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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(54)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“I’m sorry,” he said, frowning, realizing that his reaction wasn’t what she was wanting.

Heven shook her head. “It’s okay, I should have realized…”

“So you have a Dream Walker in your head?” Gemma asked, changing the subject. I was glad for it.

I nodded. “I’m going to try and get it out.”

“You should do it soon. The longer it’s there, the stronger the hold.”

I could practically hear a clock ticking in my head with urgency. “Considering we are leaving for Italy tomorrow, I’m going to do it tonight.”

Heven seemed a little green at the idea and I felt a twinge of pain in the back of my skull, so I knew that her head was throbbing.

“Good luck,” Gemma said.

Yes, tonight. I had no choice but to get that thing out tonight. I might not know what to do to help my brother, but this, this I could do.

I would do it. Failure was just not an option.


Another training session. Two in one day. I guess I should have known there would be another one when this morning’s seemed so short. Both Sam and Cole didn’t seem to mind at all. They even appeared to enjoy it and put all they had into it. They were covered in sweat and dirt by the time Gemma was done with them. I paid attention, trying to learn something, but it seemed like an arduous session and as we were packing up I asked her why.

“It’s because you are leaving for Italy tomorrow,” Gemma explained.

“You think there is going to be trouble?” I whispered, putting my back to the boys and looking squarely at her.

“You don’t?”

My shoulders slumped. “Yeah, I do.”

Gemma nodded. “Just keep your eyes open and your guard up. You’ll be all right.”

“Thank you,” I said, sincerely and laid my hand on her arm. She paused in packing up her bow and arrow. She looked down at my hand on her arm.

“Sorry,” I said and pulled it away.

“I haven’t been close to anyone in a very long time.”

“Then why would you help us?”

“Because you remind me of me a very long time ago,”

“Me?” I choked. I couldn’t imagine Gemma as ever being as weak as I.

She smiled, but then turned serious. “I’d like to see things turn out differently for you than they did for me.”

“Who’d you lose?” I asked.

Something shifted behind her eyes and I knew that I was right. I knew that if Gemma hadn’t always been the strong warrior that stood before me today then, only one thing could have turned her into one. Loss. Loss of someone that meant much to her.

Cole chose that moment to jog up to us, something clutched in his hand. “Ladies,” he said grinning.

And just like that, the moment between us was gone. I knew better than to try and ask her about it again, her guard was back up and it wasn’t coming back down anytime soon. “What do you have there?” I asked Cole, pointing to his hand.

“I found it over there beneath a tree. It’s Gemma’s.” He held it up for us to see. It was a dagger. The silver blade gleamed in the sunlight and looked deadly sharp. The handle was silver with a few jewels encrusted on it, the center one being large, circular and it held all the colors of the rainbow. It was the first time I had seen it up close and I thought it was awfully beautiful to be a weapon.

“Keep it,” Gemma told him.

His eyes widened. “This one is yours.” He glanced down at the sack of daggers at our feet then reached for one of the simple ones.

“And I want you to have it,” Gemma said, pushing it back toward Cole. “You might need it.”

“Thank you,” he said, holding the dagger to his side.

Gemma seemed flustered by the second thank you that day. “It’s no big deal.” She shrugged and turned away.

I looked at Cole who lifted his eyebrow at me. I shrugged. Gemma might not be ready to admit how she feels about my brother today, but someday she would be. And until that day I was keeping my mouth shut.

*   *   *

When training was finished, Sam, Cole and I walked back to the house and I was surprised to see my mother’s car parked beside the house.

“That’s my cue to leave,” Cole said, looking at her car.

“You don’t have to go, Cole.” Then I realized I had no idea if my mom knew that Dad had another child or not.

“I gotta get home anyway, finish packing. Tell Gran I said later.” He jogged over to his truck and got in. He was driving down the driveway when Sam and I walked into the kitchen. Logan was at the table, devouring a plate of pork chops, mashed potatoes and green beans while Mom and Gran were talking over hot tea.

“There you are, Heven!” Mom said, getting up to hug me. “I came to see you before your big trip!”

“Thanks, I’m glad you came.”

“Sam,” Gran said, getting up from the table. “You must be starving since you worked through dinner. There are plenty of leftovers. I’ll make you a plate.”

“I am hungry,” he admitted and I laughed. Sam was always hungry.

He went to wash up and I helped Gran put a plate together for him. When he came back, we all settled around the table, Logan and Sam with their full plates and I, Gran, and Mom with our tea.

“Are you looking forward to the trip, Sam?” my mother asked, cradling the mug in her hands.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I’ve been getting to know your brother here. He says he’s visiting you for the summer.”

Sam nodded and reached for his water. “It’s been good to have him here.”

“You must be worried about leaving him alone while you are gone.”

I glanced at Mom, wondering where this was going.

“I would feel better if I knew he was taken care of.”

“Sam, honey, I told you. Logan is welcome here,” Gran reminded him.

Sam nodded and I could see him considering her offer, even though I knew that he didn’t want to leave Gran alone with Logan. He was too unpredictable. But we were leaving tomorrow and we had no other option.

“Well, I would just love to have Logan stay with me,” Mom said, shocking us all.


“Sure! It’s been too quiet without you there. It would be fun. We could watch movies and Henry could take him fishing.” She glanced at Logan. “Logan, do you like to fish?”

He looked up from his plate. “Yes, ma’am.”
