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Bound in Sin

Bound in Sin (Bound #3)(19)
Author: Cynthia Eden

If he hadn’t taken her blood…

She swallowed. “Let me go.” Dammit, the words were a plea. Because she knew he wanted her, just as much as she wanted him.

I’m addicted to her.

But sometimes, the things you wanted most were the things that would destroy you.

His head lowered toward hers. “I killed for you.”

She’d wanted to kill for him. To protect him, she would have done anything.

I did.

“Do you know how your alpha died?” Paige asked him quietly. Maybe he knew some of the details already. There were spies in the vampire covens. For the right price, they’d share any information.

She’d sure offered up enough money over the years for the Intel they’d given her.

Drake frowned down at her. The wolves behind him still didn’t move.

“Your old alpha was fed poisoned vampire blood.” Jeremiah had thought that he’d get stronger by taking the vampire blood. If he’d been given normal vamp blood, he would have become stronger.

But he’d been ingesting blood laced with silver for years. Poison, building up in his body. Eating away at him from the inside.

He’d lost his ability to shift. He’d lost his ability to walk. To talk. To breathe.

Because Gabe had always enjoyed his torture.

“I knew what was happening to him,” she said. She’d known for a long time. Long enough to save him. Only she hadn’t wanted to save him. She’d wanted him to suffer. “I didn’t stop it because I wanted that bastard dead.”

A wolf snarled from somewhere behind her.

Screw them all. She turned and barred her fangs right back at the snarling beast. The wolf shut up. Good. Paige exhaled on a low, rough sigh and turned back to meet Drake’s intense stare. “But when Jeremiah finally died, I-I knew Gabe would come after you.” She shook her head. “But I wasn’t gonna let you die. I knew I’d do whatever I had to do…in order to keep you safe.”

And she’d done her part. He’d survived.

“It wasn’t ever about me taking his head…to protect you,” Drake muttered.

No, she hadn’t been the one who needed protection.

“You tricked me into taking your blood,” Drake said as he towered over her. Eyes so intent. Body naked. Strong. His hand tightened around her wrist. “You got me to drink, so I’d be strong enough to kill the pureblood when he came after me.” Because despite what Drake had originally thought, even an alpha wasn’t strong enough to take out a vamp like Gabe–not Gabe and his silver wielding buddies. But an alpha pumped up on vamp blood? He could kick ass and destroy any vamp in his path.

The wolves were shifting around them. Transforming into men and women and the snow was falling again.

She didn’t look at the dead body on the ground. And Michael–he was groaning and struggling to his feet. Some of the shifters went to help him.

“Leave him,” Drake ordered, voice tight with fury. “He worked with the vampires. He led them right to me.”

The shifters froze.

“He’s banished from the pack,” Drake said flatly. A judgment. Cold and brutal. “Leave him where the f**k he is.” His head turned as he stared over at Michael. “You’re still breathing, so count yourself damn lucky.”

When Drake’s gaze came back to her, Paige forced herself to meet that hard stare. So much fury. How much was for her? For the vamp he’d killed? And for the traitor he’d had in his own midst?

“You lied to me,” Drake said. The words were low and all the more lethal for their softness.

“From the beginning,” Paige agreed, her own voice just as soft. But there was no reason for lies anymore. She’d done her job. She’d protected him.

They’d saved each other.

Now they could go their separate ways. He’d go back to his pack. She’d go back to the life she’d created in Florida.

So what if she went back without a heart? She’d been missing that particular organ for years.

Paige turned away. She had to get out of there. Her chest was burning. Aching. Looking at Drake just hurt too much. Her job was done.

Time to leave before he saw through her mask.

I want you. I want to stay.

Some things just weren’t meant to be.

But Paige didn’t run away. She walked. One foot in front of the other. Slow. Steady.

“Was everything a lie?”

She stopped. Didn’t look back. “Not everything.” Then because–hell, what did she have to lose? Paige glanced back over her shoulder. “I really have always loved you.” From the first moment she saw him. “And I always will.”

Then she kept walking. Because sometimes, love just wasn’t enough.

Not when you were a vampire.

And not when the man you wanted more than blood was a werewolf.


Did Paige really think that she was just going to walk away? Hell, no.

Drake watched her as she left him. The snow drifted over her dark hair. Her steps were slow but certain.

Not running…just leaving him.

Right after she’d said she loved him? The woman was about to break him.

He inhaled deeply, drawing in her scent. He’d never lose her again.


“Get rid of the bodies.” Easy enough in the wild. “Head back to the compound.” Because the battle wasn’t over. Not for him.

His gaze swept around the assembled wolves. “Then if there is any one of you who wants to challenge me, take your best shot.” He was ready for a fight with claws and teeth and blood and fury. “Because my mate is going to be with me, in my pack, by my side, for the rest of my life.” Even if his life was shorter than hers.

He’d take what he could get.

Mate. That was what Paige was. She’d been his mate since she was nineteen.

She’d be his until he took his last breath.

Vampire, werewolf–it didn’t matter. She was his.

He’d fight for her, just as she’d fought for him.

When the fight was over, he’d find her.

I’ll come after you, Paige.




Drake stared at the group of shifters who’d assembled in the compound’s courtyard. No one spoke. No one moved.

They all stood before him. Waiting.

He wore a pair of jeans, hanging low on his hips, and his claws were out.

His gaze swept over them all. “Who’s first?” The wolf inside was already howling.

He’d fight to give Paige a place at his side because he damn well wasn’t living without her.
