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Brendon (Alluring Indulgence #8)(74)
Author: Nicole Edwards

The small odd-shaped table the smaller of the three guys was hefting didn’t make a damn bit of sense to Brendon, but obviously Cheyenne had found it to be unique—her words—and now it needed a place.

With how uptight—although understandably—Z and RT had been about not allowing anyone they didn’t know into the house, Brendon had to convince them to let the furniture be delivered. They’d agreed, but only if they were there when it happened. Brendon didn’t think Z would’ve been so quick to agree if he knew they were first on the delivery schedule and the truck was set to arrive at seven—which it did, right on time.

Now, as the guys moved one piece of furniture after another into the house, Z and RT stood sentry in the entryway, both of them clearly packing heat and not worried about showing it. They’d each earned a couple of double takes from the guys delivering the furniture, but so far, so good. But most importantly, no one seemed overly interested in Cheyenne’s presence, which they considered a good thing. Then again, she was fairly disguised with her hat and glasses, but Brendon had come to believe that the disguise did little to make her unrecognizable. She was still one of the most beautiful women in the world, which made her stand out regardless of what she wore.

“Over there.” Cheyenne pointed to a corner in the vast, empty living room. Even the ratty love seat had been moved to the back porch to make room for the multiple pieces Cheyenne had purchased.

Although she at first had a difficult time picking out the pieces she wanted, when they had returned to the store after taking a break for lunch that day, Cheyenne had been a woman on a mission, picking out one thing after another. It had helped that Chester was prepared for her return. As it turned out, the guy had called Travis and had a brief conversation with Kylie, who helped to explain what it was Cheyenne was looking for.

Somehow, in a matter of only two hours, Cheyenne had furnished the entire house and they’d even managed to score a brand-new, fancy-ass washer and dryer, which were the only new appliances she didn’t seem to already have.

When the last of the furniture was put in place, the main delivery guy started for Cheyenne, but was pulled up short by Z. Brendon tried not to laugh at the way the guy’s eyes widened as he stared at the gigantic man directly blocking his path.

“I just …” The guy cleared his throat and tried again. “I just need her signature.”

Z took the clipboard from the man’s hands, and with RT keeping an eye on things, turned to have Cheyenne sign the form before he handed it back.

“Thanks,” the guy said, trying to peer around Z to see Cheyenne, but his efforts were thwarted once again.

Way to make her look like someone important, Brendon thought. If these guys were legit, which Brendon had to think they were, they were now intensely curious as to who the woman was and why she needed armed bodyguards in her house.

Oh well, there wasn’t a damn thing Brendon could do about it now.

“We all good?” RT asked when the delivery guys cleared out and they’d satisfied themselves by checking the perimeter of the house.

“I’m good,” Cheyenne informed them.

“We won’t be far,” Z told them as they left, instructing Cheyenne to lock the door behind them.

She did, and before she was turned around completely, Brendon backed her against the wood, pulling off her hat and glasses before claiming her mouth. He didn’t waste time, sliding his hands beneath the tank top she wore, cupping her breasts as she thrust her tongue against his.

He wasn’t sure what had come over him, but he had to have her.


The way she pressed up against him, grinding herself against his thigh, Brendon wasn’t worried she wasn’t ready for him.

“We’ve got some furniture to christen,” he informed her, pulling her with him as he led her into the living room, undressing her as he went.

Once she was gloriously naked, Brendon instructed her to bend over the arm of the couch, which she did without argument. Needing her more than he thought possible, Brendon managed to shed his T-shirt, but he only managed to get his jeans down to his thighs.

“Put one knee up here,” he instructed, patting the leather arm of the sofa. Due to her height, or rather lack thereof, taking her while she was standing put incredible strain on his thighs, so he figured adjusting her position ahead of time would speed up the process.

When her knee was perched on the edge, he guided his cock into her slick entrance, shoving deep.

“Yes!” Cheyenne cried out.

Brendon gripped her other leg and lifted it, holding her steady while he plowed into her.

“Fuck, Chey. I can’t get enough of you,” he told her as he slammed into her over and over. He’d taken her when they first woke up, at six that morning, and he was certain he would want her again in a couple of hours, if that long.
