Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(57)
Author: Jennifer Foor

We should have gotten up and found cover.

We really should have.

Except, nothing mattered to us.

We were so caught up in what we’d just experienced that neither of us moved. He held me tight, kissing me frequently.

When the storm finally passed and the night sky cleared, Colt stood up, pulling me with him. He laughed, noticing just how filthy we both were. “What the hell just happened? I mean, did we really just f**k in a damn cornfield, for the second time?”

I laughed with him. “Yeah, we did. Maybe it’s our thing.”

He grabbed my clothes off the ground. They were too disgusting to put back on, but I at least needed a bra and panties. Colt helped me get them on. “I like it when you get like this.”


He shook his head. “No! Carefree. I love it when you let go, Savanna. It drives me wild.”

We started walking back hand in hand. “You know what I want?”

“Ice cream?”

I shook my head and stood in front of him. “No. I want to make love to you every time it rains.”

“I got news for you darlin’. That there had nothin’ to do with love and you know it.”

I backed away from him and giggled. “Fine. If you want to get all technical on me. I want you to f**k me every time it rains, Colt Mitchell.”

His eyes got huge and a wicked smile formed in the corner of his mouth. “I think we can work somethin’ out.”

Chapter 30


I think my hands were still shaking when we got back to Ty’s house. We were covered from head to toe in mud and had no explanation for our actions.

I had just opened the door, when Miranda and Ty stood in the kitchen with their mouths dropped. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves!” Ty scorned like he was a parent. He held up a finger and ran toward the back of the house. He came back with two towels and a bar of soap. “The pigs bathe out back at the hose!”

He shut the door right in my face.

Savanna started to giggle. “It’s better than his official walk of shame.”

“Yes, it is.”

The hose water came from a well, which meant it was colder than a hairless cat in the snow. Savanna screamed when I squirted her for the first time. After what we’d just done in the field, it sure was a buzz kill. We rinsed off enough mud to be able to walk into the warm house and not track any in. Our first step was to get a real shower. I had dirt in crevices of my body that even I couldn’t see.

Ty and Miranda were still in the kitchen when we came back in. He had her pinned against the counter and they were talking quietly amongst themselves. They turned to see us walking in. “We made up the guest room, but if you’d rather sleep out in the barn, that can be arranged.”

I flipped him the middle finger and walked right through the living room, with my wife in tow.

The warm shower was nice, and it was even nicer because I wasn’t in it alone. Savanna wrapped her arms around me as I washed her hair and placed kisses on her forehead. We’d just done something so out of our norm, but for some reason, it made me feel closer to her.

We stayed in the shower until the hot water started fading. The best part about that was knowing Ty still had to get a shower and it would be a cold one. After drying us both off, we went into the guest room and put on our pajamas. I had to admit, it was nice of Ty to bring our bags to his house, otherwise, we’d be wearing some crazy ass shit of his. The last time I’d borrowed something, he’d purposely given me all NCU printed clothing to be a prick. For Christmas, Savanna and I had bought him a Kentucky State hoodie. During one of their visits, he conveniently left it at our house.

Ty and Miranda were in the living room when we finally came out. They were staring at the television watching a murder mystery. When the music got intense, he jumped up and shook her, causing her to scream out loud. She smacked him. “Stop it! I hate that!”

Savanna sat down next to Ty and he scooted away from her. “I can still smell the sex on you two.”

She patted him on the leg as I sat down beside her. “Are you jealous?”


Miranda giggled.

“So, how about we talk about somethin’ else,” I suggested.

“Dude, what else is there to talk about? Our kids aren’t bothering us and I can’t wait to crawl into bed with her fine ass.” He grabbed Miranda’s thigh and squeezed it.

“I want to hear about Van’s surgery.” Miranda turned her attention to my wife. She sat Indian style and leaned back against her annoying husband.

“Well, it isn’t happening until after the round of radiation is complete. We wanted to make sure I was perfectly healthy before I underwent another surgical procedure. The doctor is going to remove both br**sts and then reconstruct new ones to take their place.”

“That’s where the tattoos come in, babe.” Ty added.

Savanna laughed. “Yeah, my ni**les will be removed and so they tattoo new ones on to look like normal ones. Of course they don’t have a point to them, but they look real enough. Besides, nobody sees them except Colt.”

Ty started waving his hands around. “Hold on, now! I think that I should be allowed a thirty second peek at what the new ni**les look like, just because I think they are f**king cool as shit.”

I cleared my throat. He was going to shit himself when he heard this. “If Savanna wants to show you, I will allow thirty seconds, from a distance of course.”

He got a sad face. “How will I see the detail if I have to be far away?”

Miranda smacked him. “Shut up! This is serious.”

“I know. I’m being very serious. It’s my life’s mission to see Van’s new tits. It’s only fair since I’ve seen her current ones.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “You know that line that you’re always crossin’?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll shut up.”

We started watching the movie and the room got quiet, but every so often Ty would ask some bazaar question.

“Are you going to go bigger? If I had a penis replacement, I’d go huge.”

Savanna burst into laughter. “You need to!”

“Hey now! Leave my little pecker out of this! Not everyone was born with a trunk like he was.” He pointed at me.

“It’s not little. It’s perfect if you ask me.” Miranda was trying to make him feel better.

Ty pretended to cry. “I’ll have you know that the average penis is five inches. I have at least two and a half inches on that. We can’t all be born with a horse cock.”
