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Burning Dawn

Burning Dawn (Angels of the Dark #3)(87)
Author: Gena Showalter

If by “sick” she meant “on life support,” then yes. His woman was delicate, and there was nothing wrong with that—in fact, there was everything right with it. “Agreed.” Whatever she wanted, he would give her. Even that. Because she was right—being with her was helping tamp down the nightmares. He had never imagined such a thing possible, but there were many things he would have denied…until Elin had made the impossible possible. “But I will need a concession from you.”

Triumphant, she leaned down and nibbled on his earlobe. He almost lost track of his thoughts. Almost.

“I love you, Elin,” he admitted, tangling his hands in her hair. “I love you more than any man has ever loved a woman.”

Gasping, she jolted upright. Her eyes were wide with shock. “What did you say?”

“I love you.” She owned his heart. His soul. And he couldn’t regret their loss. They were safer than they’d ever been. “You had me from the start, when you bravely aided my escape from a common enemy. You became my brightest light. My sweetest hope. And now that you’ve addicted me to all that you are, I can’t give you up. I won’t give you up. We’re in this together from now on.”

Tears welled in her eyes.

He rolled her over, pinning her with his weight, and kissed the salty droplets away. “And now, the concession,” he continued. “When I find a way to make you fully immortal, and I will, you will do what’s necessary. Whatever it is.”


“No buts.” He cupped her face, gave her a little shake. This was too important. “You will. I would rather die than lose you.” Over the past few days, his sense of doom had only grown. Now, when things were finally right between him and the woman holding his heart, it was making him desperate. “And, Elin? That’s exactly what will happen. If ever you leave me, whatever the reason, I won’t be able to move on. I don’t care what I’ve told you about overcoming your loss of Bay.”

“But I’ll want you to—”

“No,” he said again. “Without you, I have nothing. Without you, I want nothing.”

Overcome by the need to possess her, here, now, and always, he spread his burning hands over every inch of her. Staking his claim. Leaving his mark. “You are mine,” he said. “I won’t lose you.”

“I’m yours. And you’re mine. I won’t lose you, either,” she gasped, urging his head down for a kiss. “Not to anything.”

“Not ever,” he agreed.


SHE HADN’T TOLD THANE she loved him, Elin realized.

She wanted to tell him. She really did. Because she knew deep down that the man owned her heart every bit as much as she owned his. But guilt kept the words trapped inside her.

She was already giving him everything Bay had lost. How could she give him those precious words, too? Especially when, in Thane’s arms, she was happier than she’d ever been.

“You ready, kulta?” He came up behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, flattening his pleasure-giving hands on her belly, and kissing the hollow of her neck.

The time to leave the island and meet up with the others had arrived. Thane’s injury was completely healed. Elin’s sense of despondency had lifted. They had a demon prince to hunt, and a Phoenix king to spank. Not necessarily in that order.

“Ready.” She turned in his embrace to anchor her arms around his neck, careful not to pull at the feathers in his majestic wings.

A rare few Phoenix had wings, though the appendages formed from smoke and were the color of the darkest night. She’d never craved a pair of her own. Until now. To keep pace with Thane…to be his equal in something. Oh, she knew she’d told him she wanted to be treated as his equal, but she also knew it would be an act, nothing more.

Gently, he chucked her on the chin. “What’s this?”

Always he guessed her mood correctly and sensed the slightest change. Am I that predictable—or is he just that aware of me?

She told him her thoughts, leaving nothing out. She’d demanded his trust, and she would give her own. He was her man. He would never use her vulnerabilities against her.

“Elin, of the two of us, you hold more power. Never doubt that.”

She blinked in astonishment. Of all the things he could have said, that hadn’t been on the list of possibilities. Because he couldn’t lie! So…those earth-shattering words were true to him.

“Sorry, baby, but I’m doubting,” she admitted. “I don’t understand.”

“I told you. You own me. I’m yours. All that I have been. All that I am. All that I will ever be. Your happiness is mine. Your fury is mine. And your needs will be met before mine. I love you, and to me, that means placing you first and giving to you what I will never give to another. Power over me.”

Trembling, she pressed her forehead against his chest. “Thank you.”

Tell him. Tell him right now.


She fisted his robe. “The things you say to me…”

“Come straight from the heart you revived.”

“See! Like that!” She straightened and met his earnest gaze. “They’re beautiful. Like poetry. And what do I give you in return?” Nothing but trouble!

His expression was infinitely tender. “You give me what I’ve never had before. Peace.”

“How? I’m just…me.”

“A puzzle without its final piece is never complete. I am a puzzle, and you are my piece.” His eyes sparked with mischief as he added, “I am a rose, and you are my thorn.”

She snorted. “Thorns aren’t just annoying. They are there to protect the rose, you know.”

“I know.”

“So…stoic Thane just admitted his ladybird is one badass chick?”

“He did.”

“Well, that’s gonna get him laid so hard later.”

He barked out a laugh. With a single flap of his wings, he shot in the air, and Elin tightened her hold on him. The higher they glided, the cooler the air became, but pressed against Thane she never grew cold. When he leveled out, pressure kept her body flat against him, practically bonding them. Wind whipped at her hair, and the strands slapped at her cheeks.

Hours passed before they reached their destination. A castle Bjorn kept in the third level of the heavens, about twenty miles from the Downfall. She gaped at the grand stone stairway outside, with flowers blooming on both sides, leading to something straight out of a fairy tale. Outer walls slightly darker than the clouds surrounded them, with sapphire steeples and stained-glass windows.
