Read Books Novel

Bound by Night

“There is no one else.”

“I take it none of the young men in the village appeal to you.”

“It’s a small town. There aren’t many boys my age and . . .” She shook her head. “I don’t care for any of them. I know you must be tired of having me here, an uninvited guest, but please, don’t send me away.”

Drake frowned. He had no intention of sending her away. She was a beautiful young woman. Her skin was smooth and clear, her limbs nicely rounded, her br**sts full. Unless all the young men in the town were blind, it was hard to believe that none of them had offered for her hand, he thought. It was far more likely that her uncle, wanting her for himself, had turned all of her suitors away.

His gaze moved to her lips, which were full and pink and inviting. Too inviting to resist. He heard the sudden intake of her breath as she realized he was going to kiss her. But she didn’t pull away when he lowered his head toward hers.

At the touch of his mouth, Elena went suddenly still. In a distant part of her mind, she admitted she had been longing for this since the first time he had kissed her. It was even better the second time. Just a kiss, she thought, until his tongue slid over the seam of her lips and coaxed her to open her mouth. Her uncle had kissed her like that and she had found it repulsive. But there was nothing repulsive about Drake’s kiss. It burned through her like chain lightning, heating her from the inside out.

She moaned a soft protest when he took his mouth from hers, leaving her aching for more than just kisses.

Drake gazed down at her. He wasn’t surprised by his body’s reaction to her. He was a strong, virile male, and she was a very young, very desirable woman. It was only natural for him to want her, just as it was in his nature to hunger for her blood. So easy to take what he wanted, to ease his lust while he slaked his thirst.

So easy. Tempting as she was, he knew that if he took her in his current state of mind, she would never survive. Somewhat taken aback, he realized that for the first time in years he was more concerned with a mortal’s happiness and well-being than with his own.

“We should go back,” he said abruptly. Releasing her, he struck out for the shore without a backward glance.

Elena stared after him. What had just happened? One minute he was kissing her like there was no tomorrow. And the next, he was gone.

Drake was waiting for her on the bank when she waded out of the water. His gaze caressed her. Never, in all his existence, had he seen anything as breathtakingly lovely as Elena as she stood naked on the moon-dappled sand, her long black hair falling over her shoulders, her damp skin glistening like alabaster in the silver light of the moon. Her limbs were long and perfect, her waist incredibly small.

His gaze moved to the graceful curve of her neck, to the pulse throbbing in the hollow of her throat. Need rose up within him, reminding him that he was a hunter and she his prey, and as much as a lion might love a lamb, there was little hope that the lamb would survive such a relationship.

Even though he had fed earlier, the need Elena aroused in him would not be denied. Drake dressed quickly, then waited impatiently for her to do the same. He escorted her back to the castle and saw her safely inside. Then he fled into the night without a word of farewell lest he take her in his arms and satisfy the thirst that burned hot and heavy within him.

Later that night, Elena lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, her thoughts in turmoil. Why had Drake put her away from him so abruptly? Had she said something to anger him? Done something to displease him?

Troubling as his sudden leave-taking had been, it was the memory of his kiss that kept sleep at bay as she relived the incredible pleasure that had suffused her from head to heel when Drake’s lips touched hers. It had been so much more than just a kiss.

She touched her fingertips to her lips, wondering how she could get Drake to kiss her again. Wondering, as heat flooded her cheeks, what it would be like to share his bed. Shameful creature that she was, she couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to run her hands over that hard, male body, to feel his hands stroking hers. She knew she should be shocked to even think about such things, but after seeing Drake naked in the moonlight, after feeling the length of his body pressed intimately against her own, she couldn’t think of anything else. Couldn’t stop wanting him.

A bold idea came to her as she remembered something Drake had said earlier. She smiled, thinking it would solve all her problems, if she only had the nerve to propose it.

Elena was sitting on the rug in front of the hearth, thumbing through a magazine, when Drake entered the room. She looked up, surprised to see him so early. It was usually well after dark before he made an appearance, if he showed up at all. Could it be that, after last night, he was as anxious to be with her as she was to be with him? The mere idea made her heart skip a beat. In all the world, had there ever been a man who was as tall and dark, as sinfully handsome, as the one who now stood before her?

“Good evening, fair Elena,” he murmured, smiling.

His voice flowed over her like silk, soft, sensuous.

“Good evening, Drake. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“Shall I leave?”

“No! I mean, it’s your home, after all.”

“Indeed.” He regarded her solemnly, one brow raised. “Is there something you wish to say?”

She blinked up at him. Did he know what she was thinking? But how could he? He couldn’t read her mind. Such a thing was impossible.

He took a seat on the sofa, then gestured for her to join him. Suddenly nervous, she hesitated a moment before taking a place beside him. What had seemed like such a good idea late last night now seemed utterly ridiculous.

“You look upset,” he remarked. “Is something amiss?”

“Yes. No.” She twisted her fingers together to still their trembling.

“Something obviously has you upset,” he remarked. “Why not tell me what it is? Perhaps I can help.”

“Yes, you can,” she said, the words spilling out in a rush. “I don’t want to go back to my uncle, and I have nowhere else to go, and you live alone with no one to care for you, so I thought maybe, if it wasn’t too horrid a thought, that you might marry me. Not a real marriage, of course. It would just be in name only. . . .” she said, her words slowing as her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“You want to marry me?” Of all the things she might have said, a proposal had never entered his mind.

“Well, my marrying someone else to get away from my uncle was your idea, after all. I can cook and clean and wash your clothes, and . . .” She swallowed hard, her courage suddenly deserting her. “I won’t be any trouble.”
