Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(30)
Author: B.J. Harvey

And f**k if I’m not looking forward to taking her again.


I open my eyes to the wide, hard expanse of Sean’s chest under me. His chest rises and falls softly as he sleeps soundly, and the overwhelming sense of comfort I feel surges through me.

I did it. It wasn’t a dream last night when I gave up fighting and went to his office, giving myself to this man that has been invading my thoughts and feelings for the past few weeks. I shift my body slightly, feeling his arm resting gently on my bare hip, my leg lying on top of his like it is just another morning, an everyday occurrence. My hand is positioned on top of his heart, the steady staccato beat vibrating through my fingers. His smooth, warm skin calls for me to run my hand over him, to explore his hard sculpted body once again.

“Good morning,” he huskily murmurs from above. I jerk my head up and meet his half open blue eyes that are filled with heat, immediately igniting my desire for this gorgeous man.

I smile up at him. “Morning.”

“How are you feeling?” he asks, lifting his arms across his body and smoothing my wayward hair off my face.

“I’m good,” I whisper as I give in to temptation and flex my fingers against him. “It wasn’t a dream.”

His lips tip up, “No, Sammy. Definitely not a dream. No regrets?”

“None. Well, maybe one …”

His brows lift up in surprise, “One?”

I softly laugh at his reaction. He’s obviously thinking the worst. “No, not this. Not at all. It was probably the easiest decision I’ve made in a long time. I’m just sorry that I fell asleep last night …”

“Well, now that we can make up for.” He cups my cheek with his hand and lowers his mouth, slowly kissing my lips, his tongue making gentle languid strokes against mine as my body melts into his. Lifting my leg higher, I brush my thigh against his hard c**k and my pu**y tightens in anticipation. He groans into my mouth as our kiss amps up, my tongue submitting to his as his fingers dig into my hips, his palm hardening against my jaw as he attacks my mouth with renewed hunger. I pull away slightly from his mouth, now panting as my hips instinctively rock against his side.

“I need to be inside you, Sammy, more than I need my next breath. I need to make love to you, assure myself that you’re really here with me, in my bed.” His hand trails down my neck, moving down to my breast as he cups its weight and runs his thumb across my hard nipple. “I need you … to feel your thighs clench around my shoulders as I taste you. I need to feel your pu**y clench around my c**k as I enter you again, I need to make every inch of your body mine … to make you come hard around me. I want to hear you cry out my name as I move inside you.”

Fuck! I need that and more. “Yes. I want you. Make my body yours again, Sean.”

“With f**king pleasure, darling.”

I whip his tee off my body before he swiftly rolls over me, laying his hard body on top of mine, and my thighs which instantly open to accommodate his stiff cock. He kisses me hard and fast again, his tongue exploring my mouth with a hunger that I’ve craved for way too long. He completely overtakes me with his ravenous hunger, tasting and taking my mouth with a heat I’ve only been able to dream about. He shifts his body lower and peppers my neck with open mouthed kisses, nipping gently, then soothing with a swirl of his tongue moving down again, taking a pebbled nipple in his mouth while his hand gently squeezes the other breast. I moan with pleasure as electric pulses run directly down to my pu**y, its slick wetness preparing me for his most welcome invasion.

“Sean,” I moan as he looks up at me through hooded eyes, placing more kisses as his mouth travels lower over my stomach until he is head height with my pulsing clit. Hooking his fingers underneath the waistband of the boxers I’m wearing, he slowly drags them down my thighs before throwing them over his shoulder and slowly gliding his hands back up until I’m a writhing mess, panting embarrassingly as he spreads my thighs wide then moves his thumbs to open me as he takes in my bare lady garden. With a sly grin and his eyes locked with mine, he darts his tongue out and circles my clit, sending a full body shudder through me.

My hands automatically grab his head, my fingers tangling in his hair and firmly holding him against me. “Uh-uh,” he says, wrapping his hands around my wrists and pulling them to the bed, holding them firmly in place as he continues to lap at me, circling and sucking, licking me end to end as my body sings with desire. My heart races, knowing that I have to take whatever he gives me, feel whatever he wants me to feel. My belly tightens as my climax rushes me, and the moment Sean wraps his lips around my clit and sucks hard, I shatter into a million pieces.

“Sean! Shit! Fuck! Oh, my godddddd!” I scream as my back arches, my hips holding firm against his mouth. He gently eases back and softly licks my slit backward and forward, the sensation drawing out the waves of ecstasy as I return to earth. I’m in a haze as he moves up my body, dragging his weight against me as I feel his smooth steel c**k inch closer to my core.

He kisses my lips and moves my hands up the side of our bodies and over my head, never letting go as he secures them in one of his own. The sweet taste of my come on his lips spins me into a frenzy as I wrap my legs around his hips, and pull his body hard against mine. I moan as he runs his hard length against me

“Pleaaasssseeee …” I groan.

“Shit!” he curses as he rests his head against my forehead and stills his torturous movements.

Unable to touch him with my hands, I lift my chin to kiss his jaw tenderly. “What’s wrong? Don’t stop.”

He lifts his head and looks straight at me, his eyes still dark with lust but also soft and gentle. “I’ve got no protection here. It’s downstairs in my wallet.” I swear he blushes with embarrassment. My big bad Dom embarrassed? Never thought I’d see the day. He goes to get off me and I wrap my legs around his hips, pinning him in place and start giggling.

After staring at me in disbelief, his grimace turns into a smirk. “What are you laughing at?”

It takes a few moments to compose myself. “I’ve got an implant, and I always use condoms, but I trust you, Sean …” I look up at him, my expression turning serious as I realize how big of a step this is. This is the most vulnerable I have been with him, the most open, trusting, and willing. He nods once and lowers his body, bringing his lips back to mine, keeping his eyes wide open as he lovingly explores with his tongue, nipping my bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth.
