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Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

In a matter of minutes, they both came out of the house. I stood up and turned to look at them. Savanna moved her body in front of my cousin. “Don’t you touch him, Colt!”

I shook my head. It was more than just feeling disgusted, I wanted to put my fist to his face again. “What is this? Are you choosin’ him over me?”

My heart was being ripped apart with jealousy. I clenched my fists and waited for that little bastard to say something smart.

Savanna put her hands on her hips. “There’s something you need to know.” She started sobbing and I watched Ty touch her shoulder. It made me so mad and when he saw the look on my face, he removed it.

“You better start talkin’ fast, darlin.”

“Or what, Colt?” She was challenging me. “What is it that you think is going on here? You really think that we waited all these years to have a week alone so that we could be together again? Is that what you think?”

“Maybe it is!” I was standing my ground. If this was how I was going to lose her, I wasn’t just going to let her go without a fight. “He probably did this shit just to spite me for takin’ you away from him. That little prick probably…”

“Shut up, Colt! Just shut up! I can’t take this anymore. How could you think that about us?”

“Tell me you don’t love him, Savanna.” I needed to get away from them. She was protecting him and I couldn’t stand being around it. I felt like I was back under that tent hearing her accept his proposal, so long ago. It made me want to be sick.

“You know how I feel about, Ty and you know how I feel about you.”

“So we’re back to that? After all this time, we’re back to that?”

Ty moved to the front of Savanna and I was ready to battle. He put his hands up. “Before you go and ruin your marriage, I think you need to know something.” He looked back at Savanna. “He needs to know the truth, Van. Please don’t hate me.”

I prepared myself for the worst, but never expected what came out of his mouth.

“While you were out dealing with Noah, your wife got bad news. She called Miranda crying, but she left her phone home that day and I intercepted the call. I made her tell me what was wrong. Maybe it was wrong of me, but I knew she was alone and she’s my best friend. When I told Miranda, she made me come here to be with Van. I didn’t do shit with your wife except support her. Fuck you, Colt! Fuck you for thinking that after all this time, I would destroy our whole family like that.” He turned around and kissed Savanna on the cheek. “I’ll call you when my flight gets in. John’s picking me up from your parent’s house.”

He pushed past me, knocking his shoulder into mine. I was so worried about Savanna that I paid him no attention.

“What’s he talkin’ about?”

She sank down on the porch steps and cried harder. Instinctively, I sat down beside her and tried to put my arm around her. She moved her body when my hands touched her. It was clear that she was furious with me.

I sat there waiting for her to be able to tell me what was going on. I’d never considered that it could be something bad. I just assumed they were sneaking around behind my back.

“Savanna, please talk to me.”

She was still sobbing, but managed to get out one sentence. “The doctor found a lump in my breast.”

A knot formed in my throat and I could hear the severity in her voice. While I was away with our son, she had been going through hell. Every one of our phone calls had ended badly when she needed my support the most. How would I ever be able to make this up to her?

Chapter 23


As angry as I was at Colt for what’ he’d done to Ty, a part of me was so relieved to have him sitting there next to me. I’d wanted his support since this had all begun. He should have been there for me instead of his cousin. Now, poor Ty was going home with a black eye and hard feelings.

Colt put his head down when I told him what the doctor had found. I think the shock of what I’d said had finally calmed him down and brought the man back to reality. God knows, he had been way off base.

As I continued to try to calm myself down, Colt tried once again to put his arm around me. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and in this case, it was true. I leaned my head against him. “How bad is it darlin’? When are they goin’ to do a biopsy?”

“I had it done this morning. That’s why Ty was here. He took me to the doctors.”

“Oh, hell, Savanna. I didn’t know. I just thought he was tryin’ to take you from me.” I could tell he felt terrible and there was a part of me that wanted him to. He should have just talked to me, instead of losing his temper. No matter how old he got, some things just didn’t change.

“He was being there for me because he knew you couldn’t be, but it wasn’t because he wanted me for himself. Colt, I’ve known him practically my whole life. He’s my best friend.”

“He was your first love, darlin’. It’s hard for me to not think about that. It’s hard for me to know you still love him.” Colt looked in another direction. “It kills me to know he was here for you. I should have been here. Why didn’t you call me, Savanna? I never would have gone if I’d known.”

“You were taking care of our son, Colt. Just because something bad was happening to me, doesn’t mean we can just give up on our kids. I knew it was important to Noah and with the wedge between us, I couldn’t be the person to ruin it for him.” I wiped my face and took a few deep breaths. “I was just going to go through the tests alone. If it was nothing, than I didn’t want anyone else to have to worry about me. When I left the office and called Miranda, I was just so scared. Ty sensed it right away and wouldn’t leave me alone until I told him what was going on. Colt, I swear to you that there is nothing going on between us, but I don’t know how I would have gotten through this week without him. That’s why I didn’t ask him to leave.”

Colt’s phone started vibrating in his pants. He pulled it out and hit the ignore button. “It’s Miranda. I know she’s going to tear me a new ass. I don’t have time for that, right now. I can’t believe this is happenin’. You know I would have been here for you, Savanna. I can’t understand why you thought it was necessary to keep it from me. I don’t even care what I had goin’ on. This was more important than anything.” He covered his face with his hands for a second and then looked over at me. Those beautiful green eyes were watered up. “I’m so sorry, Savanna. I’d fall apart without you, darlin’. Nothin’ makes sense in my life if you’re not in it.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it. “What’s the doctor sayin’? How long until we get the results?”
