Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(58)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“My brother has a horse cock, too. Well, that’s what Amy says. It must be from the mother’s side of the family.” Miranda informed us.

Ty stood up and put his hands on his hips. “That’s it! Me and my above average penis are going to bed!”

We all waved as he pouted his way out of the room.

The next morning, we woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Noah and Bella were sitting at the kitchen table across from Jake and Jax eating pancakes and bacon. Ty saw me walking in and handed me a plate of food. I looked down at my plate and then back up to Ty, who was all smiles. “Is there a reason all my pancakes look like a penis?”

Ty held up Miranda’s plate. She had the same thing. “They’re penis cakes, dude. If you don’t want them, then I’ll feed them to the dog. I worked extra hard on them, you know.”

I rolled one up with some butter and shoved it in my mouth. He watched me chew it up and swallow. “As much as I hate sayin’ this, I appreciate you takin’ care of my wife when I wasn’t there.”

“So, let me get this straight. You finally realized that I wasn’t trying to sleep with her?”

I looked at Miranda, who had her hands on her hips, waiting for an explanation. “Well?”

“I was wrong, alright. You need to put yourself in my shoes. It looked bad and you know it.” I heard the door shut and noticed the kids were gone. “Listen, I may have overreacted, but I had every right to suspect somethin’ was goin’ on. She was keepin’ things from me and ya’ll were actin’ weird.”

Savanna came into the room. “Enough, you two. I haven’t had my coffee and we are past this discussion. Let it go.”

We both turned and started eating our food.

My wife sat down with Miranda and they planned out the rest of our visit. She had been so excited about coming that she didn’t care if we all just sat around and did nothing the whole weekend.

We ended up setting up tents in Conner’s yard and letting the kids camp. Of course, us guys were chosen to sleep in the tents with the kids. We had three tents. One for the girls and one for the boys and one for us adults. That lasted a good ten minutes. The girls started crying and the boys started fighting. We ended up taking our own kids in a tent and sleeping that way.

While we babysat, the girls got to stay in the cool house and relax. I would have complained more, but Savanna deserved it.

By the time Sunday night came around, and we’d had another family meal, we hit the road for our long drive home. Savanna finally seemed relaxed. She played with my hand while I drove and gave me looks like she was content with the world. It made me happy to see her so calm.

We still had more ahead of us, but were hopeful that everything was really going to be okay.

The kids were so tired from playing, that they all fell asleep on the way home. Even Noah only lasted the first hour. He was soon asleep with ear buds stuck in his ears.

We didn’t get home until midnight that night. Savanna was tired and I was exhausted from driving. I couldn’t wait to climb into our soft bed and cuddle up next to her. She knew what my motives were. We helped all three children up to their rooms and got them tucked in before meeting in our room.

Savanna wrapped her arms around me. “Thanks for this weekend.”

I kissed her nose. “The trip, or what we did in the field?”

She giggled. “Both.”

I wiped her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ears. “Are you tired?”

She shrugged. “A little.”

I tugged at her shirt and lifted it over her head. She stood there in her bra, looking up at me. I reached down and tugged on her pants, pulling them and her underwear down at the same time. I leaned in and kissed the base of her pu**y, while looking up at her watching me. I could tell she was more tired than she was admitting to, so I stood up and removed her bra and then pulled her nightgown over her head.

Savanna looked at me like she was confused.

“Darlin’, I just want to hold you in my arms and go to sleep. If that’s alright with you, of course. I mean, if you want me to kiss it again, I won’t complain.”

She placed her hands on my chest and moved them up and down. “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

Savanna walked toward the bed, leading me by the hand. When we got to her side, she wrapped her arms around me and held me there. “Colt, I’m scared. I don’t want to get sick. It’s going to scare Noah and the girls and I can’t have them fearing me. I don’t want them seeing me weak.”

“You’re goin’ to be fine. You heard the doctor. He said that the radiation is going to be mild. You probably won’t get sick at all. Darlin’ I get that you’re worried, but the kids are goin’ to want their mother around. They ain’t goin’ to care if you got sick a couple of days to do it.”

She nodded and looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “We’re halfway there, ya know.”

“We can get through the rest. If I have to, I’ll have my mom take the kids to Disney again. By the time they get back, you’ll be feelin’ better. They’ll never know.”

“What if something bad happens?”

I got that she was afraid, but she was worrying about things that were set in place to make sure the cancer was gone. It was more important than anything, considering it was life and death. As upset as she was, there was not going to be any backing out. If I had to fight her, I would.

I grabbed her hands and kneeled down in front of her. “Listen to me and hear me good. You are going to get through this.”

She nodded. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She climbed under the covers and I climbed in behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “What would I do without you?”

“You never have to find out, because I ain’t goin’ anywhere and neither are you.”

Chapter 31


The next couple of weeks went by too quick, probably because I didn’t want to do the radiation treatment. Colt was getting used to taking care of the kids and helping out. I felt fine, but he insisted on keeping with his program until everything was over with. It was summer, so the kids had plenty of time to help him out.

For the most part, they did okay. I found myself sneaking behind them and picking up, or going into the laundry room and switching things over. I think I was so bored that I wanted things to do.

I’d never read so much or watched television, until it was all I had to do. I wasn’t surprised when Zeke and Piper were plastered all over the news. When he found out about her being pregnant by another man, he started going crazy. One day while she wasn’t at home, the news reported that he had her swimming pool filled with trash. They said he paid someone to drain it and dumb tons of trash in it, including some of her favorite belongings. They talked about how the divorce was going to get ugly. As sad as it was for a marriage to end, I couldn’t feel bad for them. He’d tried to drag my son into a publicity scam and left him scarred. If we never saw Zeke again, it would be too soon.
