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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(62)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Gemma nodded. “It’s why his aura is different than everyone else’s. Your father’s would have looked a lot like Cole’s.”

“Why are you telling me now?”

She was silent a moment before she spoke. “I have a feeling that this trip is going to be rough. The people, if you can call them that, who want that scroll aren’t going to give up. Just be careful, okay?”

“Why can’t you come with us?”

“This is your journey to take, but don’t worry, I’ll be around. Watching.”

I had a feeling she would be watching more of Cole than of me and Sam. She cared about him and couldn’t admit it to herself. “You think Cole is going to put himself in danger.”

“It would be his natural instinct. If he sees something dangerous or threatening, he’s going to go after it.”

“You think he’ll get hurt?” I chewed my lip.

“No!” She denied the idea fiercely, but I saw something different in her eyes: fear. “I’ve been training with him. He’s strong and a good fighter, but I haven’t had enough time with him…”

Did she mean enough time to train him or time to be with him?

“He doesn’t have your dagger,” I murmured, beginning to worry too. “No way he could get through security with it.”

Gemma pulled it out of a holster around her waist. “I brought it for him.” She held it out. “Give it to him for me.”



“You give it to him.” Why was she hiding from him?

“I can’t.” Her voice cracked.

“Why not?”

She stared at me silently.

I shrugged and turned away.


I turned back. “Thank you for telling me this. I’ve been wondering. I don’t get why you haven’t told him yet?”

Gemma remained mutinously quiet.

I sighed and turned away once more. Her quiet words stopped me, but this time I didn’t turn around. I recognized that it was easier for her to admit her feelings when I wasn’t looking right at her.

“He’s not as human as we all thought.”

I waited, praying she would explain herself.

“It was easier before… to deny how I felt… when he was just human. A human and a fallen angel together is laughable. But now…” Her voice trailed off and I understood.

Gemma was totally falling in love with my brother and trying like hell to fight it. A human and a fallen angel was a good excuse to deny her feelings, but a fallen angel and a Supernal Being must be a lot more plausible in her world.

“It’s okay to love him,” I told her quietly, my back still turned.

She said nothing, but I knew she was there. Her absolute silence was clear enough. Gemma the warrior fallen angel was scared of loving someone. “What happened to you?” I whispered.

I waited for her answer, and just when I thought she might say something, a head poked around the corner.

“Geez, Heven, Sam’s practically wearing a hole in the carpet out here. What’s taking so long?” Cole asked.

I stiffened as his eyes went past me to Gemma. His whole aura and body shifted. If Gemma could see his aura like I could, then she wouldn’t be afraid he didn’t feel the same as she did.

“I’ll see you later,” I said to Gemma, giving her a little nod, trying to tell her that what we talked about would stay private.

For now, anyway.

On my way past Cole I whispered, “Talk to her.”

I went out the door where Sam hurried to my side, questions in his eyes. “Gemma’s in there.” I leaned against the wall, acting as look out as my brother disappeared a little farther into the bathroom. Several minutes later, the announcer came on to tell us to board the plane. Cole appeared at my side silently.

“Thanks,” he murmured as we all went forward to line up. I stared at him, willing him to give me some clue as to what was happening, but Mrs. Britt began counting us all and taking last-minute attendance. From the front of the line, I caught a glimpse of Kimber glaring at the three of us as we took our places in the back of the line. My stomach knotted at the thought of sharing a room with her for the trip.

Ms. Merriweather stopped in front of us and smiled with a clipboard in her hands. “I have your room number assignments here.”

I glanced down at the paper on her board and my focus went right to the list of names and numbers. My eyes did that focusing thing again and I felt an odd click in my brain. I blinked and looked up, shaking my head slightly.

“Don’t forget your room number; you’ll need to know it as soon as we get to the hotel,” Ms. Merriweather said and then moved off down the line.

Sam placed his palm at the small of my back. “Want to write it down, Hev, so you don’t forget?” He held out a white card and a pen.

“Uh, no, but thanks.”

He gave me an odd sort of look and I just shrugged and pulled out my boarding pass. I wouldn’t forget my room number. It appeared I wouldn’t forget anyone’s room number. I closed my eyes as if to prove what I was thinking. A crystal clear image of the paper appeared behind my eyes. I could see every single person’s name and coordinating room number with ease. No, I wouldn’t forget my room number.

I had a feeling I wouldn’t forget anything I didn’t want to forget ever again.

Chapter Fifteen


I couldn’t help but get caught up in the fun of the trip. The excited laughter around us on the plane, the tiny bags of peanuts and headphones for a movie… It was all pretty cool. And it made it easy to forget this high up in the air that our lives were in danger. I had no problem at all filling in the very first page of the travel diary that Gran gave me. It felt good to have some fun, to write out something that I would look back on and enjoy.

Our first stop in Italy was Tuscany. We were driving by bus to Florence, the capital of Tuscany. As we drove, I watched the rolling hills, the green expanse of grass and the brilliance of the clear, blue sky. It was all so gorgeous I had an entire notebook page filled in minutes, detailing the scenery that stole my breath.

I felt a warm stroke down my arm and reluctantly pulled away from the window to look at Sam. His eyes were like warm sunshine and his mouth was curved up in a smile. Having a good time?

Oh, yes. It’s so beautiful here, so different. Don’t you think?

“It’s a little hard to see with a window hogger sitting next to me.”
