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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(35)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Don’t Kimmie me,” she snapped. Then she turned back to me. “Well?”

I fished around for some kind of excuse. “We can’t all just avoid each other. We’re going to Italy together next week.”

“Don’t go.” She shrugged.

I didn’t have a choice. The Treasure Map had to be returned and this was our only opportunity to do it. “I finally got my mom to agree. She already paid. Sam and I have plans.”

“How you have managed to get two guys to trip all over themselves for you I will never understand,” she muttered.

Her words hurt.

“That’s enough.” Cole growled.

I shook my head. Defending me wouldn’t buy him any points with her.

“Tell your mom you changed your mind about Italy. Stay away from Cole,” Kimber repeated.

“I can’t do that,” I said, standing my ground.

Kimber’s eyes widened in disbelief for a fraction of a second before narrowing, her hands fisted at her sides. She was used to getting her way, used to me caving. I wouldn’t this time. There was too much at stake.

“You’re making a mistake,” she hissed, turning back to her car.

“Kimber, wait. Can’t we talk?”

“I knew this would happen eventually. I’ve always known what kind of person you are. It’s why I befriended you in the first place. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer and all. I thought maybe your accident had changed you, but it was an illusion. You used those scars on your face to your advantage, and when you got what you wanted, you got rid of them.”

Shock vibrated through me. She believed what she was saying. Her aura vibrated with truth and anger. How had I thought we had been best friends all these years? How had I never realized that she never really liked me, only liked the popularity I brought her?

“Leave. Now.” Sam growled from behind me.

“Whatever.” She tossed out her window before speeding away.

My shoulders slumped when she was gone from sight. I expected fireworks from Kimber, but not casualties. I wasn’t sure that our friendship would survive this.

I wasn’t sure I wanted it to.

Chapter Nine


That night as the stars twinkled in the sky and the cool Maine air drifted through the window, I drifted off to sleep all too easily. Unfortunately, peaceful sleep was elusive.

I dreamt of dark, choking water and red beady eyes. My lungs burned as I struggled to breathe while I panicked as I searched the darkness for Sam. The only thing I could find was the demon, slowly dragging me into the depths of the lake.

Where is it…

I knew I was dreaming; I tried to wake myself up. But, like the demon, the dream dragged me further under.

Show me where you keep it…

The demon beckoned me to reveal where I kept the Treasure Map. I forced my mind to stay in the present with the burning pain in my lungs and the knowledge I was drowning, the pain and fear was preferable to telling the demon anything. Even if it was only a dream, I refused to give him the upper hand.

I swear I felt myself die in the dream. The life drained right out of me.

Suddenly, the lake was gone and so were the greedy hands of the demon. The icy water was replaced by a golden sun and a sprawling meadow of wild flowers in shades of amethyst and yellow. I spun in a circle, the flower petals tickling my ankles and the sun’s rays kissing my skin. But then I noticed that no birds sang and the breeze did not blow. It was as if everything was still, not really real, but a façade.

A man appeared at the other side of the meadow. He was wide and tall and he was dressed impeccably. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew that he was the biggest façade of all. He held out his hand to me and I knew exactly what he wanted.

“You can’t have it!” I screamed.

Around me the flowers wilted and died; their brilliant colors turning a putrid brown. The sky, once a clear blue turned stormy and dark. Wind whipped around me and threatened to lift me off the ground.

You cannot resist me forever, little one.

Pain splintered my head and I sagged to the ground. My eyes sprang open and I wanted to weep with relief. I was awake and everything was fine. I rolled toward Sam, reaching for him, craving his comfort.

He wasn’t in bed.

Alarm filled me and I pushed myself into a sitting position, fighting the pressure in the back of my skull. “Sam?”

I heard a sound across the room and peered through the darkness. Sam was there, wedged in a small space between the wall and the dresser. I tripped, trying to get free of the covers and stumbled across the room, falling to my knees on the floor beside him.

“Get back,” he said roughly, pushing himself even farther into the corner.

“What’s wrong?” The sight of him trying to get away from me was worse than the choking depths of the lake.

His head snapped up and he stared at me with pure glittering gold eyes.

I gasped and fell backward onto my bottom. I scrambled back up scooting as close as possible and reached out a hand.

“No,” he protested weakly as I closed my fingers around his wrist.

His skin was burning up as I tugged him away from the wall. I used my other hand to push the hair off his forehead. He took a deep breath and his body shook with effort.

“Please get back, Hev.” His voice was strained.

I released his wrist and scooted back so that there was a little more than an arm’s distance between us. I sat there, watching him as his breathing evened out and the tremors shaking his body slowed.

Finally, he looked up at me, his eyes no longer gold, but the warm honey color they usually were.

“Come back to bed,” I whispered, holding out my hand. Suddenly, his hand shot out and grabbed mine, yanking me so that I practically fell into him. My face was mere inches from him as his eyes bore into mine. My heart beat rapidly, threatening to come right out of my chest. His eyes were intense, like he’d never seen me before. Something inside me whispered that maybe I should be afraid.

But I could never be afraid of Sam.

“What happened?” he whispered. His voice was raspier than usual.

“I should ask you the same thing,” I said, twisting my hand from his grip.

He frowned and let go. “I didn’t mean to be so rough,”

I nodded.

“I tried to wake you.”

“I was having a nightmare.”

He stood, reaching out a hand to help me and I slid my fingers back into his. Once I was on my feet, he released me, moving across the room.
