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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(75)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Let’s go,” Sam said, his voice exhausted.

“Are you hurt?” I turned to him, searching his body for injuries.

“I’m fine.”

“I didn’t know she had that amulet.” It must have been what she was hiding in that box. If only I had known, everything might have been different.

“I know, sweetheart. This isn’t your fault.” He kissed my palm before stepping away to replace the stone in the wall, covering up the last of the brilliant light. The room was plunged back into darkness. It seemed even darker than before.

“Watch your step,” Sam cautioned as we began to leave. The hole in the floor sealed back up as soon as Kimber jumped in. The demons and bugs disappeared as well, but it didn’t mean that something couldn’t jump out at any moment.

Before the alcove disappeared from sight, I turned back once more and shone my flashlight over the words written above the archway.

Here lies hope.

A sob caught in my throat as Sam led me away.

Not anymore.

Chapter Nineteen


I failed.

It was a thought that pounded through me stronger than my heart beat.

I failed.

I failed to get that scroll back to where it belonged. I failed Heven. I failed Airis. I failed God himself. Hell, I even failed Cole, who seemed to take the brunt of the fighting. I should have held my ground and refused to tell him our secrets. I should have refused to let him train with us because deep down hadn’t I known that he wouldn’t be strong enough?

Yes. I’d known.

But I had also known that Cole would be one more person between Heven and harm if things went bad.

And they had gone bad. They went from this might go all right to someone’s going to be really pissed.

That someone was Airis and I prayed she didn’t take her anger out on Heven. What would her reaction be? Would she take away the life that she gave back to Heven when she died? Would she offer my life in exchange for Heven’s again?

Thoughts of Logan speared my brain. What would happen to him if I gave up my life for Heven? Who would watch out for him? Who would figure out a way to help him?

Beside me, Heven squeezed my hand. Her thoughts of failure mirrored my own. She was scared, nervous and confused and I couldn’t blame her. I couldn’t offer her any comfort either, because there wasn’t any to give. All we could do now is face the consequences of losing that scroll.

I would bear as many of those consequences as I could. I would bear them all if Airis allowed it.

We knew something wasn’t right when we got back to the bus. My first thought was that someone realized we weren’t where we were supposed to be. When we got closer to the group, one of the girls came rushing over, wide eyes on Heven.

“What’s going on?” Heven asked, her voice surprisingly light.

The girls eyes widened, clearly thrilled to be telling the gossip to someone who didn’t yet know. “Ms. Merriweather had a family emergency and had to leave.”

Heven exhaled a breath. “That’s it?”

The girl looked at me and I shrugged, relieved this wasn’t about us. She seemed disappointed that we weren’t impressed by the latest gossip. “Mrs. Britt is freaking out because she has to handle all of us now by herself.”

That would explain why she was yelling for everyone to get on the bus. I pulled Heven along and we slid past her and into our seat.

Do you see Cole anywhere? Heven asked.

No. No sign of Gemma, either. I hoped they got out safely and that they would meet us at the hotel. I was worried about Cole. He took quite a beating, and if he was seriously injured, it would be hard to explain and Heven would be upset.

Or Kimber. Where do you think she went?

I don’t know. No where good. I had no idea she was involved in this. Something else I failed at. I should have kept a closer watch on her these past couple of weeks. I knew she was upset with Heven and I knew why, but that bit of drama didn’t seem important in the grand scheme of things.

Lesson learned.

Heven lowered her head, a guilty look marring her features. If I had explained better and tried harder to be friends, then maybe she wouldn’t be working with Hecate.

I wouldn’t let her blame herself for something she had nothing to do with. Heven, did you know Kimber was involved?

No. I knew something was going on with her. She’s been able to do stuff…

Stuff? What else had I missed along the way?

Heven nodded and looked out the window of the bus. Like slam doors when she’s angry and I think she’s responsible for the wind that knocked over those demons, you know, in the Colosseum. And the other night, that demon with the mist… she kept it from surrounding us.

You think she’s a witch? That would certainly explain things, and at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised.

She’s been working with Hecate. What else could she be? Besides, her aura is black, just like Hecate’s and black is a color I haven’t seen in an aura until now. That has to be it.

She’s in trouble, Heven said after a few moments of us just sitting in silence, and I felt her misery like it was my own. In fact, it was. It was our misery and it was—well, miserable. We didn’t speak the rest of the way back to the hotel. Thankfully, we were spared from making a bunch of excuses for our roommates’ absence because Mrs. Britt hadn’t taken attendance.

When the bus stopped, Heven didn’t seem to notice and I nudged her. We exited quickly before someone could stop us and ask too many questions. Once again, we took advantage of Mrs. Britt’s distraction and hurried down my hallway. I had the keycard in my hand ready to use when the door popped open and Gemma looked at us through a small crack.

“Thank Goodness!” Heven said as we hurried into the room. “Cole?” she said before the door was even shut.

“He’s in the shower,” Gemma said quietly, pacing across the room. She looked tired and paler than usual.

“How is he?” Heven asked, staring at the bathroom door.

“He’ll be fine.”

“Thanks for coming today,” I said, sinking down onto the corner of my bed. If she hadn’t shown up to help me fight off that swarm of demons, who knows what might have happened.

Gemma nodded. “I figured things would get messy.”

“Have you been here this whole time?” Heven asked.

She nodded again.

“Why wouldn’t you say something?” Heven blurted and her eyes met Gemma’s. Something passed between the two and they seemed to come to some unspoken agreement.
