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Born in Chains

Born in Chains (Men in Chains #1)(32)
Author: Caris Roane



A quick sting of fangs, a withdrawal, and she felt her blood rush from her body. A new sucking sound followed as well as a pervasive sensation of pleasure in her lower abdomen like nothing she’d known before. Flames once more licked at her, this time over every part of her.

As she listened to him suck, as she heard the wetness of her body with each drive of his fingers, as pleasure rose, her back arched and she cried out. Almost there.

I can feel you tight in your channel. Come for me, Lily.

Something about his voice in her head brought her, only this time the sensation of ecstasy ripped through so that she screamed now, her body gripping his fingers, contracting and releasing, sensations of fire and pleasure driving through her, spreading across her abdomen, unequaled sensations.

As the climax eased, and her hips grew quiet, she heard him grunting as he sucked down her blood.

His movements grew gentle, almost sipping at her and finally he swiped his tongue over her vein. She felt a coolness enter her bloodstream. Was that the rebuilding serum?

Yes, something our genetics created to ensure a continuous supply of blood because we feed one another.

It feels wonderful. She was grateful for telepathy. She breathed raggedly through her mouth and wasn’t sure she could speak even if she wanted to.

Adrien rose up and removed his shoes then carefully peeled away his pants from a massive erection. She lifted up on her elbows to watch. She’d always liked looking at a man’s body, at how different it was from hers, how a man’s c**k was designed to fit inside her.

Not surprisingly, her mouth watered. “I want a taste before you enter me.”

He groaned heavily as he lay down beside her on the bed. She shifted to arrange herself, her hand gliding over his hip and caressing his bu**ocks.

He put his hand at the back of her head, a very controlling signal that weakened her all over again. He fed her his cock, one thick inch at a time. Her hands played with his ass and as he pushed inside her mouth, his bu**ocks flexed. She groaned as she licked her tongue over the crown, as she sucked and dragged her teeth lightly.

He sped up, thrusting into her mouth, still holding her head. She took him deep, as deep as she could, and let him do what he wanted. Her hands grew hungry sliding up and over his back then down his bu**ocks, his thighs, rubbing and feeling the strength of his muscles.

Do you want to come like this?

She looked up at him, still savoring him. He met her gaze and continued to thrust into her mouth. She sucked and licked and just stared into his eyes. How they glittered in the dark, heavy with passion.

“No,” he murmured, pulling out of her mouth.

She smiled as she sat up. “You have my blood on your lips.”

* * *

“Your blood tastes like nothing I’ve ever known before.”

Adrien rose from the bed, then leaned down and picked Lily up in his arms. He’d done all this while she lay on the comforter; now he wanted her in his bed while he took her the rest of the way.

Holding her in his arms, he flipped the comforter and sheet back then settled her in the center of the bed so that he could enter her the way he wanted to, face-to-face, his hips moving into hers.

“I want to watch you come, to kiss you while I bring you again.”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded as she spread her legs for him once more and held out her arms to him.

The gestures were of a woman with experience, a woman who had been married and was welcoming her man. He felt moved though he shouldn’t have been and he recalled once more what Sebastien had said about the chains—and what Alfonse had told him, that something extraordinary was happening between him and the human.

He planted his knees between her thighs. Her hips rocked as he positioned his c**k against what was shedding her sweet-tasting fluids.

His jaw trembled at the memory. So many remembered sensations poured over him, of what his tongue had felt like moving deep inside her, how much he loved her folds and secret hidden place, the softness of her bare skin, the sense of her vein rising for him, reaching for him, the feel of his fangs piercing her and releasing her blood, then the blood hitting his tongue.

He groaned at the memory as he pushed inside Lily with his c**k a rigid pole, as he rolled his hips and felt the answering undulations of her body, as she pushed her palms up his arms, then dug her fingers into his biceps and moaned.

Her head rocked back and forth.

Pleasure. So much pleasure.

He dipped low and began to kiss her as her head moved. He caught her cheek, her chin. He wanted her to taste what he tasted.

Once seated within her, his c**k thrusting steadily now and building, he crashed his mouth down on hers.

She rewarded him with a sudden cry, an arching of her body, and her nails raking down the length of this back. She suckled the tongue that had pleasured her and his balls tightened.

These past twelve hours with Lily were almost worth his year in that hellhole. He couldn’t have planned this kind of all-consuming reward for his struggles.

He drew back just enough to look down at her as he drove into her. He’d never been with a woman like this, repeatedly in the space of several hours, looking at her, into her eyes, wanting to watch her come, to feel her pleasure through the shared chain.

He sped up, and that was something he could give her that a human couldn’t. He had speed and strength. He hit a stride that had her lips parted, her lungs dragging in air. She looked almost panicked, almost in pain, her brow slightly furrowed as he drove her toward another powerful climax. Only this time, he would come with her, giving her all that he had to give as a man, his power enhanced by the sharing of her blood.

“Adrien. So close.” Her voice was barely a breath of air.

He nodded, taking in the flush on her cheeks, the delicate sheen of perspiration on her upper lip, how her eyes were dilated. The fragrance of her sex flowed upward, making him harder.

He thrust heavily into her now, deep rolls of his hips against her, driving her to the cliff’s edge, pushing her hard.

She made a sound between a grunt and a mewl.

As she began to cry out, he felt her tighten, and sensing her low in that way, on the cusp of orgasm, triggered his release. He sped up and came, pleasure ripping through him, along all the sensitive nerves.

He heard her screaming, saw her wide-open mouth. “Look at me,” he shouted.

Her gaze latched onto his and she cried out once more as pleasure flowed up his abdomen, climbing higher and higher, his skin on fire, his chest expanding. He shouted several times but kept pushing into her.

She gripped his arms. You’ll come a second time, won’t you? I can feel it.
