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"You kids ready?" Another trainer screamed into the microphone. "Let's give a huge round of applause to Lincoln Greene!"

I gave a weak wave at the crowd as Dani tugged me toward the first step into the giant whale pool.

"Here you go." The trainer held up a bucket. "Zoe's going to splash you guys again and open her mouth. You'll toss the food in, and when you're finished with that, all you need to do his hold up your hand for a high five. She'll close her mouth, chomp down on the food and do a trick."

As long as my body wasn't involved in that trick.

The bucket was shoved into my free hand. I clenched Dani harder. She leaned into my side then started humming Jaws.

"Not funny," I said through clenched teeth.

She hummed louder.


A giant black-and-white blob freaking flew through the water at breakneck speed, stopping right in front of us, splashed with her giant-ass fin, then opened her mouth wide.

Teeth. She had teeth.

And so many of them.

I got dizzy just thinking about them. Who cared if they're flat? They were still teeth, and it wasn't the teeth as much as it was the jaw that had me freaked.

Dani nudged me.

I released her hand and dug the small fish out of the bucket and dropped them into Zoe's mouth.

She held it open.

Hand still shaking, I lifted it into the air to make a high five.

Without warning, she splashed us again.

"Uh oh!" The trainer said in the microphone. "It seems Zoe wants a kiss!"

"Not a chance in hell," I hissed.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The kids chanted along with the trainer as if it wasn't a legit life-and-death issue.

They kept chanting. I couldn't move.

Dani quickly knelt on her knees, soaking her jeans as she leaned over the water, holding her head so close to the whale I was freaked she was going to get bit. But the whale didn't move. In fact, she seemed to enjoy Dani's closeness.

Dani closed her eyes and rubbed her nose against the whale's skin as if to show me it was okay.

Slowly, I lowered myself to their level and leaned in. Zoe smelled like fish. Any fast movements and I was going to have a legit issue with passing out and drowning in the giant pool.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the audience kept shouting.

Dani tugged my face down to the whale; my lips were inches away from Zoe's skin. Next, Dani shoved my face into the whale. It wasn't even a kiss as much as it was a push with my lips against its rubbery skin. She pulled me back then launched herself into my arms.

And kissed me.

I forgot all about the whale.

In the distance I heard cheering and a splash. I assumed Zoe had done her trick, but I was busy doing one of my own.

Without hesitation, I lifted Dani against my chest. Her feet dangled against my shins as I swung her around and kissed her harder, needing her more than my next breath.

Her mouth was just as I remembered, hot, sweet and so inviting it was hard to pull back.

The trainer next to me coughed. "Children present."

Dani slid down my hard body as I slowly released her and mouthed, "Thank you."

She winked.

"Really, you saved my life," I whispered.

She burst out laughing as the kids laughed and cheered.

"So…" Dani licked her lips. "… scared of whales, huh?"

My mouth dropped open at the same time hers slammed shut, as if she'd just realized she'd spoken out loud.

The trainer, clearly not realizing the epic moment, tried to engage us in conversation. "Thanks so much for coming and—"

"Yeah, yeah." I nodded and shook her hand while trying to steer Dani away. "Thanks again. We have an appointment."

We walked hand in hand toward our discarded shoes and socks. Dani didn't say anything. I wanted her to, but I didn't want to push her either. My heart was pounding so hard my chest ached.

Once we were away from the crowd and alone, I turned to her and said the only thing on my mind, "Your voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."



ADRENALINE SURGED THROUGH MY BODY. MY voice! That was my voice! A voice I hadn't heard outside my head in months! I wanted to shout in victory, yell at the top of my lungs. But instead, my knees knocked together and spots clouded my vision as Lincoln lifted me up into his arms and carried me down the stairs.

I blinked my eyes as the angry, black clouds started moving in our general direction.

Cold rain splattered against my face before Lincoln walked us down into a small alcove.

Chilled, I couldn't stop my teeth from chattering as he set me on my feet directly in front of the penguin exhibit.

It was freezing in there.

But we were alone.

"Dani?" He cupped my face. "Are you going to pass out?" His eyebrows knit together in concern as he backed me against the wall.

I could almost taste him again — wanted to — but then he'd be on to me. He'd know I wanted more of his kisses.

Was it so wrong to want a kiss from someone like him? A real kiss? Not one that was forced or acted out — but a kiss made of passion and spontaneity?

I nodded my head, swallowing the dryness in my throat.

"That was…" His eyes lit up with awe. "… that was insane… right?"

"The whale or this?" My voice was barely above a whisper as my treacherous eyes zeroed in on his mouth.

Linc leaned in, pushing my hair out of my face. "Both, but for the record, I forgot all about the whale the minute I heard your voice."
