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Bound (Captured by the Billionaire #4)(6)
Author: Julia Sykes

“Jake,” she breathed.  “This is too much.  I can’t accept it.”

“You can and you will,” he said firmly as he clipped the clasp together at her nape.  He touched his fingers to the front of her neck, running them down from beneath her chin to the top of the necklace.  When his eyes met hers in the mirror, they were a deep, dominant blue.  “Until we get you a real collar,” he said, an edge of longing in his hard voice.

Mallory shivered.  A collar?  She was so not ready for that.  She wasn’t sure that she would ever be ready for that.  But she didn’t want to hurt Jake by refusing, so she kept silent.  Instead, she said, “thank you,” in a small voice.  “It’s beautiful.”

Jake beamed at her acceptance.  “You’re welcome, Mallory.”

She was relieved that he had said her name rather than “sub.”  She wasn’t ready for taking that step; she wasn’t sure that she would ever be comfortable with the idea of being owned by someone else, even if it was Jake.

Shaking off her disconcerting thoughts, she painted on a smile as Jake took her arm, ready to lead her downstairs, where she could already hear music playing.  She tried to force the knots in her stomach to loosen, but it seemed she was fighting a losing battle.

Her nervousness only ratcheted up a few notches when they entered the ballroom, where they were immediately greeted by an elegantly dressed, older woman.  Her silver hair was cut in a simple bob, and her bone structure was refined.  Her brown eyes were warm as she held out her arms to greet Mallory.

“Mallory, this is my mother,” Jake introduced.  “Mother, this is Mallory Williams.”

Mallory awkwardly leaned in as his mother kissed her on both cheeks.  “It’s wonderful to meet you, Miss Williams,” she said.  And it sounded as though she really meant it.

“Please, call me Mallory, Mrs. Cleary,” she said, feeling more at ease.

“And you must call me Susan, dear.”

Mallory smiled, warming to the older woman already.

“Jake tells me that you’re going to start teaching History this Fall,” she said, clearly interested rather than just making small talk.  “I’ve always loved the subject myself.  It was what drew me to this old plantation.  It took some doing, but I finally convinced Jake’s father to move South with me.”

Mallory beamed, recognizing a kindred spirit.  “I’m glad you like it down here,” she said.  “My family has been here forever.  I absolutely adore Charleston.”

Just then, a man and woman approached them.  He was young and handsome, his blonde hair carefully coifed, as impeccable as his tailored tux.  Mallory recognized the woman beside him.  It was the bitchy platinum blonde who had been so rude to her when she had spilled champagne all over Jake at their first fateful meeting.  She clearly recognized Mallory as well, and she was looking at her as though she was something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

Jake seemed completely oblivious to the glacial stare that the bitch was shooting her way, proceeding with introductions.  “Mallory, this is John DuPree and his sister, Celeste.”

Mallory’s eyes widened slightly.  Was this the same Celeste who had been Jennifer’s friend, who had told Jake of his love’s betrayal?  It wasn’t exactly a common name; it had to be the same woman.

Finally releasing Mallory from her disdainful stare, Celeste beamed at Jake, all sugar sweet and innocent.

Conniving bitch.

“Jake, I hate to pull you away,” John said, “but I don’t want to bore the ladies with business talk.”  He shot a questioning look at Mallory and Susan.  “Do you mind if I steal him for a moment?”  He asked politely.

Mrs. Cleary waved him away.  “Of course not, dear.”

Jake gave Mallory an apologetic look as he followed John out of the ballroom for a private conversation.

Susan turned back to Mallory.  “Jake speaks very highly of you,” she said.

Mallory felt her cheeks go pink even as she saw Celeste shoot her a strangely smug look out of the corner of her eye.  “Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes dropping in embarrassment.

Susan leaned into Mallory confidentially.  “I’m glad he has someone like you around, dear.  This benefit was an absolutely wonderful idea.”

“Oh,” Mallory began, not wanting to take credit for Jake throwing an expensive party.  “This was all Jake’s idea.”

Susan patted her arm.  “But he did it because of you, honey.  I think you’ll be a good influence on him.”

Then she withdrew from her suddenly, her eyes focusing on something beyond Mallory.  She gave a little wave.  “Oh,” she said, “there are the Madisons.  I should go greet them.”  She focused on Mallory again.  “I hope to see a lot more of you, dear.”  And then she was off, clearly quite the social butterfly.  Mallory decided that she liked her vivaciousness, even though she had just left her alone with Celeste.

She looked back at the woman and was surprised to find her smiling sweetly.

“Would you mind if we talk?”  She asked.  “Just us girls?”

Mallory eyed her suspiciously, but she knew it would be rude to decline.  And she didn’t want to embarrass Jake by insulting one of his guests.  “Sure,” she said, allowing Celeste to guide her to a quiet corner.

As soon as they were isolated from the rest of the party, the bitch was back, an evil smile playing around her full red lips.

“I have something that you might be very interested in,” she said imperiously.

Mallory eyed her warily, not sure what her game was.  “Oh?” She asked simply.

Celeste was outright grinning now.  “I have in my possession a rather, ah, compromising little video of you and Jake.”

All of the wind was knocked out of Mallory.  “What?”  She asked faintly.

“It would be very embarrassing for him if it were to come out.  Imagine the scandal.  What would his mother say?”  Celeste continued, tutting.  “And what would your little prep school say when they find out what innocent Miss Williams gets up to in her spare time?”  Her smile was predatory, knowing that she had Mallory cornered.  “I don’t think that people would trust their children with a sexual deviant.”
