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Born of Ashes

Born of Ashes (Guardians of Ascension #4)(73)
Author: Caris Roane

Your beautiful scent is flooding my nostrils, Fiona. So beautiful.

She loved telepathy, that while his lips were otherwise engaged, he could share his thoughts with her. She arched her back and with her left hand tugged at the fabric, lower and lower. His lips followed until he suckled the nipple of her right breast. Then, to be fair, he moved to the left. Yes, tonight would be fair, very fair.

She wanted him to continue but he drew back.

“You have exquisite br**sts. I have been meaning to say that to you, beautiful large ni**les, full round areolas.” He slid his hand beneath her right breast. “And all this weight. This is the meal that will satisfy me tonight.” Once more he dipped low and again suckled.

She closed her eyes and savored the feel of his mouth working her br**sts, and working her up, so that again her back arched and she leaned into him, pressing her breast harder into his mouth.

But once more he drew back and held her breast in a light touch. He lifted his eyes to her and pulled back his lips just a little. His fangs emerged.

She gasped. Low, so very low, her muscles tightened in a series of hard tugs that almost brought her. “Yes,” she whispered. “Please.”

Once more he lowered his head and she closed her eyes. He struck and released the potion. There was nothing like it on Mortal Earth. This was one of the surest ways she knew she had entered the world of the vampire: that he could pierce her skin and release a potion into her. The pleasure seeped and burned and felt wonderful.

“Open your eyes, chérie.”

She found it difficult. Already she felt lethargic and all he’d done was kiss, suckle, and strike with his fangs. Then she saw the strawberry, this one cut in half.

“I’m hungry,” he said. Then he lowered the berry to her nipple. The strawberry was cold and the sensation drew more little ripples down deep inside her. He rubbed the strawberry well over her nipple then outward to let the juice cover her.

Then he put the strawberry to her lips. He pushed it inside.

She struggled to draw air as he lowered his head and licked at her breast in long sweeps of his soft wet tongue working from an outer perimeter to an inside one until once more he suckled.

The combination of the potion now teasing the inside of her breast, and his tongue and mouth stimulating the outside, bowed her back once more. She cried out, “I’m close.”

He slid his hand between her legs, cupped her and worked her in several brisk, drawing movements so that the orgasm was simply there. She released a long cry and he kept working her, kept suckling her nipple, and the potion now had her entire breast on fire. He brought her again and again.

She’d eaten two strawberries, sipped her champagne three times, and the man had made her come. She had the truly unholy thought that for these skills alone, she ought to complete the breh-hedden with him.

She chuckled as his hand slowed and he released her breast from his mouth.

“That was divine,” she said.

“I want your pants off … now.”

“But you’re still wearing your pants. This isn’t fair.” She smiled.

He just growled at her and dipped his chin.

She chuckled.

She thought he would simply fold her jeans off, but instead he did this part the old-fashioned way: button, zipper, and alternate tugs at her hips. He leaned down at the same time and kissed his way across her lower abdomen with each tug, from hip to hip.

I’m getting very hungry, he sent.

Then you should definitely have something to eat.

I wish to eat until I am completely satisfied.

But will the strawberries be enough? she teased.

He tugged her pants down and kissed the uppermost line of her pubic hair, then kept tugging. You will soon see just how much the strawberries will sustain me.

Certain images slipped through her mind. Did he mean? Could he possibly mean?

Her hips bucked at the thought and he chuckled as he drew her pants down her bu**ocks and thighs. He stood up and pulled them off the rest of the way. He looked down at her then looked inside the jeans. “You went commando?” he asked.

“I thought it only fair.”

His smile was slow this time. He started to sit down, but she lifted a hand. “No. You promised and now I’d like you to do it slow. Let me watch.” For good measure, she sent, You have the most amazing body.

His smile was crooked this time as he unbuttoned then slowly unzipped. Yep, no sign of briefs, just his skin and then his thick animal hair that always made her sigh. He was fully erect, which meant he had to move the jeans around to get them down and off.

She enjoyed the show. He was big; when he was on his back, his erect c**k reached his navel. Right now he held it in his hand, a very loose support. She looked up at him and saw that he was waiting for her to make the next call.

This time she smiled. “I’d like one of the strawberry halves, please.”

He looked at the plate and picked up one for her. She held out her hand.

“Come closer,” she said. “Very close. Put your knee on the lounge and lean your hips as close to me as you can.”

He was very obedient. She rubbed the strawberry over the tip of his c**k and then the crown. Afterward, she put the strawberry to her lips and with her tongue pulled it into her mouth.

He groaned.

“Now feed me,” she said. “And I don’t mean another strawberry.”

He braced his hands on the back of the sofa and moved into her, his hips flexing as she parted her lips. He pushed himself into her mouth then pulled back. She put her arms and hands on the back of the couch. He continued to push then withdraw. She sucked both ways but fixed her gaze on his eyes as he looked down at her.

Everyone has secrets,

Especially those who have passed from this world.

—Collected Proverbs, Beatrice of Fourth

Chapter 16

What was it about the mouth of a woman that so pleased a man, to have his c**k thrusting in and out, to feel the pull of her suckles, to watch her cheeks flex, to see the c**k disappear then reappear.

He was moved by her willingness, but he had her in a cage of his body and he was worried. Do you feel trapped?

No, she responded.


He threaded his fingers through hers and moved in a little closer so that she could take him deeper.

She drew her hands out of his and he pulled away, fearing that he had pushed too hard, but she grabbed his bu**ocks and dug her nails in then brought him toward her. He hissed.

Mon Dieu.

That she savored him and wanted him and dug her nails into his flesh—it was too much suddenly. You must stop, he sent.
