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Burning Skies

Burning Skies (Guardians of Ascension #2)(34)
Author: Caris Roane

Havily Morgan had power in her blood, a stream of liquid fire that scorched his veins as the miracle of absorption took place deep within his belly.

He knew he was pumping into her as he sucked at her neck. He could feel her writhing body beneath him, but for the most part he felt the fire in his body as her blood began to seep into his muscles. Strength began to build, grow, enlarge every part of him.

Marcus, what’s happening, pierced the dullness of his mind.

Not sure.

You feel … bigger … everywhere. She arched her back, which caused her hips to pull back and pull away from his c**k … which was bigger. Holy shit.

He opened his eyes and though he didn’t want to, he drew back from her vein. She was worried, surprised. “What’s happening?” she asked again.

A new wave of power hit him. He threw back his head, arched, and gasped for air. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

His body was in a frenzy as his hips moved in hard rapid thrusts. The orgasm caught him by surprise as though coming from his body with a life of its own.

Havily’s ecstasy arrived again at the same time because he could feel her hands stroking his pecs and shoulders and he could hear her screams but all he could feel was the pleasure that kept riding his shaft, coming and coming and coming, jets of liquid fire and pleasure and so much sensation he couldn’t stop.

He just hoped to hell he wasn’t hurting her.

* * *

Havily writhed under the muscular warrior body. Ecstasy had her trapped all over again, her body flailing beneath his, her feminine well clutching at the hard swollen member. She could feel his masculine orgasmic pulses and they just kept coming as though he couldn’t stop and she didn’t want him to because the pleasure she felt was indescribable. She felt as though she was drinking his essence into her body, absorbing, and with each pump of his hips, she took more in.

She knew she was moaning, screaming, crying out, but she couldn’t quiet her voice.

Then, as if in a dream, she flew into that nether place, that in-between place that darkened all around the edges and … Marcus was with her.

“What the f**k?” His movements slowed but he panted over her neck. “What is this place? Oh, God.” He grunted and groaned, his hips still rolling over hers. “It’s never been like this before and now we’re here, in that place again. Oh, God, Havily.” He fell on her, weakened it would seem by the string of climaxes that had taken him.

She held him, her body shuddering beneath his.

She was breathing hard, her arms around his neck. She dragged her fingers over his back. He smelled so good, but what the hell had happened and where were they … again?

“It’s like the dreams,” she said, looking around wondering when her body would quiet. She still felt him inside her, swollen, erect. “Only this time it looks like my bed, not yours.” She released another heavy sigh, still trying to catch her breath. “A line of darkness creates a border just as it did in your bed. Do you see it?”

He nodded and then he moved, one slow rhythm, a push in and pull partway out. The sensation, still mingling with her last orgasm, made her eyes roll in her head. The next moment his lips were on hers, a soft gentle kiss. His words eased over her mind: I have never felt like this before, Havily. I need you to know that.

Havily was overwhelmed. Nor I, she sent.

He deepened the kiss, his tongue filling her mouth, his hips still pushing and retreating, his c**k still thick. His back where she touched him was slick with sweat. All the sensations reminded her of the past, the very best of her marriage so many decades ago, then later of her engagement to Eric. Now … Marcus.

Tender feelings rolled through her. She breathed in a long breath, her heart swelling. She wasn’t supposed to feel this way, but she did. “Marcus,” she murmured softly.

He nuzzled her neck, kissing her, suckling her skin. “Honeysuckle,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough.” Again he pushed into her, and desire flowed in a beautiful wave until she was gasping and he was moving into her harder now.

“Your blood has done something to me,” he whispered. “I’m not hurting you, am I?” His deep rich voice passed through her chest.

“No, of course not. You feel so good … so wonderful.” She began to cry out again, her body heating up.

He moved faster now. He was hard and felt so good.

“Shit,” he cried, “I’m going to come again. What the hell?”

The orgasm caught her, an intense surprise that had her crying out. He pumped fast now, lightning moves that carried her orgasm to a new height. He arched back and cried out, his thick pecs trembling as he spent himself yet again inside her.

He collapsed on her, once more panting over her chest. Once more her arms encircled him. She slid a hand over his hair. His fennel scent surrounded her.

She remained like that, awed by what had happened between them and by where she was.

After a long moment, he eased out of her and rolled slightly onto his side He leaned on one elbow and looked around. “I think I know what this is, where we are? I just figured it out.”

Havily once more glanced at the darkness that bordered the edge of the space, that seemed to drift on for miles. “Where?” she asked, confused.

“Of course. Havily, this is the darkening. You’ve brought us into the darkening, which is what you’ve been doing in your dreams.”

“But … this is where Endelle hunts the Commander, isn’t it? She chases him through the darkening?”

“I don’t know about chasing him. More like she hunts him down. I don’t think he’s actually in the darkening, if I’ve understood Endelle’s process.” He then shifted slightly and looked down at her. He chuckled softly. “Well, for an ascender who has repeatedly disappointed Madame Endelle, you’ve got a goddamn righteous Third ability.”

“No,” she said and laughed at him, but he lifted a brow. “That’s not possible.”

“Yes. You do.” He then kissed her forehead.

Her cheeks grew warm as his lips drifted to an eyebrow, where he placed another kiss. First a compliment, then a tender display of physical affection. She could get used to this. “So how do we get back?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I think this is your show, not mine. I told you yesterday that you bring me into this place, not the other way around.”

Her thoughts took a hard turn. “Oh, God. If you’re right, then that’s why Crace came to me. This is why I had a guardian at my ascension, because I can do this, because I have darkening abilities.”
