way to go, I pulled one out at a time and sat it down on the bed next to me. I folded all of his t-shirts and placed them back into the drawer, before pulling out the next one. When I dumped out the mess of clothing, I noticed a pair of dress pants that needed to be hung up. The closet was a mess, but I was determined that I wasn’t going to work on it, too. Once I got the pants hung up, I noticed a couple large folded papers on the shelf above. Since I’d put them up there myself, I remembered what they were.

On the first day of kindergarten, Noah came home with a poster size piece of paper. The assignment was to draw a picture of someone that you love. In multi-colored finger paint, he had drawn a picture of him and I. We were holding hands. Above it, the teacher had wrote what the picture meant.

I love my Mommy because she makes the best grilled cheese and she lets me ride horses. My Mom is my best friend.

I traced the words with my fingers and got teary eyed just reading it. Noah was such a special little piece of my life. I believed with all my heart that he was sent to me from heaven to take away all of the pain in the past that I had been dealt with. Not only had he healed my heart, but he filled it with a love that I could have never imagined existed. That little boy was my hero. There was a time when I was the most important thing in his little life. For a long time, I had assumed that nothing could ever tear our bond apart.

When I heard someone clearing their throat, I looked up to see Ty standing in the doorway. “Hey, you alright?”

I nodded and wiped the tears away. “Yeah, I was just looking at something Noah made me a long time ago.”

Ty picked up the paper and smiled. “This must have been back when grilled cheese was the only thing that mattered in life besides shitting in his pants.”

I pushed him. “He was such a good little boy. Think about it. Not only did he lose his mother tragically, but he was in the car when she died. Then he’s delivered to a father who never even knew he existed.”

“And he turned to you, Van,” he interrupted. “He loved you from the first moment he saw you. Who wouldn’t? You’re like a damn saint when it comes to kids.”

“I just longed to be a mother so badly. It was all I could think about. We’d tried so hard to get pregnant and when I lost the baby, I felt like maybe I wasn’t supposed to have children. I just wanted to feel that unconditional love.”

He put his arm around me. “Can you not be so damn gloom? I am ready to go draw wedding flowers with the girls, just to avoid your sad ass.”

“Shut up!”

“Dinner is going to be ready soon. I thought we could just all four ride up to the main house together. It will give those two old women something to gossip about when we leave. They’ll think it’s scandalous and we’re having a heated affair right under everyone’s noses. It will be fantastic!”

I stood up and put Noah’s drawer back in his dresser. “You seriously have issues. First off, I would never, in a million years, cheat on my husband. Secondly, you are the last person on earth I would do it with and third…”

He threw his arms up in the air. “Save me the excuses. I’ve already been there and done that, so to speak. Well, actually, I really have had that. Anyway, I know it isn’t going to happen. You ain’t my sexual cup of tea either. I mean, have you seen how flexible my wife is?”

I shook my head as I walked out of the room. He was still talking when I started to walk down the hall.

“She can put her legs behind her head and crawl around on the floor, Van. It’s awesome!”
