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Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(11)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. From the moment I’d seen her across the club, I knew that I’d have her tonight. With my hand firmly gripping her hip, and the other braced on the wall beside her head, I caged her in, bringing my body in close to hers without touching. I focused on the heat raging between us, the unspoken promise of a night full of passion and satisfaction. This moment was partly to make it known that she was safe with me, but also to keep her off balance.

Moving my hand from the door, I pulled out my gold VIP key from my pocket and unlocked the door behind me. Wrapping my arm around her back, I eased the door open, guiding her body backwards into the room while slamming my mouth down onto hers. This time she met me stroke for stroke. We both lost ourselves in the kiss—sensual, erotic, and hot as f**king hell.

A growl rumbled in my chest as she tightened her grip in my hair, fisting the strands as if her life depended on it and I was her anchor. My lust soared and before I knew it the door was slammed shut behind us and her back was flat against it as I devoured every inch of exposed skin—her neck, her collarbone, that delightful spot below a woman’s ear that has them trembling every single time.

Mustering all the self-control I had, I ripped my mouth away from her, nipping a trail along her jaw before reaching her ear, deciding it was time to tell her exactly what I had planned for our time together. “You’re so f**king hot, baby doll. I can’t wait to have your ass warm from my hand. To have you laid out before me, begging to be f**ked.”

I trailed my tongue down her neck, sinking my teeth into the delicate skin of her neck. There was something about Mac that pushed all my Dom buttons. The moment that I felt her body melt into mine, submitting to me, I soared. I murmured my appreciation of her body, promising to make her come hard, multiple times, promises I had every intention of following through on. I slipped my fingers between the mesh fabric of her dress, sweeping it slowly down her shoulder, drawing out the experience for both of us, exposing the expanse of her creamy skin to my hungry gaze. I followed suit with the other shoulder until the dress pooled at her feet, following the trail of the material with soft nips and open mouth kisses down her arm and back up again until I could use my tongue to trace a wet line across the curve of her surging br**sts. Drawing out this part of a scene always amped up the anticipation for both of us, and Mac was as much about anticipation and delayed gratification as I was. At this stage she was gasping, her breaths coming out in short pants. It was f**king sexy to see a woman so responsive to my touch, my mouth, and it only bode well for the moment I sunk my c**k eight inches deep inside of her.

“Hands on the door. Don’t move,” I commanded as I dragged my hands up to cradle her bare br**sts, swiping my thumbs across her straining ni**les through the silky material covering them. Mac’s raspy moan echoed around the room like erotic music to my ears. “Fucking beautiful, baby doll,” I murmured low and deep, hooking my fingers inside the corset and roughly pulling it down, exposing her naked br**sts to my feasting eyes. With a lack of control I could not rationalize at the time, I dipped my mouth to taste her skin before sucking the straining peaks deeply into my mouth, raking my teeth gently against the sensitive skin.

Arching her back into my hands and mouth, I pressed her hard nub firmly between my tongue and the roof of my mouth, increasing the pressure until I heard a gratifying moan. I pulled away, moving a few steps back and staring at her, my eyes half open and full of heat as I took the opportunity to take her in.

“We need to get these clothes off,” I spat out before grabbing her dress gathered at her waist and tugging it down her legs until she was left standing half naked in front of me. My mouth watered. Left in nothing but the sexiest corset I’d ever seen and strappy black heels, she was just as exquisite as I knew she’d be.

Then as luck would have it, my night got even better when she lost her head and pulled her hands off the door, forgetting my command to leave them there. Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she pulled her body tight against mine. Unable to resist, I buried my mouth in her neck and trailed one hand down the side of her body, gliding past her hip before finding my target, the warm soaking wet crevice between her legs.

“Oh, baby doll, you’re so wet for me. Such a shame that you disobeyed,” I said, my voice low and menacing. “My hand is going to warm your ass until you’re begging me to be inside you.” She moaned encouragingly and I had to reel the desire to busy myself deep inside her then and there.

Not leaving her any time to absorb what I’d just promised to do to her, I grabbed her hand and led her over to the black leather, one-seater chair. I sat down, leaving her standing naked before me. My c**k was pulsing hard against my slacks and I didn’t miss Mac licking her lips at the sight. As her eyes traveled down my body, I cleared my throat, causing her eyes to snap back to mine. I couldn’t hold back a grin; my affect on her was written all over her face. She wanted this just as much if not more than I did, and f**k, if that wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d seen in a long time.

“Now would be the time to change your mind, Mac. Otherwise, in less than thirty seconds I’m going to have your bare ass lying across my lap, and my hand stinging from the hard spanking I intend to give you,” I stated, quirking my brow in an unspoken challenge.

What happened after that proved to me that Mac was every bit the submissive I’d hoped she’d be. She acquiesced beautifully, the giving over of her body and mind to me all the more gratifying. It was a gift that I honored every time we were together in the twelve months following.

She reminds me a lot of my Sammy actually. When Mac and I were together, she bloomed under my strong hand and commanding nature. She told me once that it was one of the most powerful releases she had ever had, and she relished the freedom she felt by walking into my private room at the club and leaving all decisions at the door. The only decision she had to make was putting her hand in mine the first night we met. Something she did willingly. It was sexy as hell.

What made me more proud was when Makenna called me over to her house to let me know that she had finally let herself fall for a man, something she had previously never allowed herself to do. Our relationship was never about a long term commitment. There were no feelings beyond friendship and healthy sexual chemistry.

But now, seeing my Sammy has me contemplating taking my own advice, the same guidance I gave Makenna eight months ago.

“Whatever happened in the past belongs in the past. Learn from it, grow, and move on. Don’t let it determine your future.”
