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Charmed (Death Escorts #2)(69)
Author: Cambria Hebert

His kiss started on my lips but didn’t stay there very long. His mouth slid down my neck and across my collarbone where he nipped along the line of it, making me laugh. Finally, I got to do what I’d been imagining since he took off that ugly sweater. I slid both my hands beneath the suspenders, running my hands along the thick muscles in his chest, and then gently pushed them over his shoulders, sliding them all the way down his arms.

His hands caught mine when they drifted over his, but I shook my head and pulled the hem of his button-down out of his pants. It joined the sweater on the floor.

This body was bigger than the one I knew before. This one had a few scars here and there marring its perfection. But to me it was those imperfections that made him perfect.

I traced along the outline of a circular-shaped scar on his chest. “What happened here?”

“I got it in the ring.”

I leaned down and kissed it and ran my tongue over its surface. He groaned and kissed me again. This time it was more demanding and not so slow. His arousal pressed between my legs, making me impatient, turning me into some sex-starved harlot, and I began to make small noises in the back of my throat.

His long fingers found the button of my jeans, releasing it, and then delved down into my waistband, cupping my butt. He tore his mouth from mine. “Your pants are in my way.”

I rocked against him one last time, smiling at his intake of breath, and then climbed off his lap. Before I could do anything, he swiped the jeans and my panties down my legs. The cool air brushed against my skin and I shivered slightly as I stood there completely bare before him. It was a good kind of shiver.

His green eyes heated as they took in my every curve and then his khakis were flying over the back of the couch, disappearing from sight. I thought he would pull me beneath him right there on the couch, but he didn’t. He settled back against the cushions just as he had been before and pulled me back into his lap.

His arousal jutted up between us, his hard length practically begging for my attention, and I was only too happy to oblige. His skin was smooth as satin and I wrapped my hand around him and slid upward, watching his eyes lose all focus. This was something I could definitely get used to—being in the driver’s seat, being the one in control. Olly was such a strong and willful man; he always seemed to be in control, to know exactly what he was doing. But right now, as I stroked him, he was completely under my spell.

Letting go, I rocked forward, bringing our bare chests together, skin touching skin, and teased his arousal with mine. He groaned when my slick warmth slid against him.

His hands splayed around my rib cage, lifting me so I was poised just above him, but I didn’t slide down. I didn’t connect our bodies just yet. Instead, I let the tip of him flirt with my opening as his mouth drew in one of my rock-hard nipples and rolled it around on his tongue. My head fell back at the sheer bliss—the sheer anticipation of being with him—and I moaned.

Never in a million years did I ever think anyone would ever make me feel like this.

When he released my nipple and placed a kiss between my breasts, I looked at him. I watched him as I slowly lowered myself onto him.

His fingers dug into my ribs to the point of almost being painful, but it was the kind of pain I would ask for again and again because there was nothing as sweet as welcoming him inside me.

When I was completely surrounding him, I began to move. At first my movements were slow, but they began to take on a more feverish insistence, and I moved faster and faster, searching for that release just out of reach.

I must have made a sound because he caught my face and looked into my eyes. “What’s the matter, love?”

“Can’t get close enough,” I whispered as I moved.

In one fell swoop he wrapped his arms around me and moved, spinning so I was lying on the couch and he was over me. He did it so fluidly that our bodies never lost contact.

The weight of him pressed me farther into the couch and I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him even closer. He was in me. Around me. Over me. He was the only thing I could see. He was the only thing I could feel.

It was exactly what I wanted.

He pulled himself out but just as quickly pushed back in, repeating the motion over and over again until the only word I could murmur was his name.

When I thought I couldn’t possibly take anymore and I was surely going to die with need, he pressed his forehead against mine and whispered, “I want you to come with me,” and pushed in deep. So blissfully deep that a tidal wave of pure ecstasy rolled over me. It was so strong my entire body surrendered, going limp and boneless against the couch.

Olly collapsed against me, his chest slick with sweat, as he sucked in lungfuls of air. We didn’t say anything for a long time… The chemistry swirling between us said more than any words ever could. When he finally shifted, removing some of his weight from me, I grabbed on to him, trying to keep him close.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured as he fitted himself between the couch and me, coercing my body to spoon against his, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, securing me firmly beside him.

I turned my head so I was looking up at him. “Olly?”

He made a sound in the back of his throat.

“Everything’s going to be okay, isn’t it?” Even the passion swirling inside me, the feeling of being safely in his arms, couldn’t keep away all the fear. If anything, those things made the fear worse because I knew how much I had to lose.

I couldn’t lose this. I couldn’t lose him.

But we were up against death and the odds were stacked against us.

He brushed the hair away from my face, his touch so tender that my heart ached anew. “Everything’s going to be fine. I’m not going to let anything take this away from us.”

I nodded, snuggling in even closer. Part of me felt better because I knew he meant what he said. But the other part of me…

The other part of me whispered that Death didn’t care.

Chapter Forty-Five

“Tears – a drop of the clear salty liquid that is secreted by the lachrymal gland of the eye to lubricate the surface between the eyeball and eyelid and to wash away irritants.”


She was asleep when I slid out from beneath her and went into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and smiled down at the sink. There were bottles of product and hairbrushes scattered everywhere. She was an utter disaster. Clothes all over the floor in her room, her closet looked like it exploded, and her bathroom was clearly no better.
