Read Books Novel

Blissful Surrender

Blissful Surrender (Bliss #3)(34)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Fuck, yeah.”

“I love that dirty mouth of yours,” he mutters as he dumps some money on the table and leads me out the café’s front door and toward his condo.

As soon as the door closes behind me, I’m pushed hard against the back of it. His hands slide into my hair and tugs gently as he crashes his mouth down on mine and thrusts his tongue inside. My rigid body automatically relaxes under his touch, my hands gripping his shoulders as I struggle to match him stroke for stroke. My heart pounds in my chest and my ni**les throb as he presses me even harder against the wooden door. He bends down slightly, pressing his stone hard c**k against my clit as I moan loudly in his mouth.

“Fuck, I need to be inside you. I need to feel you on my c**k as I f**k you senseless.” His crude words send waves of lust through me as I stand there, pinned by his body, my hips taking on a life of their own as they rock back and forth against his cock. He trails his mouth down my neck, alternating between gentle scrapes of his teeth and firm sucking of my delicate skin. “Take me to bed, Sean.”


He runs his hands down my back, hooking them under my ass and lifting me up. With nothing else to do, I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on as he effortlessly carries me up the stairs to the living room which is filled with bright sunlight, the wall of windows illuminating the room. “Screw the bed, I can’t wait that long,” he mutters as I bury my face in his neck, desperate to taste him in whatever way I can. He lays me down on the gray leather couch, holding me close as he glides his c**k between my legs with hard, and purposefully slow, torturing thrusts. A reminder of what he’s got and how much he knows I want it.

He slides down my body and kneels at my feet, throwing my shoes off, then undoing the fly of my jeans before gently pulling the denim down my legs. His change from rough to gentle muddles my brain as I struggle to keep up with the different sensations he’s treating my body to. Suddenly, his mouth is on me, starting with my toes, then an open mouthed kiss on the arch of my foot, his hands caressing my skin as they move up my now parted legs. I close my eyes, trying to absorb the experience of Sean on his knees worshipping my body. I feel his warm breath on my shaking thighs as he grips my hips and trails his tongue along the crease of my hip, so close to where my body aches for him to be. He repeats himself on the other side, his hands holding my hips down as they threatened to buck up against him.

“Patience, Sammy. You know …”

His voice tapers off as he runs his nose down the length of my wet slit. Even through my underwear there is no way in hell he can’t feel the damp material and smell just how much I’m aching for him. One of his hands moves, and with a growl and a rip, my panties are gone and Sean’s tongue is buried deep inside me, his fingertips biting into my skin in a delicious contrast as he devours my pu**y like a starved man.

“Fuck, Sean!” I cry out as he shifts his attention to my swollen clit and grates his teeth across the sensitive nerves, bringing my body to spasms as he sucks hard. My body is running head first into a mind-bending climax. I’m unable to speak as I fall flat on my back and trust that Sean will take care of me.

And he does.

His mouth lifts off me as two thick fingers spear inside of me. I moan in ecstasy as he pulls out and adds a third. “Fuck, I love your pu**y, Sammy. So wet, so eager. You’re gripping my fingers so tight. I can’t wait to feel you grab hold of my cock.” I’m a panting mess now, my breathing short and labored as I struggle to not come. Sean’s hand grabs mine and strokes my clit with my outstretched finger.

“Take yourself there, Sammy. I want to watch you make yourself come while my tongue is buried deep in your pu**y. Do it now, Sammy.” Then his fingers are replaced with his tongue and I’m too far gone to care that I’m masturbating in front of this domineering man. I lift my head and meet his eyes which are watching my fingers rub my clit desperately, then I come – hard, screaming Sean’s name like an epitaph as he licks and sucks my pu**y, tasting my climax as I slowly come back down to earth.

He stands and shrugs off his shirt and pants at the same time I sit up and throw my tee and bra off onto the floor. As I lean back into the couch, my eyes are drawn down his toned hard body to his cock. When I look back up at his face I’m met with a knowing smirk.

“I think you’ve had your fun, it’s my time now.” His voice is low, commanding, calling to me on an instinctive level that I had so missed over the years.

“Yes,” I whisper, my throat tight in anticipation of the promise of what Sean can do to me, the way he can make me feel. I can’t resist him.

I sit up in front of him, needing to touch him. Running my palms over his arms and around his hips, my mouth descends on his cock. I run my tongue across the head, the taste of this man intoxicating. Gripping him with my hand at the base, I wrap my lips around him and suck hard on the tip before lowering down the length of him and sucking my way back up again.

“Fuck, Sammy. I’m no saint and I’m definitely not a superhero with stamina of steel. I need my c**k inside you now! ” he grates out, grabbing my forearms and lifting me up to my feet, attacking my mouth with an unleashed hunger.

I can do nothing but hold on for dear life as his tongue plunders my mouth. I try to keep up with him, but my mind and body are on different wavelengths. My brain wants to take my time and get my fill of this man, but my body wants everything now. In particular, his rather large cock. Inside me.

Stretching me.

Filling me.

He pulls away, his hot body against mine too much for my orgasm addled brain. “We don’t need safe words, we don’t need anything. You say stop, I stop. You say no, I stop. But unless you state otherwise, I’m going to give you exactly what you need, Sammy. I want you to bend over and hold onto the couch and not let go.”

My heart races and my breathing hitches as his words, his voice … fuck, everything surges through me. This! This is what Sean offers me, why we click. Why no other man has ever measured up. My knees are shaky as I follow his instructions, leaning over the couch and gripping the back tightly as I stand there with my back to him, the anticipation of what he’s going to do next threatening to drive me insane. Biting my lip, I look over my shoulder to find him standing directly behind me, looking at me, watching me, and f**k is it hot. The scorching heat in his gaze warms me all over. “Please, Sean. I need something,” I plead wantonly.
