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Charade (Heven and Hell #2)(80)
Author: Cambria Hebert


I don’t know why, maybe it was the disbelief in her eyes or the complete chill in her aura that wrapped around us both, but I took a minute to tell her about the Treasure Map. I explained how we got it and what it was for. I told her about the training that Sam had been doing to be able to fend off all the demons that had been attacking us. Finally, to drive the point home, I told her how Cole interrupted me getting attacked and it was the only reason we told him. I didn’t tell her that Cole is a Supernal Being. I already told enough of his secrets for one night.

“I had no idea,” Kimber said, almost to herself, when I was finished.

“You’re right. You didn’t. And maybe I should have told you, but I was trying to protect you. I tried to tell you that I was still your friend and things weren’t what you thought. But you didn’t believe me. Instead, you aligned yourself with Hecate, Queen of Witches.”

Kimber’s eyes rounded. “Queen of Witches?”

“Yeah. She works with Satan, you know.”

“No,” Kimber said, backing away. “I knew she was someone powerful, but she didn’t say…” Her voice faltered and I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

I arched an eyebrow. “Let me guess. She left that part out? How convenient. Maybe you should have asked more questions before jumping into bed with the Devil’s henchwoman.” I paused to let my words sink in. Then I took a step toward her, advancing, and said, “How could you? You went against everything, even goodness.”

“I—I didn’t know.”

“Like you didn’t know that damn amulet you have hurts Sam?”

She didn’t say anything, but her eyes dropped to the floor.

“You could’ve gotten him killed. You could’ve gotten Cole killed.” Her eyes filled with tears, but I was beyond caring. I turned and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

“Where are you going?” Kimber asked.

“Anywhere away from you.”

“Heven,” she called, but I didn’t turn back. I went to the door and pulled the handle. It didn’t budge. I yanked on it again. Still, it wouldn’t move. I turned and looked at Kimber. She was staring at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Let me out,” I demanded. Frustration welled within me. I would not yell for Sam to get me out of here. I would get out myself. Somehow. How come everyone else got cool powers and I didn’t?

“I’m not done talking,” Kimber said.

“Well I am. In fact, I don’t ever want to talk to you again. We aren’t friends anymore.” I turned my back on the hurt I saw spear through her aura.

Several seconds ticked by in which I began formulating a plan that involved screaming for Mrs. Britt in order to get out of here, but then I heard a soft click and the door popped open. I wanted to ask her how she did that. But I didn’t. Like I said, we weren’t friends anymore and as far as I was concerned, Kimber was the enemy. I rushed out of the room without looking back.

Chapter Twenty


The view out the airplane window made me think of my dad. Up here, the sky was limitless, filled with floating, fluffy white clouds and shades of blue that I never saw from the ground. Is this what heaven was like? Was my dad happy there? Was he at peace? I pressed my forehead against the cool glass of the window and remembered the sound of his voice that day in the InBetween. It was exactly as I remembered it being. I missed him.

“Hey, whatcha thinking about?” Cole asked.

I watched the sky for a moment longer before turning. “Where’s Sam?”

Cole was sitting where Sam had been only moments before. “He went to the bathroom.”

I nodded.

“Well?” Cole asked. He looked a lot better. Most of the color in his face had returned and there were only mere shadows beneath his eyes instead of severe black and blue smudges. I knew that the bite marks were still healing, but his long-sleeved shirt covered them. I was actually surprised that he was doing so well, but he said that Gemma’s cream really helped along with that nasty drink. I had a feeling it wasn’t just her cream and nasty drink, but I kept that bit of thought to myself.

“Uhh,” I searched my mind for what he asked.

“You looked awfully intense staring out that window.”

“I was thinking about Dad.”

Cole’s lips flattened.

“I know you’re angry at him. I understand it, but he was my dad.”

“I get it,” Cole said, his shoulders slumping. “I have a dad too.”

“Of course you do,” I agreed, thinking of the man who raised Cole. From what I knew, he was a good man. “I wish you could have known him, though.”

“He didn’t want to know me.”

I jerked. “No. Gran said that your mother told him to stay away.”

“Yeah and he listened. If he had really wanted to see me, he would have.”

My shoulders slumped this time because I didn’t have an argument. I had no idea what my father had been thinking when he agreed to stay away. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Don’t be.” Cole put an arm around my shoulders.

We sat there for a minute without saying anything until I looked up at him. “Cole? I know that finding out about our dad was a huge shock and I know it hurt you and your family, but… I’m really glad Gran told us. I really like having a brother.”

He smiled. His blue eyes were a truly beautiful shade and I realized that the color I saw out my airplane window was one that I had seen on the ground before… in Cole’s eyes. “You’re pretty cool for a sister.”

I glanced back out the window. “So you think getting the scroll back is a good idea?”

“Yeah, I do,” he answered quickly. “Do you?”

It was risky, but really leaving it down in Hell was riskier. “Yeah, but… the idea of going to Hell is scary.”

Sam came up the aisle and took a seat on the end next to Cole. He smiled at me momentarily, making me forget the conversation.

“Tell me the time and place and I’ll be there,” Cole said, reminding me.

After what just happened to him in the catacombs, I wasn’t so sure that it was a good idea. He seemed to read my thoughts and he speared me with a look. Determination and a hint of embarrassment bloomed in his aura. “I can handle it.”

“Of course you can,” I agreed.

And really, we needed him. We had to get that Treasure Map back. Now. Who knew what was being done with it right now? How much time did we have until someone got it open? If the names on that list became known, the world as we know it would change forever. The balance between Heaven and Hell would be tipped in Hell’s favor. Everyone would be in danger.
