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Born in Chains

Born in Chains (Men in Chains #1)(46)
Author: Caris Roane

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Adrien felt Lily’s hand like a hot coal against his back. He hadn’t expected to become aroused like this. He didn’t even understand what had triggered the intensity of sensation this time. He’d seen dominance shows before, but not with Lily so close, not with the chains vibrating against his neck and chest, not with his increased power.

Within seconds he’d become fully aroused, and though he tried to calm himself down, he couldn’t.

Of course he was in a near-constant state of arousal around Lily as it was, but her clubbing clothes didn’t help. How many times had his gaze taken in her naked back, half hidden by the waterfall of her exquisite hair. He’d wanted his lips on her back and lower, over her ass, then lower still, parting her legs from behind, God help him.

Now she was offering herself, and he didn’t deserve her right now. Shame ripped through him at the source of his desire—that he wanted Lily binding him and taking him, maybe even hurting him like he’d been hurt repeatedly throughout his life.

Her hand floated up and down his back and her scent thickened through the air. He could sense her desire as well and smell it, so he knew he wasn’t alone in his need.

I’d like to have you chained on that table.

Oh, God, had she really just pressed those erotic words into his mind? Lily, this isn’t right.

Fuck what’s right, came straight back at him. I need you. And I don’t care the why of it. Adrien, f**k me now. I’m aching for you and I’m all yours.

He turned into her and dragged her roughly into his arms, slanting a kiss over her lips.

Can we do this here? In the hallway?

Holy f**k, even her voice in his head did something to him. The vibration of the chain seemed to enhance his ability to feel what she felt. He could tell that her need had sharpened to match his.

What had she asked him? Could they do this here?

Rumy had several rules about the where of an encounter. Hallways were forbidden, but Adrien knew his way around this labyrinth of a club. The cavern had three significant layers, miles of tunnels, and at least a dozen secret niches, all of which he’d used at one time or another.

I have to fly you to a private place. You sure you want to do this?

God, yes.

She panted against him as he set them in motion. Though he wanted to kiss her while he flew, the new level of his power demanded that he be careful right now.

He only overshot the location once, but he finally made it, landing on the last scrap of tile laid out at the end point of the system. He took a quick glance around. The space was as he remembered: a crevice in the mountain, still undeveloped and very private.

The problem with caves, though, was how well noise traveled. “No sounds,” he said.

Got it. Just do me, Adrien. Oh, my God, your need is flowing over me in waves. It must be the chains but it feels so damn good.

Your scent. You don’t know what you smell like to me, all female and ready. I could come just breathing along your neck.

With one hand supporting her around her waist, he unbuttoned and unzipped his leathers, shoving them down his hips and thighs. She pulled her short skirt up, blessing the polished walls behind her because he needed leverage right now.

He lifted her leg, tucked his hips, and thrust, easily pushing past her thong.

She slung an arm around his neck and held on. She got her mouth close to his ear. “Adrien, f**k me.”

The words, her scent, the feel of her wetness that allowed him to glide as he thrust hard, sent him into a frenzy. Her arm became a vise around his neck. He could feel she was close and when her body jerked and she pressed her open mouth to his cheek, her breath came out in a harsh agonized whisper of “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.”

As she came, her well was a fist around his cock. An image flashed through his mind, maybe a kind of knowing, he wasn’t sure, but he saw himself chained to a table, her mouth surrounding his cock.

That heady image was all it took. He came hard, seeing himself chained up, thrusting into her mouth—her pu**y—her mouth, the future vision and the present sensations trading places at light-speed so that he felt as though he released down her throat while at the same time he spent himself inside her.

He was breathing hard as the last pleasurable pulse jerked through his cock. He felt her gasping for breath as well.

But as he came back to himself, she kissed his cheek then dipped lower to his mouth. That was exquisite, she said within his mind as her tongue circled his lips.

Gratitude flowed through him as he kissed her in return, dipping his tongue inside. Thank you. Lily, you’re one of the most generous women I’ve ever known. You didn’t have to do this, but I’m so glad you did. You have every reason to hate me for what I am. Instead, you’ve offered yourself to me repeatedly.

To his surprise, she chuckled and with her hands encircled the back of his neck, tugging at him playfully. “I could say the same thing to you. I’ve never felt so needy before. I guess it’s the chains.”

“Not just because I’m pretty?” The words sounded stupid to his ears, but he felt such a powerful well of emotion flowing toward her that nothing else would do.

But she smiled and with one hand petted his cheek. “You’re damn gorgeous and you know it. Worse, I like you. I admire you. That goes a long way to making me this willing to give in to all these sensations. But I have to admit, it didn’t help to see that man enjoying what was happening to him.”

His heart skipped a beat. “You weren’t disgusted?” He needed to know the answer.

She searched his eyes and squeezed the back of his neck. “Truth? I thought it was hot as hell because of how he felt. And how you felt watching him. I think that turned me on more than anything.”

He almost felt compelled to tell her of his fantasy of the table and the chains, her mouth and his cock. But something held him back, that sick feeling that the whole thing was wrapped up with the shit of his past.

“And now, my good vampire, I have a little problem. I didn’t think we’d be doing this or I would have come prepared, but you can imagine my present difficulty.” She rolled her hips against his.

He thumbed her cheek and kissed her. He dipped down and tugged at his pants, dragging them up his thighs one-handed as he stayed connected to her. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out several folded tissues. He showed her then reached between them and wiped his c**k as he withdrew from her. He then pressed the tissues against her opening. He didn’t remove his hand, though. He pressed now and again and felt the tissues grow damper. He knew the drill, especially since he’d left a lot of himself inside her.
