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"Oh, can't wait." Linc picked me up and started running. I squealed as my body slammed against his the entire way back to the bonfire.

"Wow…" I nearly fell over when he set me back on my feet. "… good cardio. Remind me never to race you."

"Showing off again?" Zane looked up from the guitar he was holding and winked at me.

I blushed, mainly because it was Zane, and I just couldn't help it. "He's always showing off."

"Is it true Jay caught you guys?" Gabe asked, as conversation fell completely silent, and he was pinched in the side by his wife. "What?" He looked around. "Demetri said to—" He glared. "See if I invite you for Christmas now."

"You have to." Demetri grinned shamelessly. "Your wife likes my mashed potatoes better than yours."

"You spiked mine," Gabe explained in an angry voice. "With salt."

"I can't help it if you can't use measuring spoons."

Alyssa, Demetri's wife, rolled her eyes and covered Demetri's mouth with her hand.

I smiled at her then covered my yawn with my hand.

"Early day tomorrow." Jaymeson stood, glaring at Linc behind me. "We have to be on set by four."

Groans were heard around the campfire.

"Wait." I raised my hand. "Everyone's on set at four?"

"Yeah." Pris gave me an apologetic look. "The final music video shoots tomorrow morning, and the weather's supposed to be crap in the afternoon. We need sunlight."

"Wrong city," I pointed out, while everyone chuckled and started cleaning up.

"So…" Demetri approached us and wrapped an arm around me. "… your gift is an Apple watch, because I'm that badass, but I left it in my car. I'll walk you and Linc out so I can grab it, alright?"

"Sure." I waved goodbye to everyone and fell into step between Demetri and Linc.

They both towered over me.

And were equally matched in size and strength.

It almost felt like I was getting escorted back to the parking lot by body guards instead of my two best friends.

Why did I always have guys as best friends anyway? I glanced up at Demetri who was giving Linc the evil eye twitch as if to say, "Grab her hand… I slice it off." And Linc seemed to be as casual as ever, hands stuffed in his pockets, though his arm kept colliding with mine.

"Guys…" I stopped walking. "… can't we all make up and be friends?"

"He slept with you." Demetri spat out the word he.

"And you're a saint?" Linc burst out laughing. "Please! All I need to do is Internet-search you and—"

"Hey!" Demetri yelled. "We aren't talking about my past here!"

"But mine's up for debate?" Linc's eyebrows shot up. "How is that fair? Did Alyssa's parents freak out over your reputation? Did Nat's? Hell, did the principal even bat an eyelash?"

"Several…" Demetri smirked. "… actually."

"Cocky ass," Linc muttered. "No wonder I play you well."

I burst out laughing as I looked between them. They were even standing the same way. It would be hilarious if they weren't at each other's throats.

"Guys, I love you both."

"YOU LOVE HIM!?" Demetri shouted.

While I groaned into my hands.

"Present," I finally said. "Give me my present so you can go kiss your wife and blow off some steam."

"And I will be the only one doing that this eve!" Demetri nodded seriously then pointed between the two of us. "She's still… like…" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "… she's like a sister, man… Just…" He glanced at me, his face sorrowful. "… just don't hurt the only sister I have."

"You have Pris."

"Shh." Demetri waved his hand at me.

"And Nat."

"Dani!" I expected him to stomp his foot. "Not now! We're negotiating, alright?"

I held up my hands.

"I won't," Linc said in a serious voice. "I swear it."

"Alright." Demetri's voice lost most of its venom as he started walking toward his new white Escalade, a present he'd bought for Alyssa when he found out she wanted to start a family.

Once he pulled my gift out, he very slowly walked over to me then held up the Apple watch. It was the gold one.

The expensive gold one.

That had been sold out for months.


"Nope!" He held up his hands. "No give backs. Plus, it's easy to spend money, but gifts that come from the heart…" He pointed at my charm bracelet. "Those mean the most. Besides, your old watch was shit, and you're always late."

"Am not!" I argued.

"Are too!" the guys said in unison, their voices nearly identical.

This time I did bust up laughing, while Demetri and Linc hid their smiles behind their hands.

"Friends?" Linc held out his hand to Demetri.

Demetri examined it like it was diseased but finally shook it firmly and left us alone, whistling as he jogged back to the group on the beach.

"He's…" I shrugged. "… something else."

"He's a good friend." Linc pulled me close. "You should get to bed. Plus, I heard from a very reliable source that there's chocolate cake waiting for you on the counter."
