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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(31)
Author: Cambria Hebert

This day keeps on getting better.

Logan seemed oblivious to our drop in mood. As soon as Sam parked, Logan made a beeline for Gran and the food in the kitchen. I watched him disappear and thought about how nice disappearing might be.

The door banged and I looked up. Cole was standing on the porch, staring at me through the windshield. My stomach tightened and guilt assailed me, guilt for avoiding him, for promising an explanation, then refusing to give one and even guilt for not feeling something when he kissed me.

But there was guilt worse than that.

Most of all I felt guilty because I had missed Cole. I knew that he was angry with me. How could he not be? I knew that there was going to be an intense conversation and probably more anger, but it was just really good to see him. But by missing Cole, I felt as though I was betraying Sam. I pushed those thoughts away, fearful he might pick up on them.

More people came out onto the porch, my mother and her new boyfriend. The ache that had been slowly lessening in my head intensified. Sam opened his door and, at the same time, reached for my fingers and gave them a squeeze.

Sam was my strength. Some days it felt like he was the only reason I could put one foot in front of the other. I reminded myself that those feelings were wonderful but I couldn’t allow myself to lean on him so heavily. I was stronger than that. Even without Sam, I could get through this. But it sure was nice to have him around. Sam lifted me out of the truck, blocking out all the eyes on me and I let myself use the moment to compose myself. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I held my chin up and faced everyone.

“What a surprise!” I said, injecting enthusiasm into my voice. “I didn’t expect to see you all here.”

My mother was the first to come forward. “I was missing you and Henry suggested we come and visit. When we got here, Gran was cooking up a storm and invited us to stay.” To my intense surprise, she came down the steps and hugged me. It took me a minute to comprehend what was happening, but then I hugged her back. It felt good. It was a hug from the old days, from Before. Before I was attacked and disfigured. Before I met Sam and my entire life changed. Before my mother accused me of being marked by evil.

I couldn’t help but notice that, while we embraced, I was enveloped by her aura. She loved me and she was happy. She didn’t seem the least bit upset by Sam’s presence. Maybe she really was trying to accept him as a part of my life. A little bit of the tension in me eased.

From up on the porch Henry said, “Great to see you, Heven. Sam. Thanks for having me at your barbeque.”

“Oh! That reminds me! We were just coming out to get out the grill and light it for Sylvia.” my mother exclaimed, looking up at Henry.

Henry came down the steps and held out his arm to my mother. “Lead the way, my lady.”

My mother giggled like a school girl and a funny feeling slid down my spine. I pushed it away. I wanted her to be happy. My dad would want her to be happy. I smiled, hoping it looked genuine and watched them go off toward where Gran kept the grill.

That left me, Sam and Cole.

“What are you doing here?” Sam demanded in low tones.

I pinched his side and pulled away from him to go up the stairs toward Cole. “Hey, Cole, it’s really good to see you.” At least with Cole I didn’t have to fake my emotions like with my mother.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” he growled.

I stopped short, teetering on the top step. “I’m sorry.”

Sam came up behind me, gently pushing me up on to the porch away from the stairs. “What are you doing here?” he repeated.

“Be nice,” I snapped.

He ignored me.

“Sylvia invited me.” Cole directed his answer at me.

“Gran invited you?” I echoed. Why would she do that? Her reaction to him the other night was a little odd.

He shrugged. “I thought maybe you asked her to.”

My heart constricted. I hadn’t. I kind of wished I had.

“Why would she do that?” Sam bristled beside me.

I sighed and prayed that this meeting didn’t come to blows. From across the yard, Henry called, “Seems we need a lighter to get this grill going. Sam, could you bring one out here and give me a hand?”

I caught a flare of gold in his eyes and I reached out and laid a hand on his arm. You okay?

I don’t want to leave you alone with him.

I should to talk to him.

He still seemed torn about what to do.

“Sam?” Henry called.

A muscle in his jaw ticked, but he called, “Be right there!” Then I was being hauled against his hard chest and his lips were rough against mine. It wasn’t the way he usually kissed me, with passion and love pouring from his every pore. This was a kiss that stamped me as his; it was the kind of kiss that told Cole what his place was.

It made me uncomfortable, even sparked some anger within me, but I allowed it. If I pulled away or protested, how would Sam perceive it? How would Cole? Then Sam pulled away and went inside for a lighter, seconds later, brushing past Cole and down the steps to help my mother and Henry.

Then it was just me and Cole.

His deep blue eyes studied me. “You look tired. Pale.” His aura was flaring the magenta tones, a mix of purple and pink that was so unusual to see. Beneath the magenta was his usual blue and green, but there was also a bit of a dirty-brown color. He was worried about me.

“So do you.” His clothes were rumpled and he had circles beneath his usually bright blue eyes. At his side his hand flexed like he was trying to hold himself back from saying more.

“What’s going on, Hev?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“You said you would.”

I shook my head. “I know. It’s just…”

“He doesn’t want me to know.” His voice was flat.

“He has reasons, Cole. Good reasons. And…”

He folded his arms across his chest. “And?”

“It’s better you stay out of it. You could get hurt.”

“You’re worried about me?” His voice dropped.

“Well, yeah. We’re friends.” I felt the need to point that out.

“About the other night,” he said taking a step closer, closing the distance between us. “I—I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here.”

“You needed a friend. I’m your friend.” I pointed it out one more time.

He frowned. “Yeah, we’re friends.”

“Look,” I said, realizing this conversation wasn’t going that well. I glanced over my shoulder at Sam who was helping Henry light the grill. “I told Sam about… what happened…” I looked at him, praying he knew I meant the kiss.
