Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(42)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Are we back to the picture again?”

I shook my head. “No! when I called the other day, a female answered. He’s been weird when we talk and I feel like he isn’t including me in important decisions. God, how did things get so messed up?”

We pulled up to the doctor’s office and Ty turned off the ignition. “You’re going to go in here and rip open your shirt and tell them be gentle.”

I climbed out of the vehicle. “I’m going to go in there and put on a gown and wait for the doctor to stick a giant needle in my tit.” When Ty kept following me, I turned around. “What are you doing?”

“I’m coming with you.” He looked away for a second and went from joking to serious. “Look Van, this doesn’t have to be weird. All fun aside, this is important and I want to do this for you. I owe you so much for always being my friend and I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you. Whatever it takes, Van, I’m going to be here.”

I wrapped my arms around Ty and just hugged him so hard. “Thank you.”

When we finally pulled away, he held out his arm and I put mine inside. He led me into the doctor’s office and even though I felt like everything was going wrong, I knew I had my best friend by my side. When Colt got home everything would work itself out and he would be glad I wasn’t alone.

I hoped.

Chapter 22


Noah woke me up bright and early, due to his excitement about starring in the music video. After having a heart to heart with Piper, being around Zeke was the last thing I wanted to do. We only had one more day until we could go home, and I couldn’t wait, because things were worse than when I had left.

Once he knew I was awake, Noah went downstairs to eat breakfast. I looked over on the nightstand and saw my phone. There was nothing that I wanted more than to be able to figure out what was going on with my wife. It wasn’t that I thought she was having an affair, but there was something going on. I couldn’t see Ty just going to the ranch to be there for the alarm company. They’d been gone for days and he was still there.

As much as I told Piper that I didn’t like meddling in other people’s business, I found myself calling my cousin.

I was wondering when you were going to call.

Just tell me what’s goin’ on, Ty. I know you’re keepin’ somethin’ from me.

It’s not what you’re thinking, Colt. You have it all wrong.

So, you’re tellin’ me that you aren’t there, in my house, comforting my wife?

You need to talk to her. I’m not comfortable talking about something that’s between the two of you.

If you’re f**kin’ my wife, I will kill you.

Just talk to your wife, dude.

I’m askin’ you.

Do you know how hurt she is? Have you even considered what all of this is doing to her? She needed to be included. She needed to feel like she’d always be Noah’s mother. Why do you keep shutting her out? Stop being such a stubborn ass.

Stay away from my wife, Ty. I’m not kidding.

I’m sorry, Colt, but I can’t do that. I made a promise to her and I won’t break it. You can be pissed at me all you want. She’s my best friend.

She’s MY best friend. Go home to your own wife.

My own wife is who sent me here, you jackass!

We’ll see about that!

I hung up the phone and started looking for Miranda’s number. I didn’t call her much and I wasn’t sure how I had programmed it. Before I could finish hitting send, my phone rang. Miranda was calling me.

I was just callin’ y…

Colt, you need to stop it.

Stop what?

Look, I don’t know what’s goin’ on with Savanna, but Ty is there because I can’t be. Stop bein’ such a dick and get over yourself.

How can you just sit there and be okay with them bein’ alone?

Honestly, Colt, I trust them. For the past nine years, Ty has been completely devoted to me and our family. That man would die before he let anything break us apart.

Things happen, Miranda.

Do you even hear yourself. You’re talking about our family. We are in this together, all of us. For years, we’ve all been the best of friends. The only problem that I’m seein’ in this family is you. Leave Ty out of it, Colt. He’s doin’ you a favor.

Then she hung up on me.

I was so damn confused. What the hell was going on?

Noah came up to tell me that we had twenty minutes before we had to leave, so instead of trying to call Savanna, I hurried up and got changed.

On the way to the shoot, I sent Savanna a message.

I love you – C

Figuring that I would get a reply right back, I held on to my phone while I sat there watching them get Noah ready. After about twenty minutes, I still had no reply back from Savanna. Something was just off and I couldn’t stand being so far away that I wasn’t able to fix things.

She’s always been so organized and fixed to her daily routine. Something had to be wrong for her to change it all of the sudden.

I heard commotion coming from inside of the house, so I put my phone in my pocket and headed inside. Zeke was arguing with his manager, Ramona.

“I told you that this was what had to be done. One more day and we can send the kid back to Kentucky. Why is this so hard for you to understand, Zeke?”

“I just want to play music. I don’t give a shit what everyone thinks about me.”

“When you stop selling albums, your ass is going to care! Now get in there and act like you love the kid. Your future depends on this video.”

“Do you really think this is going to work?”

“Yes, of course it will. They want to see emotions. Get your ass in there and pretend to have a relationship with the kid for one more day. We’ll get some pictures and sell them to the papers. Once the world sees you bonding with the kid, all of the bad shit will just go away.”

I saw Noah coming around the corner. He’d finally finished getting his hair and makeup done. I could see the excitement in his eyes, but all of that vanished when he heard his uncle’s next words.

“The sooner this little brat gets out of my life the better. God, I can’t stand kids. Why I let you talk me into this, I will never know!”

Noah’s face turned white and I saw that little lost kid that was once standing on my porch looking for a home. Tears fell down his cheeks as he approached me. “Dad, can you please take me home?”

“It’s goin’ to be alright, son.” I hugged him.
