Read Books Novel


Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(4)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t stand the thought of not having it.”

It was his turn to sigh. “At least stop wearing the key that opens it, huh?”

I looked down at the bracelet around my wrist and all the keys dangling from it. I guess that wasn’t my smartest move. All a demon would have to do is knock me out, then take the scroll and the key to open it. Something told me Airis would not be happy. A giggle escaped me. “Not too smart, am I?”

“Of course you are,” Sam said, hooking me around the waist and towing me toward him.

I wrinkled my nose. I’ll stop wearing the key around.

Good plan. Now, if I could only think of a way to keep from being attacked by demons on a daily basis.

*   *   *

When the hour finally turned late enough for me to feign exhaustion and slip upstairs, I did so gladly. As I trudged up the stairs to my room, I realized that maybe I really wasn’t faking how tired I felt. Being hunted and unexpectedly attacked by demons all the time was draining.

I shut the door soundlessly behind me and turned, hoping to see Sam lounging across my bed, but he wasn’t there. Sam?

Yes, beautiful? Is everything all right?

I smiled; his voice in my head was a very good thing. Yes. How are you? I didn’t ask (even though I sorely wanted to) where he was and why he wasn’t here yet.

Good. I’m going to be a while yet. Logan and I… his words trailed off and I understood that he was in a tough place, between his brother and his girlfriend.

It’s no big deal. Gran and I were thinking of playing some cards, I lied, only because I didn’t want him to feel torn.

Awesome. Have fun, okay? he said, and I sagged down on the foot of the bed. I’ll be there later.

See you then.

I glanced around the room, wondering what to do. I couldn’t really go back downstairs after making a big show of how tired I was. Plus, I didn’t really want to. I was tired but I knew it would be useless to try to sleep until Sam was here. I glanced down and caught sight of the bracelet hanging from my wrist. The key to the scroll was there, the biggest key on the bracelet. I thought back to the night Sam had given it to me. How thrilled I was to have something from him and how right it felt when he clasped it on my wrist. I couldn’t imagine not wearing it. Yet, I promised Sam I would stop walking around with the scroll and the key. Gently, I took it off, smiling a little as I pictured Sam’s large hands laboring over it to fix the broken clasp. I lifted the gift up to examine it closer, wondering how difficult it would be to take off the one key that opened the scroll. Turns out, it was easy to get it off, and before I knew it, the key was lying heavy in my palm. I looked around for somewhere to put it and settled on hiding it between my mattress and box spring. It was not lost on me that I probably got the idea from—shudder—China. It is where she chose to hide the scroll containing the Treasure Map (which we learned is basically a list of all the people that God had assigned to do good in the world, like cure cancer and end wars) after she stole it from wherever she stole it. Fortunately, Sam killed her before she could do anything with it, and then we found it. I glanced over at my bag where the bronze end of the scroll was jutting out. It gave me the willies to think what she might have done with it and all the people who would have been hurt… I shook my thoughts and gathered up what I needed for a long, hot bath. Perhaps the water would wash away some of today’s drama.

The heat of the water coupled with the softness and sweet fragrance of the bubbles was exactly what I needed to unwind.

Unfortunately, my break was short-lived.

My cell phone began ringing and I leapt out of the water and wrapped myself in a towel, hurrying to answer. It was my mother.

“It’s been a while since we talked. How are you, honey?” I paused at the tone of her voice. A tone I hadn’t heard in a long time. It was how she talked to me Before. Since she declared me evil and I moved to Gran’s, her voice was always tense and short.

“I’m great, Mom. How are you?”

“Doing great!” she said, and I actually believed it. “I was calling to ask you if you would like to join me for dinner this week.”

“Uh, that’d be great, Mom. I’ll need to check my work schedule.” This call just seemed odd. She knew I was livid over the fact that she refused to sign the permission slip for me to go to Italy and the fact that she was trying to ship me off to some cult-church camp where they could ‘be gone’ with the evil in me.

“Wonderful. And I was hoping that you could bring Sam.”

My body jolted from shock and I almost dropped the phone. I sat there trying to decide if I had heard her right.

Her light laughter on the other end made my head reel. “I know it seems a little strange with me inviting Sam, but I have come to the conclusion that maybe I could accept him as part of your life.”

“Uh,” I stammered. “Yeah. I mean, sure, Mom. We’d love to come for dinner. Can I get back to you though? I’ll need to ask Sam which night he is free.”

“Of course! I can’t wait!”

“So… everything is going good then?” I couldn’t help from asking. Where was this change of attitude coming from?


“Well, all right then,” I said, ready to end the call. I was getting cold, wearing only a towel.

“There is one more thing, Heven.”

This was it. What I was waiting for, the price I would pay for her ‘accepting’ Sam. “Yes?”

“Someone else will be joining us for dinner,” she began. When I didn’t say anything more, she finished her sentence. “I—I’ve met someone.”

I almost dropped the phone again. “What?”

“We’ve been out several times now and I’d like you to meet him.”

My mother was dating? Ewww.

“Heven?” Mom said, the first signs of stress entering her voice. I guess I had been too quiet.

“That’s great, Mom.” I cleared my throat and forced the words out. “I can’t wait to meet him. I’m sure he’s very special if he caught your eye.” Gag.

“Well, isn’t that sweet.”

“Listen; I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know when we will be able to come.” It was all I could do not to hang up. I could hardly believe that my mother was dating. I never in a million years saw this one coming.

“Great! It will be so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”
