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Brendon (Alluring Indulgence #8)(82)
Author: Nicole Edwards

And then he had called Braydon, asking his brother to drop off the gas-powered one they owned.

Braydon had told him it would be a couple of hours, so Brendon had called Ethan. His younger brother brought it over and left with a smirk on his face.

Now, as Brendon placed the yard tools back in the garage while Cheyenne disappeared inside to take a shower, he heard the familiar sound of an engine and looked up to see Braydon and Jessie pulling into the driveway. Brendon was closing the garage door when Z and RT came to stand beside him, all three of them watching the new arrivals with interest.

“Well, it’s about time y’all did somethin’ productive,” Braydon said with a smile as he approached, his arm sliding around Jessie’s shoulders and pulling her against him.

“Too bad the same can’t be said for you,” Brendon retorted, matching his brother’s grin.

“Damn. Y’all really do look just fucking alike,” RT muttered. “How the hell do people tell y’all apart?”

“I’m the nicer one,” Brendon snapped, giving Braydon a knowing look.

His twin just laughed, as did Jessie. Oddly, Brendon didn’t feel any tension between the pair and he had to wonder why that was.

“Seriously, what’re y’all doin’ here?” Brendon hadn’t been expecting Braydon to show up unannounced. Not that he wasn’t happy to see him.

“Wanted to stop by to chat,” Braydon answered, his gaze locking with Brendon’s. That look meant Braydon wanted to talk to Brendon alone.

“Is Cheyenne inside?” Jessie asked, pulling away from Braydon. “I’ll leave you two alone so you can chat.”

Braydon pulled Jessie back to him, crushing his mouth to hers in a lingering kiss before releasing her once again. She giggled and swatted at his chest, but headed toward the house with a big-ass grin on her pretty face.

Calling after Jessie, Brendon said, “She’s in the shower, but she should be out in a few.”

“I’ll wait for her in the kitchen,” Jessie told them. “You two can come help me.”

“Help you what?” Z asked, following behind her.

“Does it really matter?” RT asked, punching Z on the arm.

When they were alone on the front porch, Brendon perched on the railing while Braydon took a position against the wall, his ankles crossed.

“A little strange to see you bein’ all domestic and shit,” Braydon muttered, pacing back and forth on the porch.

Brendon didn’t have a comeback, so he continued to watch his brother. It was obvious Braydon had come with something specific to talk about, but it didn’t appear the guy knew how to spit it out. A few more passes on the porch and finally Braydon came to a stop.

“Jessie and I set a weddin’ date,” Braydon announced.

“Seriously? That’s awesome, man.” Brendon was truly happy for Braydon and he hoped like hell his twin could see that.

“It is awesome,” Braydon replied. “I think it’s time we move forward.”

“I do, too,” Brendon confirmed. Long past time, but he didn’t mention that aloud. “So, when’s the big day?”

“February thirteenth. We’ll wait for Sawyer and Kennedy to get hitched, but then we’re next.”

Brendon grinned. “Not runnin’ off to Vegas, huh?” He knew for a fact that Braydon would prefer to have a simple ceremony as opposed to a big to-do, but their mother would have his ass if he even tried.

“Not for lack of tryin’,” Braydon told him, his gaze moving to the yard. “What happened the other night?”

Brendon frowned, trying to figure out what Braydon was referring to. “When we had someone lurkin’ outside?” he asked.

Confusion marred Braydon’s formerly calm countenance, but he shook his head and said, “No. Somethin’ else happened. Somethin’ major. I … felt it.”

Brendon swallowed hard. He knew exactly what Braydon was referring to. Brendon had had a similar feeling when Braydon and Jessie had finally worked things out between them.

“I told her that I loved her,” he admitted.

Braydon nodded. “I figured as much.” A smile tipped his twin’s mouth. “Did she say it back?”

“Damn right she did,” Brendon replied, laughing.


Brendon looked down at his boots. “Doesn’t mean things are gonna work out though, man.”

Brendon had yet to talk to Cheyenne about what would happen when she went back out on the road. He didn’t want her to leave him behind, and he’d actually had some ideas on how they could make it work, but he still remembered how she’d told Kaleb and Zoey that she wasn’t ready to settle down yet.
