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Burning Skies

Burning Skies (Guardians of Ascension #2)(119)
Author: Caris Roane

The orgasm hit her like a rocket and she was screaming into the comforter, her body undulating as his fingers kept working her. When her body settled down, he removed his fingers then leaned over her to smooth back her hair. He kissed the back of her neck then kissed his way up to her ear and murmured, “We’re just getting started.”

“Oh, God,” she said aloud. She shuddered and moaned. She drew her arms up close to her body. She breathed in and let his scent envelop her once more. Fennel was thick in the air.

Do you like the view? she sent.

A growl returned and once again she felt his c**k poised at her core.

She closed her eyes and savored. She was so happy.

* * *

Havily was right where Marcus wanted her, on her stomach and vulnerable, her legs spread. He wanted her from behind, then on her front, maybe sideways, against the wall, in the shower, on the sandy beach, in the arctic water, the hell if he cared. He would have her tonight over and over.

It was such a turn-on to see a naked woman, naked except of course for the ridiculous sexy stilettos that showed every gorgeous curve of her legs and the thigh-high stockings trimmed with red ribbon. She was a feast for him, a honeysuckle-drenched feast. He dragged air through his nose and let her erotic scent drift straight into his brain. He got up close to her.

He pushed at her entrance with the tip of his c**k but he wasn’t ready to enter her, not yet. He breathed in again and, because her hips flexed, she released a wave of honeysuckle that brought him straight to his knees, which was exactly where he wanted to be.

He pushed her legs farther apart, held her thighs wide, and licked, a long slow lick so that he could take into his mouth what she was giving.

He groaned, his c**k throbbing, his mouth tingling.

He licked again. She whimpered and her pelvis bucked. In the same way he had held her shoulders down, he held her bu**ocks down, pinning her in place so that he could do to her what he needed to do. He drove his tongue deep and for the next several minutes, he tongue-fucked her, hard thrusts, his jaw pressing into the tender flesh around her opening as he went as deep as he could get.

Marcus. Oh, God.

Her voice in his head made him thrust harder, faster.


Each time she said his name, he rewarded her until he was punching into her and she was screaming once more.

Oh. Oh. Oh, bounced through his mind and made him smile as he tongued what belonged to him. He kept punching into her until the wild shudders of her body eased and her hips once more relaxed on the bed.

I love you, he sent.

She rolled slightly so that she could look at him. “You are taking such beautiful care of me. Is there anything I can do for you?” She licked her lips, which caused him to shudder. Several images pounded through his head, each one causing his c**k to jerk. He massaged her bu**ocks, savoring the softness of her flesh, the womanliness of her body.

“You’re here. That’s enough.” He knew what he wanted next, but first he had to feel her in just this position, take her just like this. He rose up and settled his hips between her legs. He positioned himself and with his hands on her hips he began easing his c**k inside.

He hissed. She was so damn tight.

Marcus, she sent. Heaven. Just heaven. The feel of you.

God, yes.

He thrust into her, his hands creeping up her waist, her back, spreading in ownership over her wing-locks and over her shoulders as he flexed his hips and set up a rhythm. He possessed her now. Again, he was where he wanted to be. Honeysuckle floated all around him. He leaned over and kissed the nape of her neck, his thrusts not too forceful. If he went any faster, he’d come and he didn’t want to.

Heaven came back to him again.

He didn’t want to leave the well of her body, but his chest was full of longing, that peculiar call of Second Earth. They needed to finish what had begun four months ago. It wouldn’t take much to complete the breh-hedden now; his c**k buried inside her, each of them taking blood at the same time, and the mutual sharing of deep mind-engagement.

Damn, his chest burned. He withdrew and she gave a cry of protest. He leaned over her and kissed her cheek. “It’s time.” He stroked the side of her neck with two fingers.

She groaned. She met his gaze. He stroked her neck again and a heavy wave of honeysuckle flowed over him. His nostrils flared as he squeezed his eyes shut and drank in her scent.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He stepped away from her just enough to allow her to roll onto her back. “We need to get rid of the comforter.”

When she sat up, he scooped her up in his arms then carried her to the side of the bed. With a single thought, he folded the comforter to the chair in the corner. He kissed her and she licked his lips. “I taste some of me on you.”

He kissed her again. “I love how you taste.”

She smiled and put her arms around his neck. “I’m so grateful you’re here.”

“Me, too.” He laid her back on the bed, on the black silk sheets. He stated his case plainly as only a vampire could do. “I want your blood.”

She smiled. “And I want you to have my blood, now and forever.”

His smile eased into a grin. “At the very least it will give me stamina.”

She glanced down at his cock, shuddered, then tilted her head to expose her neck, “By all means then.”

He laughed. He was loving this. He had forgotten how wonderful this could be, the closeness, the intimacy, the sex when love was on the menu.

He stretched out on top of her, pushing her thighs apart with his knees, making room for his big warrior body between her legs. But he felt her tense suddenly. “What is it?” he asked.

“This is it, isn’t it? The breh-hedden.”

“Yeah,” he said, petting her peachy-red waves with his hands. “Once I have your blood in me, there will be no stopping, no going back.”

“And I’ll take your wrist?”

“Oh … yeah.” His voice dropped an octave.

She tilted her neck and exposed her throat for him.

His c**k throbbed all over again and, just to appease it a little, he connected with her entrance and thrust in about an inch. She moaned.

More, she sent.

Wait. But he groaned. His body wanted more, a helluva lot more, but he needed to hold back. He held steady as he dipped down and licked her throat. His fangs emerged, the scent of her rich in his nose.

Now was the time. He took a deep breath and eased his c**k into her core, pushing and pushing until he was seated deep. Her arms slid around his shoulders and tightened. He began to drive into her and set a slow steady rhythm. But now his fangs throbbed. He feared, however, what would happen to his body once her blood hit his stomach and fired through his bloodstream. Even thinking about it made his lower back tense. Again he breathed, keeping his control tight for all that needed to happen first.
