Read Books Novel

Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(60)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Due to the extent of my surgery, I had to stay in the hospital overnight. This time, the kids were all allowed to come visit. By dinner time, my room was filled with flowers and little visitors.

It was the first time that the girls had really been in a hospital, so they were very curious about what machine did what. After sharing my pudding and my bed, I had to hug them goodbye when visiting hours ended.

This time, Colt didn’t spend the night. I was fine being alone for one night, while he was home with the kids. Noah offered to stay with me. If he would have been allowed, I probably would have let him. I never should have doubted his devotion to me. His love radiated off of him and we’d never been closer. I could sense that he still felt bad about what happened between us. It seemed like so long ago and we’d all decided to leave the past in the past.

When they got home they all called to say goodnight. Colt wouldn’t get much sleep with two kicking girls in bed with him. He said the last time, he woke up and had a foot in his mouth and a knee in his nuts. While I laughed, I think he felt the pain as he talked about it.

Between being uncomfortable and the nurses coming in to check out my drains, I didn’t get much sleep either. When morning came and Colt arrived, I was ready to roll out of there. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my release papers until later that afternoon.

The kids made signs and the house was sparkling clean when we got home. Colt’s mother had made her famous fried chicken. I could smell it as soon as we got out of the truck.

After dinner, the family headed out, leaving us with three wound up kids and a lot of leftovers. Colt and the kids formed an assembly line in the kitchen. One person washed, one dried and the other two put the dishes away. It was actually cute to watch them working together.

I wasn’t exactly sore. It was more like I felt tight. My chest was wrapped up and it had to stay that way for a couple of days. I’d never cared much about my br**sts until I had the new ones to look at. I didn’t know that they swelled up double in size.

Colt and I got the biggest surprise when he unwrapped me to check on my drains. I was huge. His eyes were fixed on them, like he’d never seen boobs before. I actually had to wave my hand in front of him to get his attention. “Hello?”

He grabbed my arms. “You know that I would never ask somethin’ like this if it wasn’t necessary.”

I knew what he wanted and for some reason, I didn’t even get offended. “Go get your phone and take the picture.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

Colt smiled the whole time he was sending Ty the picture. “I told him you went up a couple sizes. He won’t know they’re just swollen.”

“They’re more than swollen. I look like I have cantaloupe br**sts and they feel like them too.” They were hard and tender. “We better get them wrapped back up. I don’t want them pointing in opposite directions.”

We laughed as Colt put the bandages back on. We’d no sooner finished when his phone started ringing. Colt answered and put it on speaker.

Why didn’t you tell me you were going so big? Holy shit you’re huge!

I hope you enjoy the picture. This counts as your thirty second show, cuz.

Colt ended the call and ignored it when it rang again. He turned it on vibrate and walked me over to our bed. “He won’t stop calling, you know.”

“I don’t give a shit. I ain’t answerin’ him. There’s more important things to do.” He covered me up and kissed me slowly on the lips. “If you weren’t so sore, I’d be all over those new titties.”

I was a little weirded out by the tattooed ni**les. From afar they looked so real, even three dimensional. To feel them was different. They were flat and it was just going to be something to get used to. It was a good thing that my breast feeding days were over.

“Trust me, as soon as I feel up to it, I’ll let you do whatever you want with these new titties.” I laughed at myself for using the same word he had used.

He reached his hand between my legs and started rubbing me. “I’m so turned on right now, we may need to think of other ways to solve this problem.”

I reached over and stuck my hand down his boxers. “I think I have some ideas.”

Chapter 32


Savanna was sore for a good two weeks. She did her best to try and do as much as she could, no matter how many times I told her I could handle it. I reckon she just had her way of doing things. Try as I might, I couldn’t get her system down.

About two months after her mastectomy, and almost four months since her initial lump was removed, we were sitting in her doctor’s office waiting on results.

We knew she would have to be tested frequently, but it’s hard to prepare when you don’t know what will happen.

I held my wife’s hand and waited for the doctor to come in the room. She was shaking and maybe I was too. It was scary. Someone can be fine one day and dying the next.

When he came in and told us that she was still cancer free, I think I took the biggest breath of my life. Savanna started to cry tears of joy. Sure, this was just our first of many tests, but so far she was beating it.

I wanted her to be able to live to experience the dream she had of our daughter being married. When I married Savanna, I wanted nothing more than to grow old with her. I would do whatever I had to do, to make that happen.

We took the kids out to celebrate the good news, but only Noah knew why. The look on his face was priceless and I don’t think his mother expected him to react the way he did. Noah threw his arms around her and just wouldn’t let go.

When things finally settled down again, after a couple of days, I wanted to do something special for my wife. Since I normally worked in the office for a couple hours each day, she never came in to see what I was up to. It was a good thing, because planning a vacation wasn’t a fast process.

I wanted it to be perfect, and to do that, I had to make sure every detail was precise.

It was hard waiting until the paperwork was delivered. I had it sent to my mother’s house, so Savanna wouldn’t open it and get the shock of her life without me.

After letting my mother in on my idea, she agreed to take the kids for the night. It wasn’t like I had to beg. The women would have watched them every day if I wanted her to.

I told Savanna that I had to run into town to get supplies for the ranch. Instead, I went to buy flowers and pick up food from her favorite restaurant. She was under the impression that I was bringing home Chinese, so you can imagine the look on her face when I opened up two containers of filet minion.
