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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(13)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Thank you. His voice was just as deep and delicious floating through my mind as it was when he spoke out loud. I kissed the underside of his jaw before settling my head in the crook of his neck and shutting my eyes.

It was almost enough.

Still, I couldn’t forget the fact that someday soon, Cole would confront me and I was going to have to make a choice: defy Sam and tell the truth or lie and drive away someone I cared about more than I probably should.

Chapter Four


Clink, clink, clink. Tap, Tap, Tap.

The light sounds startled me in the quiet of the house and I jumped. Warily, I glanced over at the window. Something was hitting the panes, making them tremble in the night.

A few disturbing thoughts went through my head with startling force.

I was alone.

Sam wouldn’t make sounds at the window; he would let himself in.

The window was unlocked.

Clink, clink, clink.

I swallowed the fear lodged in my throat and climbed out of bed, taking with me the heavy flashlight I had been using to read. I told myself it wasn’t a demon. What demon knocks before attacking? I looked over my shoulder at the clock; it was just after eleven. Not awfully late, but not early either.

Tap, tap, tap.

I took a breath, slid the window up and peered out into the night, clutching the flashlight like a bat. I expected some growling demon to burst into my room. I did not expect to hear my name being called from the ground.


The voice was very familiar, but different somehow and it gave me pause. This was a trick. A trick from a smart demon, it wanted me to come out so it could attack. Still, I said, “Hello?”

“It’s me. Can you come down?”

“Cole?” I asked, shining the light down into the yard. It bounced off his face and he cringed.

“Geez, Hev, are you trying to blind me?”

I couldn’t stop the smile. But then I frowned at the way he slurred his words. “Are you drunk?” I demanded.

“I had a few,” he mumbled. “Are you coming down or what?”

I debated, still wondering if it was a trick. I looked down at his aura, the colors still visible in the dark. It was the same as always, the same magenta color that no one else had. He couldn’t fake that. The way his aura pulsed and waved told me that he had more than a few drinks.

“Did you drive here?” I hissed.

He made a noise. “Fine, if you won’t come down, I’ll come up.” He stumbled toward the side of the house, crashing into something in the yard. “Owww!” He howled.

I winced. “I’m coming down. Meet me on the porch.” I hurried to close the window and snagged a plush blanket off the bed before quietly making my way downstairs into the kitchen. Briefly, I thought about sending Sam a thought, telling him that Cole was here. I knew that he would drop what he was doing with Logan and come right over because he didn’t like Cole, and because he sensed that there might be more between us than friendship. Ashamed, I brushed the thought away as quickly as it came. I wouldn’t manipulate him that way. I wouldn’t use his feelings against him just to get his attention.

Even if I sometimes wanted to.

There were a few nights that Sam spent with Logan, but mostly he slept here, even if he didn’t arrive until very late. I hadn’t heard that he was staying at his place so I knew that he would be here soon. The thought gave me pause. I’d better get Cole out of here before Sam arrived and found us both together with me in my PJs.

It wouldn’t be good.

I switched on the porch light and opened the door. Cole was there, lounging against the frame, a drunk but very cute smile on his lips. “Hey.”

“What are you doing here?” I scowled.

He pushed away from the door and came in, his arms brushing mine as he walked into the kitchen. He bumped into a chair and swore.

“Shhh!” I insisted and switched on the small light over the sink, hoping it would be enough for his drunkenness to see.

He laughed and turned the chair around and sat down in it backward, resting his arms on the back. He looked rumpled with his shirt half tucked in. There was a hole in his jeans at the knee, and one of his shoes was untied. His face was flushed and his eyes were bright, but bloodshot, and I could smell beer on his breath.

“You’re a mess.” I sighed and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, pulling it closed. Then I bent and tied his shoe lace, double knotting them both for good measure.

“Thanks,” he said, his voice only slightly slurred.

Still bent low at his shoe, I looked up. His face was just above mine and I could see all the different blues that made up the color of his eyes. He reached down and swept my hair out of my face. I pulled back and stood. “What are you doing here, Cole?”

“You didn’t answer my calls.”

“Do you want some water?” I avoided his questioning stare and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. To my surprise the distraction worked. He took the water, gulping it down.

“What’s going on with you?” I asked. Getting drunk and showing up at my house was something he had never done before. In fact, he’d never been here at all. Aside from the fact that he walked in on something freaky including me, an ice cream shop and a demon and got no explanation, things seemed a little… different… with him anyway.

He sighed and sat the water aside. “I don’t know.”

“How are things with you and Kimber?” Given the phone call I got from Kimber and all the jealousy she carried with her, I knew they couldn’t be great.

“I don’t love her anymore.” Cole said matter of fact. It startled me and I looked up sharply.

“You don’t?”

He shook his head. “Haven’t since we broke up that last time when she used Sam to get back at me for kissing Jenna.”

I swallowed down the guilt I felt for that situation because Sam had used Kimber too, which only made her relationship with Cole worse. “But you forgave her.”

He nodded. “I always do.”

My heart sank. He had always forgiven her and I never once wondered what all those times cost him. Until now. “I’m so sorry.” I went over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Being friends with Kimber was difficult so I couldn’t imagine what it was like to date her.

“Hell, I’m the one who kissed Jenna in the first place. It had been just a stupid bet, but…” His words trailed away.

“But?” I squeezed his shoulder.
