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Blinding Trust

Blinding Trust (Mitchell Family #7)(61)
Author: Jennifer Foor

She put her hands over her mouth. “Oh, wow, what is this?”

“Let’s go sit down and I’ll tell you.”

I could see the burning excitement in her eyes and it was great because she had no idea what was going on.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed two plates and opened the bottle of wine I’d purchased. Savanna was sitting at the dining room table waiting for me. I was trying to be romantic, but I wasn’t exactly good at it. I couldn’t find fancy candles, so I lit a scented one. The room filled with the scent of hazelnut coffee. Savanna laughed at my attempts, but anxiously waited for me to spill.

Once I poured our wine, I held up my glass. “I’d like to make a toast.”

She put her glass up. “Okay.”

“To our future!”

She sipped on her wine, while I put our food on our plates. “Are we celebrating my health, because I feel like you’re up to something?”

She knew me too well. “Maybe I am.”

She sat her fork down. “Colt Mitchell, you better tell me. You know I hate secrets.”

“It’s a good one, I teased.”

I loved seeing her excited. She’d been through so much. "I was goin’ to wait until dessert to tell you. Since you obviously can’t wait that long, I guess I have to spill." I walked over to where I had hidden the envelope. She saw me sit back down and looked puzzled. "I was thinking that it would be fun for us to get out of town for a while." "Are we going to Disney?" "This would be without the kids." "Oh." I pushed the envelope over. "I had this idea. Open it up and see what you think." "Oh my goodness. Are these real tickets? " "Of course they’re real." I sorted out the papers and pointed. "I booked the same room we stayed in on our honeymoon. I figured we could make all that happen again." She started to cry. "This is the most perfect idea you’ve ever had.”

“When do we leave?”

“In two weeks. My mom is goin’ to take the kids and between her and your parents they will be taken care of. In fact, I doubt they will even miss us.”

She got up from her chair and walked over to wrap her arms around me. “I plan on thanking you for this amazing trip the whole time we’re away.”

I kissed her softly. As she pulled away and opened her eyes, I saw her smiling. “Darlin’, you can start thankin’ me right now.”

She started laughing like I was joking. I shook my head and let out a chuckle. “I ain’t kiddin’.”

“Yeah, I know you’re not.” She sat back down at her seat and took another bite. “You can’t buy me my favorite food and expect me to abandon it. Don’t worry, Colt. I have all night to satisfy your every desire.”

I started getting hard just hearing her say it. Every since she’s been diagnosed, she’d become freaky. Making love was like a natural nerve pill for her. The more she did it, the less stress she seemed to be under. Far be it from me to stop her. I was loving every minute of it.

We continued celebrating, by taking the bottle of wine upstairs with us. The dishes had to wait until morning, because neither one of us were leaving the bedroom.

Savanna became self conscious about her br**sts right after the surgery. I think it was the tattoos that made her feel uncomfortable. To be honest, you couldn’t even tell unless you were right up on them. When I licked them, there just wasn’t hardness at the ends. It didn’t matter to me if she never even had the reconstructive surgery. I would have still been turned on by her simple smile. Her ass was always my favorite thing anyway. That woman could bend over and I’d want to hit it. Still, to this day, she had me begging.

I still had one more surprise up my sleeve and I knew she wasn’t expecting it. We were naked, in our bedroom, sprawled across the bed in a heated moment. I pulled my lips away from hers and brushed her cheek with my thumb. “I have to ask you somethin’, darlin’.”

“Anything,” she whispered.

I slid off the bed and reached under the mattress. “I will love you forever, Savanna Mitchell. When I said our vows, I meant every single word.” I grabbed her hands and held them. “I just think that after all we’ve been through, maybe it would be nice to do something for us.”

“You mean, besides the trip?”

“Savanna Mitchell, will you do me the honor of marryin’ me again?” Her mouth dropped when I slid the anniversary band onto her ring finger.

She wrapped her arms around me. “I might have to think about it,” she teased.

“Don’t think too long. The family will be here next weekend to watch us do it.”

She looked down at the ring again and smiled. “I guess I can go through with it again. I mean, you’re pretty much the best man to ever exist on the planet.”

“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

“Hell, yes!”

“Noah and the girls are going to give you away.”

She looked surprised. “You’ve already told them?”

“Well, I didn’t think you’d say no.” She cuddled up next to me and stared at her new ring. “Just so you know ahead of time, Miranda and Amy are already fightin’ over how you should wear your hair. You’d think this was our first rodeo.”

“You know how they are.”

“Speaking of women, I have enlisted our girls to do the decorating this time. They did such a fantastic job with Joe and Barbie’s wedding, that I just know they will make ours perfect. Well, with paper flowers and glitter, of course.”

“Oh boy, that sounds scary.” She giggled.

“It’s going to be. Have you even tried to clean up glitter? The shit sticks to everything.” I was thinking about banning it from our house.

She laughed at me again. “I appreciate how hard you worked to keep up with everything while I was sick. I mean, it must have been hard doing things you never had to do before.”

“I never realized how hard you worked, until I had to do it all myself. Being a mother is a full time job. It never ends either. When I get home, my job is done, but your job is like being on call twenty four seven. You’re my idol, because there is no way I could do it every day. You’re an amazin’ woman.”

Savanna smiled as she ran her hands down my chest. She continued until she had my length in her grasp. “How about we stop all this talking and you show me just how amazing you think I am?”
