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Bossman's Baby Scandal

Bossman’s Baby Scandal (Kings of the Boardroom #1)(24)
Author: Catherine Mann

Nothing about this time in San Francisco was turning out the way she expected. Did she dare risk more surprises by launching into an affair with Jason? The thought felt big and scary, so damn silly, really, when she already carried his baby. But there it was and she didn’t know how to get past the hurdle to take what she wanted.

A light hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her reverie. Lauren turned quickly. “Yes?”

“Hello, we didn’t get to speak earlier.” A slim woman with dark brown hair clamped back unpretentiously thrust out her hand. “I’m Elle Linton, Brock’s assistant.”

“Lauren Presley…uh, Reagert. I’m still getting used to the new name.”

“Of course.” Elle smiled with understanding. “Elopements give you a little less time to get used to the changes coming up.”

An elopement that came about in a very public and embarrassing fashion, thanks to her anger. Lauren looked across the bar and sure enough, Celia still stayed well clear of her on the other side at one of the tall tables.

Lauren turned back to Brock’s assistant. “Jason and I have known each other for over a year.”

“I’m sorry if my comments came out wrong. I didn’t mean to sound nosy or imply anything.” Her blue eyes lit with sincerity—and curiosity. This woman had a knack for getting people to spill their guts. “We’re all just wondering about the lady who managed to land Jason Reagert.”

Anger pulsed anew in time with the thrum of the music. “You mean since Celia Taylor was hitting on him just a few days ago?”

“Wow, Lauren—” Elle’s eyes blinked wide “—you really know how to lay it all out there.”

“Unless I’m mistaken, you all had a front-row seat to the scene in the office. I was a bit histrionic, I know.” She winced at even describing herself that way, but God, she wanted out of this with her pride intact. And while creating a plausible cover story for Jason, damn his handsome ass. “I guess I just go a little catty when it comes to my man.”

Ick. Had she really said that? And even worse, it was true. Her eyes gravitated to Celia again. The too-gorgeous redhead smiled tightly at the guy hitting on her, then eyed the door. She clearly didn’t want to be here but couldn’t seem to figure out how to leave. She had an outward confidence, but her agitation didn’t quite match the way Elle had portrayed her.

“Lauren—” Elle rested her hand on her arm, angling sideways to let a waiter pass with a tray balanced on one hand “—nobody blames you for getting pissed. Celia’s gorgeous and more than one person around here has wondered if she tried to sleep her way to the top.”

Lauren hated the twinge of sympathy she felt for Celia. She knew how tough it was to get ahead in the business world without those sorts of rumors flying around. “That’s pretty harsh.”

Elle sipped her martini, eyeing her over the rim. “Unless it’s true. I’m only saying, this is a very competitive crowd. Be careful.”

Lauren watched Elle and found the woman’s gaze skipped over to her boss, lingering. Could the assistant have some jealousy issues of her own? Regardless, Elle had a point. Lauren needed to step warily, especially around Brock’s right-hand person.

And especially when she had a big fat secret of her own to hide in the form of a fake marriage. “Thank you for the heads-up, Elle. I appreciate your looking out for me and I’m sure Jason will, too.”

“No problem. Just call me the troubleshooter.”

Jason slid up behind her. “Hello, ladies. Can I get you refills?”

Lauren could smell his warm aftershave mixed with something distinctively him before he even announced himself. “I’m good, thank you.”

“Me, too.” Elle lifted her green martini in toast.

His arms slid around her as he stood against her back. “Everyone having fun?”

Lauren glanced up at him. “Just getting the lowdown on everyone at MC from the lady in the know.”

Jason smiled. “That would be Elle.”

Brock’s assistant laughed dismissively, then eyed Lauren’s sandwich. “I’m going to order one of those for myself. Nice talking with you.”

Once the woman left, Lauren turned in Jason’s arms, careful to balance her plate of food. “I think this is going well.”

“Beyond well. You’ve more than done your bit for the evening. How about we relax?” He plucked her plate from her hands and set it on a nearby table. “Want to sit and eat, or dance?”

She almost blurted out a vote for her food, but then the heat of Jason’s hands on her waist stirred a deeper hunger. More than anything, she wanted to be in his arms. What better way to test the waters on whether or not to pursue her sensual longings than to take to the public safety of the dance floor?

After all, what could happen there?

Three gyrating songs later, Jason pulled Lauren into his arms as a slow song came over the loudspeaker. She stiffened almost imperceptibly before sighing against him, a light sheen of perspiration adding an extra glow to her skin. The musky scent reminded him too quickly of sex. Of course, that tended to be a common thought for him whenever he saw Lauren, much less pulled her close.She was temptation personified.

The dance made for the perfect chance to move forward with his plan to persuade her while holding back a while longer. He wanted her in his bed with no regrets this time.

He rested his forehead against hers. “Thank you for being so great this evening.”

“Just holding up my end of the bargain.” Her legs brushed lightly against his, her br**sts pressed to his chest.

Okay, so maybe this hadn’t been the brightest of ideas, after all. But hey, in for a penny—

“You really are amazing, and not just in a work setting. Do you know that?” He angled to skim his mouth against hers. Holding. Not so long as to make a sideshow event of things, but long enough for her to soften against him as he grew hard against her. Her lips tasted like a sweet ripe cheese and the lime from her water. And he didn’t want to stop.

A couple jostled them and he eased his head away with more than a little regret.

Lauren looked up at him through thick eyelashes. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

Her voice came out husky and sexy, her chest rising and falling faster against him.

He slid his hands low along her waist, his finger aching for a more thorough exploration. “I only kissed you.”

“You call that only a kiss?”
