Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(6)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Colt headed out about nine in the morning to do his daily checks on everything. I knew he’d be back by lunchtime, since we usually spent the afternoons in the office doing paperwork. When I needed someone to vent to, I called the salon, where Miranda and Amy would both be.

Scissor Sounds. Are you callin’ for a cut or color? Miranda had the cutest southern voice. I almost wanted to play like I was an old lady and set up a fake appointment.

It’s just me. How busy are you?

I just walked in. Amy is doin’ a foil treatment. What’s up?

You are never going to believe what happened. I still can’t believe it.

Are you goin’ to tell me or do I just have to hear you upset about it?

Sorry! Krista’s brother is back in town.

Krista? Like Noah’s Krista? I forgot all about that kid.

Yeah, and that’s not even the worst part.

Does he want to see Noah? Oh my God I know you are freakin’ out.

I’m not freaking out about that as much as the fact that Krista’s brother changed his name. He goes by Zeke Marlo now.

Why does that name sound familiar?

Because he is the lead singer and guitarist for that rock band that Conner is so crazy about.

Shut up! Are you for real?

Can you not be so excited about it? I called you for moral support.

Sorry. It’s just…well he’s famous. It’s kind of cool.

Not when he and his wife are recovering addicts.

Noah doesn’t have to know that. He’ll just be excited about meetin’ his famous uncle. Wait! Am I supposed to be against it all together?


So an autograph is out of the question?

Amy is so much better at being on my side! You suck!

Sorry. Can you at least tell me why we are against it?

Just because! I mean, what if he wants to go stay with him? What if they have booze and pills all over the place? What if he wants to be a rocker or dye his hair black and pierce his face up? My God, Colt will have a heart attack and die.

I think you are reading too much into this. Maybe he just wants to meet Noah because he is the only family he has left. Just because he looks different than us, doesn’t mean he is a terrible guy. He was always a nice kid. I’m not sayin’ that he hasn’t changed, but at least let them meet. You never know. Noah might get freaked out and not want to see him again.

I’m a horrible mother.

No! You’re a great mother who is worried about her son going in the wrong direction. It’s good that you care. Listen Van, Noah is a smart kid. He knows you and Colt love him to death. Just take some deep breaths and be positive about the visit. The more negative you are, the more he will want to do it. I know it’s hard, but you have to try.

It makes me feel like I am losing him. I respect Krista for having him and being his mother, but she’s gone and I have been that boy’s mother since he came to live with us. I love him like he is my own flesh and blood. He helped me get through one of the hardest points in my life. I can’t imagine not having him.

He isn’t going anywhere. He loves you. You know that.

I better go, Addy will be up from her nap soon.

Okay. I love you. Deep breaths and call me if you need me.

Love you, too!

I felt a little better after we hung up, but I was still worried.

Once Addy woke up from her nap, we headed out to the grocery store. It took me forever to get everything on the list for dinner, since I had no idea how to even pronounce some of the foods.

While standing in line at the checkout, I noticed Zeke was on the cover of two tabloid magazines. I threw both of them on the counter and paid for them with my groceries. If this man was going to be around my kids, I wanted to know everything about him.

When I had all of the groceries loaded into the SUV, and my daughter in her booster seat with a cookie, I opened up the first magazine and started reading. Addy started to whine, so I turned on a video of a dancing purple dinosaur and she calmed down. As much as I hated hearing those songs over and over, they sure did calm my child down. She missed it when her sister went to kindergarten. She only had preschool three days a week.

The first tabloid paper was a picture of Zeke, surrounded by two half dressed bimbos. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a bottle of booze was in his hand that was hanging over the shoulder of one of the girls. It made me cringe to think about my almost eleven year old idolizing this guy. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with bands and music until he was at least in middle school.

After reading the whole three page article, I learned that Zeke owned a couple of houses. This particular picture that I was looking at had been taken at his L.A. property. Apparently, while his wife went on some tour with other recovering addicts to talk to teens in different cities, he was busy living it up without her.

One of the women were claiming that he fathered her unborn child.

I felt nauseous that someone his age could still be so irresponsible. He made Ty look like a saint, that’s for sure.

I put that magazine down and grabbed the next one. This particular magazine was well known and all about musicians. Zeke and his band were on the cover, wearing only pants. They were all covered in tattoos, and not the pretty kind, like Colt had. Two of the members had one side of their heads shaved. They had their tongues out and were holding up live rats like they were going to eat them whole. Zeke had his arms crossed and was looking over with a sly grin on his face. He rubbed me the wrong way and it wasn’t just because I was being a selfish mother.

I opened the article and read about all the members and what they had come from. Zeke met the twins while doing a show in New Orleans. Once the three of them got together, they were signed and added the last two members. The story went on to talk about how fame had caused the band to have troubles. All of the after parties, the drugs, the booze and the women, had created a group of men that barely had working livers.

It went into each member in detail, finally ending with Zeke being the last. I read all about his alcoholic father and what he went through as a kid, relying on just his sister to be fed each day. They talked about his first wife and how she couldn’t handle the lifestyle any longer. He’d met his second wife at one of his rehab trips and they’d had a very public affair, not caring who knew or how many people they hurt.

It went on to say how he and his wife had reconciled and they were seen at a fertility clinic. The article was claiming that a child would calm down the troubled star. I thought the article was crap. You can’t bring a baby into that kind of environment to act as some sort of last result therapy. It appalled me.
