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Born in Chains

Born in Chains (Men in Chains #1)(21)
Author: Caris Roane

Just as Night Candy threw her arms wide and started to launch backward, Adrien whipped into the air, grabbed Lily, and pulled her off the woman.

He hovered above the floor, holding Lily in a tight grip as she flailed, arms and legs thrashing wildly. “I’ll strangle her. Let me go, Adrien. I’ll kill her for touching you like that!”

By now Night Candy stood by the door, shaking as she put her top back on. Her red wig was askew so that her fake hair covered one eye. “What gives, Adrien? Oh, my God, she’s bound to you. What the hell did you call me for when you’ve basically got your own permanent donor?”

Lily had started to settle down, though she released a hiss now and then. “Sorry, Candy, my sweet. Send me the bill, double the usual fee, but you’d better leave. She’s winding up again.”

Night Candy smirked. “’Cuz you called me ‘my sweet.’” She laughed as she blew him a kiss. “Au revoir, my sweet.”

As soon as the door closed, Adrien crossed the room with Lily now hanging from his arms, still facing away from him, and panting hard. He reset the alarm then turned to lean his back against the door.

This was not what he’d expected. He’d thought to punish Lily a little; instead he’d set off some kind of crisis that involved Lily taking on more of a vampire persona than he would have ever predicted.

She’d acted like a jealous girlfriend, ready to fight any woman who dared to get near her man. Very vampire.

And the whole damn thing turned him. He looked down at the back of her head and knew exactly what he was going to do. “You’d better get ready for me, human.”


Lily sat on the floor, her body on fire. Heat coursed through her veins, and her temple throbbed. She couldn’t blink. She could only sit and stare at nothing, her body a cauldron, her vein thumping in her neck as though, despite every human protest her mind threw at her, nothing mattered right now, not one damn thing, except feeding Adrien, in any way he needed to be fed.

He grabbed her beneath her arms and jerked her to her feet, then whirled her to face him. He started ripping her clothes off.

She grunted and helped, tearing at his shirt and sinking her teeth into his shoulder as he worked his pants down.

Once they were both sufficiently undressed, he pushed her up against the wall, shoved her legs wide, then penetrated her. She took him in, as hungry as he was, needing him deep, needing the sex, and needing it now.

He thrust to seat himself and once he fit inside her, she bared her neck. He licked the skin over her vein in long, wet sensual swipes. She didn’t think she could ache more than she did right now.

“Do it.”

He ground his hips against her and she groaned.

His fangs struck, and he drank her down while he thrust into her, moving his hips faster and faster as he sucked on her neck. His speed, vampire-fast, caused her to cry out. She threw her arms around his neck and held on as ecstasy grabbed her and took her on a ride, her body writhing against his, pleasure sweeping through and taking her into the stratosphere.

She hated him, who he was, but she needed him, needed this, because she was bound to him, because she felt the depth of his starvation and need, and she wanted to be the one to satisfy him.

Though the rational part of her brain told her this made no sense, this giving of her blood, this allowing his body to possess her, she couldn’t blame the chains alone for what she was experiencing, the bald nature of her need, the depth of her desire. From the first, even before she’d put the chain on him, she’d experienced a profound attraction to the man.

He slowed his movements, and that’s when she felt that he trembled from head to foot and drank from her unsteadily. He was still hard. He hadn’t come.

Your blood. Lily, your blood. My God.

Had she heard him? Was that his voice, his words, in her head?

Adrien? she responded with her mind, wondering if she was just hearing things.

His body stilled completely and he drew away from her, his lips red-rimmed, his brows drawn into a tight frown.

He met her gaze, his hips quiet though he remained inside her.

What did you say? His mind to hers. Did you say my name?

She hadn’t been mistaken then. I spoke your name because you called to me. You said, ‘Your blood. Lily, your blood.’ I heard you. Aloud, she said, “I heard all of that. Say it out loud so that I know we’re talking about the same thing, that I’m not just imagining this.”

“From my mind to yours, I said, ‘Lily, your blood, My God.’”

“Yes, you did.”

“You shouldn’t be able to do this telepathically.”

“It’s the blood-chain. It has to be.”

He nodded. His gaze fell to her mouth and she forgot her animosity. She just wanted him, wanted Adrien.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

He leaned down to her and touched his lips to hers, tenderly, the way a man would normally kiss a woman if he liked her.

He began to surge into her once more, but this time he kissed her while he thrust and it felt like heaven, like more than she had ever expected it could be with him.

She didn’t understand what was happening to her, why she was feeling so much for Adrien whom she didn’t know, why her arms snaked around him, feeling the muscles of his back, her hands rising until she drove her fingers into his hair.

His trembling settled down and power returned to his thighs and his arms. He surrounded her, holding her closer, bending his knees to angle up and into her. I want you to come for me. His voice in her head brought a deep groan from her throat.

Adrien, yes, she responded.

His hips pistoned faster and she fell into the quick rhythm, her body tightening deep within, her skin tingling over her chest and arms. So close.

Faster he moved. Come for me. Come for me.

Her body spasmed as ecstasy poured through, taking the fire in her veins and spreading it over every inch of her.

Adrien, now, do it now, release now and I’ll come again.

He groaned heavily against her mouth and his entire body shoved against her, his hips moving fast again, so very fast. She strapped her arms around his neck, holding on for the ride.

He moved quicker than a human and her body responded clenching hard. Then more pleasure streaked through her and she could feel or sense his own pleasure rising, so she rode it as he shouted into the air, pumping hard.

The experience reached into her chest, expanding her lungs. She could hardly breathe as so much feel-good passed through her, waves of lush sensation, of ecstasy peaking, falling, and peaking again, over and over. And he kept pounding her.
