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Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(43)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I just want my mom,” he cried.

I kissed him on the top of the head. “Yeah, I want to see her, too. Just give me a minute and we can get the hell out of here.”

I walked right up to Zeke, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. “What are you doing, Colt?” He backed away from me.

I got right up in his face. “This thing with my son is done! I heard everything. Did you think you could just use him and toss him out like he wasn’t blood? So help me God, you are so lucky that my son is standin’ here, because I would like nothin’ more than to tear your ass apart. Find another kid to play the part, because my son is done with you! If you come near me or my family again, you’ll be sorry!”

“He’s under contract!” Ramona got between us.

I realized that I would have to lie to get us out of it. “I just recorded your entire conversation, lady. There is no more contract. The way I see it, that thing is null and void! Take that piece of paper and shove it up your ass! We’re done here!”

Noah and I had been walking for about ten minutes before a car pulled over and offered us a ride. It took me a second to realize that it was Pete, Zeke’s bodyguard.

“Get in. I can take you to get your bags and drive you to the airport.”

“Did Zeke send you?” I didn’t want his handouts.

“No! I just quit. His wife is carrying my baby and I let him know it. Between what happened with you guys and my news, I’m sure his manager will be doing damage control for the next year.” He laughed, like he’d accomplished a goal.

“I hope you get to raise your child.” I put my arm around my son. “Nothing beats having a family.”

Noah and I got our things together, while Pete helped Piper pack up some things. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do and I really didn’t care. I just wanted to never have to come back to the place again.

We said our goodbyes at the airport and waved at the expectant couple as they drove away. Then I had to go inside and try to change our flight to an earlier time.

After three hours we were boarding a plane and heading home.

Noah hadn’t said much ever since we’d left the shoot location. He had his ear buds in his ears and once in a while I would catch him crying. I felt so bad for the little guy. For a short time, he truly believed that he had the coolest uncle in the world. I felt so bad for him and blamed myself for letting it all happen. If I’d just put my foot down, maybe I could have avoided it all.

Now, our family was strained. Savanna and I were struggling and I’d never felt so separated from her before. How was I supposed to make things right again, when I couldn’t even begin to understand how they’d gotten to be so bad?

Not only was my wife upset with me, but I’d managed to piss off my cousins.

Instead of calling Savanna to come pick me up, I took a cab. It wasn’t because I was trying to be sneaky. Noah was tired and it was right around the time that Savanna would be making dinner. I didn’t want to have to wait for her to get finished to come and get us. He was too upset and I could tell that he just wanted to be home.

When I walked into the house and didn’t see anyone, I looked out back and noticed that our SUV was missing. If Savanna were anywhere on the ranch, she would have driven the golf cart.

Noah seemed so relieved to be home that I sent him up to his room to get some, much needed, rest. I walked upstairs and looked around. The futon in the playroom had been pulled out and Ty’s stuff was still in it.

I pulled out my phone and tried to call Savanna again but it continued to go right to voicemail, like it wasn’t even turned on.

I didn’t get it.

I was also starting to think that maybe something was wrong. With a quick call to my mother-in-law, things got even more confusing.


Mom, it’s me, Colt. Have you heard from Savanna? Noah and I just got home early and she’s not here.

I have the girls. Tyler dropped them off this morning and said that Van was running late for a doctor’s appointment. I don’t know what doctor, but that’s where she is.

So, Ty went with her?

I really don’t know. He just said she overslept and he was doing her a favor by bringing the girls.

Alright. Thanks.

Did you have a good trip?

No! It was terrible and I should have just listened to Savanna when she told me it was a bad idea. I’m goin’ to come get the girls now.

Addy is taking a nap. How about I bring them when she wakes up?

Sounds good. Thanks, Mom.

I was stumped. Ty wasn’t anywhere on the ranch, so clearly he was with my wife, who was supposedly at the doctors. Why would he have to go with her?

Again, nothing made sense.

When I heard a vehicle pulling down the driveway, I instinctively looked outside. Our SUV was pulling up out front, instead of out back where we normally parked.

Instead of walking outside, I stood at the window, watching.

Ty jumped out of the driver’s seat and ran around to the passenger side of the vehicle. He opened the door for Savanna and wrapped his arm around her as they walked up the porch steps.

That was enough for me to become irate. I rushed through the front door. When they saw me, they both just stood there, amazed that I was home already.

“I caught you, you lyin’ son of a bitch!” I threw myself at Ty, causing us to tumble to the ground. I got one punch in before I felt Savanna trying to rip me off of him.

“Colt! Please stop! Oh my God! You have the wrong idea!” She pulled and pulled, while screaming at me at the top of her lungs.

I sat up straight and just stared at Ty, who covered his face with is hands. “Dude, it’s not what you think. Get the f**k off of me and let your wife explain.”

I climbed off of Ty, but pointed right at him. “Get your shit out of my house and go the hell home. You make me sick.”

Ty rolled over and got into a standing position. He was brushing off clothes, before he walked into the house. As he passed by Savanna, he grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry, Van.”

She was crying. “Me, too.”

Once he was out of my sight, I looked over at my wife. With tears running down her face, she said nothing.

“Are you goin’ to start explainin’ what’s goin’ on?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk to you right now, Colt.” She ran inside after Ty. I sat down on my front porch, trying really hard to keep from going in there and killing him. Was she really choosing him over me?
