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Charmed (Death Escorts #2)(76)
Author: Cambria Hebert

But they didn’t bother to tell me it was a stupid idea or that Olly wouldn’t want me to go there. Maybe they saw the determination in my face. Maybe they knew it would be a waste of breath. I didn’t really care what they were thinking because it didn’t matter.

“We’re here,” Storm said quietly.

My attention went beyond my thoughts to the homes of the upper class. Every home here had lush, sprawling lawns, winding driveways, and homes that belonged on the cover of magazines. So this was where Death lived.

It didn’t seem fair he got to live here and I had to stand behind the counter at the DMV every day for little more than minimum wage. Well, technically I didn’t do that anymore.

“Slow down and then stop here at the curb,” Storm instructed and I did as he asked, stopping the Jeep between houses, hoping no one would notice there was a car that looked like it didn’t quite belong.

“G.R.’s house is that one,” he said, pointing at the one just ahead. It was just as nice as the others with its stone façade and big windows. “I’ll see what I can find out. I’ll be right back.”

“I’m coming with you,” I said, shocked he thought I was going to sit in the car.

“Are you kidding me?” he said. “The whole idea is to not draw attention. You’re like a freaking red flag waving in the wind.”

“Excuse me?” I said. “Was that some kind of fat joke?”

He let out a frustrated sigh. “What is it with women? Always thinking men are insulting you…”

I glared at him.

“No, I was not calling you fat,” he explained. “I was saying that you aren’t exactly unnoticeable. You’ve got a happening body, bright blond hair, and you have a problem keeping your mouth closed.”

I’m pretty sure that last part was an insult. I let it go because he complimented my body.

“Look, just sit in the car. Arguing with you is wasting time.”

“Fine.” I sniffed.

I unzipped the window and he didn’t waste any time disappearing into the night. I let out a nervous sigh. Waiting around sucked.

I lasted for about five minutes.

Then I popped open the door and jumped out.

“Frankie, what are you doing?” Piper whispered.

“If he thinks I’m sitting in this car, he’s nuts.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know yet,” I said. “Wait here.”

I got no more than four steps down the street when she appeared at my side and we both made our way to the house silently.

“What the hell are you two doing?” Storm demanded from a dark area at the edge of the Reaper’s yard.

Both of us let out a little squeal. “Seriously! That was mean!” I pressed a hand to my chest to hopefully keep it from beating right out.

“You deserve it. I told you to stay in the car.”

“You took too long!”

“I was gone five minutes.”

Felt like a lifetime to me.

“What did you find out?” Piper asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to wherever Storm was.

“Charming’s here. Getting him out isn’t an option this time.” His voice sounded a little funny.

“Why not!” I demanded.

“Well, because he’s still in his body. He won’t be going through walls anytime soon.”

“So let’s create a distraction. He’ll know it’s us and he can escape.” It was a perfectly reasonable plan.

“Uh, that’s not going to work.”

“Why not?” I demanded again.

“Because he’s unconscious.”

If that wasn’t a bucket of ice-cold water right in my face. I sucked in a breath. “What happened to him?”

“I don’t know. He doesn’t look bad, just unconscious.”

If he was unconscious, then it was bad. A person didn’t just pass out for no good reason. My worry over him increased tenfold. I really thought we would be able to find a way to get him out of there. Now I was starting to worry it wasn’t going to happen at all. Olly would sit there for months, only to be Recalled. The ATM card he gave me felt like a twenty-pound weight in my pocket. Had he known this was going to happen all along? Had his confidence been just so I wouldn’t worry?

“No.” I said, “This isn’t how this is going to go.”

“Let’s just go back to your place and we can come up with some sort of plan,” Storm said reasonably.

I was done with being reasonable.

I marched ahead, stepping onto the Reaper’s property and toward the front door.

“Frankie!” Piper called, running after me. “What are you doing?”

A man came around the side of the house and stopped short, seeing us approach. “This is private property,” he said.

“I know exactly whose property it is,” I spat. “Now step aside.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let you go any farther.”

I snorted and walked around him. “Fine, then. Come along.”

He raced after us as I walked up to the front door and banged on the solid wood with my fist. He probably had a doorbell, but I felt like hitting something.

The door swung open a few seconds later. “Oh, well, isn’t this a surprise?” The Reaper smiled. “I’m afraid your boyfriend can’t come to the door. He’s indisposed.”

Piper stepped up behind me and all his attention zeroed in on her. Again, that weird look of reverence overcame his features and it made me wrinkle my nose in disgust.

“She’s only here because of me,” I said, trying to take the attention away from her.

He blinked, his stare coming back to me, only for it to wander right back to Piper.

I slapped my hand against the partially open door. “Hey!” I snapped.

Irritation crossed over his features until I spoke. Once the words had left my mouth, I had his complete and utter attention.

“I came to make a deal.”

“You came to make a deal with me?” he said, interest clouding his eyes.

I nodded.

“Come in.” He held open the door as Piper and I went inside, both of us sticking very close together.

In his office, he sat in a massive black chair behind a desk that was completely bare, and my eye caught a few shards of broken glass lying on the rug beneath it. It made me wonder what happened and if it had anything to do with Olly.

The Reaper steepled his fingers beneath his chin and pinned me with a cold stare. “What’s the deal?”
