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Bound in Darkness

Bound in Darkness (Bound #2)(19)
Author: Cynthia Eden

The rage built within Cade.

“If you hadn’t killed them,” he added, “then my team would have. We don’t tolerate rogue groups, and we’re sure as hell don’t make a habit of torturing children.”

The guy looked sincere.

But vampires could lie.

As easily as witches. Werewolves.


All were good. Bad. None were perfect.

Allison stroked Cade’s shoulder. “You might know us, but who the hell are you?” She wanted to know.

Cade risked a glance her way. Bruised, bloody…so beautiful. The dumbass vampire probably thought so, too.

“Charles Crawford. I’m on the Northwestern Vampire Council.”

Big deal. Vamps and their councils. He knew all about them. The councils were supposed to keep the vamps in check. Stop them from killing humans.

Keep ‘em on a leash.

From what he’d seen, those fancy councils did jack and shit.

Crawford glanced at Allison. “I was sent to protect you.”

“Then you arrived a bit late to the party, buddy,” Cade drawled. “Very late.”

Crawford’s jaw clenched. After a moment he said, “I vow that I won’t hurt her,” the vampire said, “or you.”

He’d like to see the fool try.

“Truce?” The vampire asked.

Oh, that grated and—

Allison swayed beside him. Cade lunged for her and caught Allison just before she would have fallen. Her skin was ice cold.

Her eyes were closing.

“No, sweetheart, don’t you even think of leaving me.” He held her gently, like the f**king precious thing that she was. He cradled her head and pushed her toward his throat. “Drink, Allison.” Take everything you need.

Because he wasn’t letting her go.

Chapter Nine

A gasp came from a few of the assembled vamps when Cade offered his neck to her. Yeah, he got it—werewolves didn’t usually offer themselves up as food to a vamp. He sure as hell wouldn’t to anyone but her.

He felt the press of her small fangs against his skin, a quick slice that was too fast for pain, then a surge of pleasure hit him as she began to gently suck on his neck.

He held her tighter and lifted her easily in his arms. As she drank from him, he faced the vampires.

Crawford watched him with blood still dripping down his own neck. Mild curiosity lit the vampire’s eyes. “So…it’s like that.”

“She’s mine.” And he was hers. Forever.

Crawford inclined his head. “Do you know…” He seemed to hesitated, but then he asked bluntly, “Have you taken her blood?”

Same old song and dance. “We both know werewolves can’t become vampires, so don’t worry, I’m not about to turn.” He tensed when Allison’s tongue licked over his skin. What he wouldn’t give to be alone with her then.

“You won’t turn…” Now Crawford’s eyes had narrowed. Filled with speculation. “You’ll just become…more.”

He already knew that. He’d seen his future in the mirror.

Allison’s tongue swiped over his neck once more. “I’m okay,” she whispered. “You can put me down now.”

He rather liked her where she was.

“There’s another vampire and werewolf pairing, down South.” Crawford motioned to his men, and the others began to walk away, back into the darkness that surrounded the old home. “He’s become more, too.”

“More?” Allison asked, voice stronger.

“Your blood will make him stronger,” Crawford told her. “As long as he has you, he’ll always be stronger, faster…”


Cade had seen all of this in the mirror. Elsa had thought that he’d see his death. That he’d see his body withering away over time while Allison stayed young forever.

He hadn’t seen that. He’d seen them. Laughing. Loving.

His life didn’t have to be a walking nightmare. With her, it could be more.

With her, he was already more.

But even if his power had faded, even if they’d only been offered a few years, he would have taken those years.

Taken them and counted himself damn lucky.

“Maybe our kind can help each other…” Crawford murmured with a slight nod of his head. “Maybe.” He stepped back. “I’ll send a team to…clean up this area.”

Nice code for body clean-up.

“And if you two should ever need me, I’ll be close.”

“Not too close,” Cade warned him, the power of the wolf rolling in his voice. “I’d hate to behead you…on accident.”

The vampire nodded at the warning, but his eyes were on Allison when he said, “Despite what you may think, we’re not all evil. I can help you.”

Cade’s back teeth clenched.

Crawford laughed. “I said help, wolf, not screw. I’m really not that eager to feel your claws at my throat again.”

Cade lowered his head close to Allison’s cheek. The scent of roses filled his nostrils and soothed the beast within.

Before her, he would never have stood there, talking to the male vampire. Slashing and fighting? Hell, yes.

But now…

Crawford backed away.

Perhaps there could be more between vampires and werewolves. Maybe it didn’t have to just be about centuries of fury and rage and pain.

Allison looked up at him.

Maybe, just maybe, it could be about something so much better.


Allison gazed into Cade’s eyes as he thrust deep into her. A moan slipped from her even as her hands flattened on his chest.

She was above him, both her knees digging into the mattress on either side of his body.

She’d healed. They’d survived.

No more running. No more fear.


His c**k slid along her sensitive flesh.


His hands were on her hips. Holding her tight. Lifting her up, down, and she moved with him. Not too fast. Not too hard.

This wasn’t like the times before. The wild fury was gone.

Oh, the lust was still there, burning as hot as before but…

Allison leaned forward and kissed him. Her lips, open, eager, feathered over his. Her tongue pushed into his mouth.

He growled, and she knew that he liked her taste, but he didn’t thrust harder. Just kept up that perfect driving pace. Smooth, slow, so deep.

When the climax hit her, the release sent a wave of pleasure rolling through her whole body. Cade came with her, surging deep into her core.
