Read Books Novel


I left out the part that I'd started eating again because of the look of panic on Jays' face and the hurt in Pris's eyes.

I ate for them, not me.

I got out of bed for them, not for me.

I lived because my parents didn't, yet sometimes at night, when I couldn't sleep, I had to wonder if God had messed it up.

Gah. I let my head fall back against the leather a few times, bouncing up and down as I stewed. I hated self-pity. I drank more coffee and tried to focus on the positive. I was in a limo with a hot guy.

A famous hot guy who thought I was a child.

But at least I was still in the limo, and he'd ordered me coffee, and for once in my life I got to experience a kiss, that for a few brief moments had made me feel alive again.

My phone buzzed.

Jay: Zane said he freaked you out this morning, and you burnt your hand. You okay?

I glanced down at my hand. It was still red, but honestly, being with Linc had made me forget all about it.

Dani: I'm good. Hand's fine. How long is Zane staying?

Jay: Not sure, at least a month. We'll see how long he wants to take off. He needed an escape.

Dani: Great.

Jay: He's a good friend, didn't want him in a hotel, plus he'd get mobbed in a minute, and he hates staying alone.

Dani: Staying alone?

Jay: Forget I said that please? He'd be pissed. Have fun at the aquarium. Don't kill my star.

Dani: Damn, probably shouldn't have added arsenic to his eggs this morning. Oh well, we'll always have that one kiss.

Jay: Ha ha. And if he kisses you again, you bite his lip, love.

Dani: As in a love bite?

Jay: As in bite it off, spit it out, run like hell, and let me finish him off.

Dani: Thanks, Dad.

I gasped as I realized through blurry eyes what I'd just typed.

Jay's text back was immediate.

Jay: You know I'm going to be the hottest father in the history of the universe.

I laughed softly as he sent me an emoji that said Number One Dad. He always knew what to say to make me feel better.

Dani: So very true.

Jay: Love you.

I sent him a pink heart.

Dani: You too.



"I'M SORRY." HANDS SHAKING, I BLOCKED my view with the brochure and pretended to be interested in the mating penguin exhibit. What the hell? "I really can't do this."

Dani tugged the loop on my jeans.

"Rip them off. See if I care."

She kept pulling.

"I've got almost a foot on you, Dani, no chance in hell. It's time to go. We've seen everything but a mermaid. Let's just go."

Her foot stomped down on the top of mine.

Sharp pain radiated upward toward my shin.

"Son of a—"

The brochure was ripped from my hands. She stood in front of me bracing for a fight. I'd never seen her look more beautiful. Face flushed, chest heaving, eyes blazing.

Holy shit, I wanted to devour her on the spot.

I suddenly forgot why I was so freaked out.

My eyes zeroed in on her mouth.

Her lips parted.

If that wasn't an invitation, I didn't know what was. I gulped, reaching for her face.

Just as a giant wave of water collided with her back and my front, nearly exposing just how much I wanted her body glued to mine.

"Sorry about that! Whales can get kind of feisty."

Oh good, something I had in common with the giant demon currently splashing its tail a few feet away.

"You guys ready?" The trainer hopped out of the water like a freaking seal on crack and giggled.

"No," I croaked. "Not. Ready." Words. I needed to find more words. Did I mention I was going to kill my publicist?

"Oh." The trainer laughed. "But the kids will be so disappointed if their favorite star doesn't at least do one trick with us!"

As if on cue, the crowd of kids in the audience cheered and started chanting my name.

"One, just…" I held up my finger. "… one minute."

Clothes drenched, I squeaked my way back toward the fence, pulling Dani with me.

"I can't do this."

She sighed and glanced back at the crowd. I really needed her encouragement right now, and the part that sucked was that she had no words to give me, nothing. I felt stupid and selfish for needing both.

"I'm scared of whales," I mumbled.

She cupped her ear.

I rolled my eyes as she leaned in.

"Scared—" I coughed into my hand. "—of whales."

Her grin had me feeling like a teen who'd just been caught staring too hard at his hot math tutor.

"Ready?" The trainer bounced back. Could someone — anyone — just shoot a whale tranq into her ass or something?

Dani reached for my hand and squeezed it. I expected her to let go, but instead, she gripped it as if she was going to go into the water with me.

Granted, we had our shoes off. It was one step.

When I told my publicist we were going to go use the tickets, she'd called ahead and let them know I'd be more than happy to do a surprise appearance during the afternoon water show. Lucky for me, I didn't have to swim with a whale.

All I had to do was feed one.

I had graphic blood filled visions of falling into his giant mouth and being no more.

"Yay!" The trainer bounced up and down a few times, making me feel nauseated, or maybe it was just the whale, Zoe, the one currently swimming around and jolting itself into the air.
