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Cherry Girl

Cherry Girl (Neil & Elaina #1)(37)
Author: Raine Miller

“Doing what? Driving you home so you don’t have to walk in the rain?”

“Yes! No, I mean—I mean why are you doing this?”


“Don’t be an arsehole for making me say it.”

“Sorry, babe, but being an arsehole suits me right now. What is the this that’s bothering you so much?”

“Neil…please stop. I—can’t take it from you day in and day out.”

“But you’re wrong about that, beautiful girl. You can take it.” He winked. “And you still haven’t told me what the this is, Elaina. He tilted his head at me then, now he was the one with arms folded.

I can’t take him calling me beautiful girl and winking at me, I do know that! I was so out of here.

“Well, I’m waiting.”

He was going to make me say it, the bastard. What was wrong with him at the moment, anyway?

“Pursuing me at work every day like it matters,” I finally yelled. “If you don’t want m-me—then why are you on me every goddamn day?”

Oh, God. Did I just ask that?

He stood up from his desk and took a step in my direction. He didn’t say anything as he stalked forward. I don’t know what he intended to do when he got to me, but the instinct to run flashed through my head. Neil was a dangerous predator right, and I was pretty much the helpless prey.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, backing up until I was pressed against the wall.

He just kept coming at me until I was penned in, his arms blocking an exit on either side of my shoulders.

“I’m showing you that running away is not gonna work anymore, Elaina.” He brought his face up close to my neck and inhaled. “Mmmmm…you don’t really want to run from me now anyway. I can smell it.

Dear Lord.

I shook my head at him trying to ward off the intoxication from his bloody scent of pure male domination that did far more to render me useless than alcohol ever could.

“What do you want from me?” I whispered up against his stubbly jaw, my lips so close, I could press them against his skin with barely any effort. I couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped me.

He removed one hand from the wall and touched between my br**sts with the backs of two fingers. He drew them up slowly, dragging them along my sensitive skin, higher until he reached my throat and then my neck, up my jaw and then finally to my lips.

I was so aroused; I probably could have an orgasm if he told me to. It wouldn’t take much for me to arrive at that blissful place with him. It had been so long since we’d been together, but my body remembered. All. Too. Well.

He pushed his two fingers into my mouth. I let him.

“I want this, Cherry.”

He brought his lips very close to mine, his fingers still on my tongue, probing, slick from my saliva.

“I want this mouth screaming my name when I’m inside you and you’re about to come. I want you in my bed so we can f**k all night long…over and over until you’re a slave to it—just as you used to be.”

My eyes rolled back in my head, and I was really grateful for the wall because I would have slid down to the floor in a boneless heap if it wasn’t bracing me.

I had her exactly how I wanted her. Hot, sexed, and submissive. Better than I remembered. And, bloody f**kin’ hell if I was out of my mind with wanting, barely coherent of what I said to her. Or did.

It was on with my Cherry once again.

The flowery scent of her skin wound me up something fierce to the point I was thinking about nothing else but getting my c**k into her. I was going for it right then with her in my office. And the f**kin’ desk would just have to do. In a few minutes it would become a literal f**kin’ desk.

I was figuring what the best maneuver would be to get her from the wall to where I could make a place to lay her out in all her cherry-haired glory so I could push my way back in. And make her see what was so clear to me. She wanted me too. I knew she did, down deep in my bones.

Oh yeah, the vision was all coming together in my mind beautifully. Me picking her up and hauling her over onto my desk. My fingers finding the button that locked the bloody door so nobody would interrupt. My mouth on her throat making its way down to savor br**sts that tasted sweeter than honey. My palms pushing up the tight black skirt that caressed her arse, before moving them along to the inside of thighs I would spread wide for—

Ethan busted into my office and ruined everything.

Motherfuckin’ cunt of the world!

“Look at what’s just arrived, mate. I had to come tell you in person. It’s f**king amazing—” Ethan cut off whatever he was saying mid-speech and backed out of the door, muttering something about coming back later.

Yeah, you do that, E.

I might just have to kill him for that.

While I was mentally eviscerating Ethan for his untimely visit, Elaina made good her escape. She gave a little squeak, ducked under my arm and took off. I tried to hold her back but she was too fast and had just enough leeway to skirt the other way and bolt.

My hand snatched at empty air.

But I could still smell her. The gentle flowery scent that I loved, above all others, was still present in the room even when she wasn’t.

I went over to my desk and sat down slowly. Slow was the operative word due to the state of my cock. My dick was so hard by that point, I could have used it to punch in the numbers to dial up Personnel.

“BSI Personnel Department, Helen speaking, how may I direct you?”

“Helen, this is Neil. I need to know who’s on the board for self-defense training for Elaina Morrison, today at five.”

“That would be Terrence, Mr. McManus.”

“Thank you, Helen. Just need to free up some bodies and tweak the timing a bit. You’ve been very helpful.”

I dialed again.

“Terrence Shaw here.”

“Terrence, this is Neil. I’m going to have to pull you off the SD training for Elaina Morrison. You’re scheduled for five o’clock today. We need you on another job.”

“All right, boss. Just tell me where you want me and what time,” Terrence replied easily.

Good man that Terrence. Might need to see he gets a nice bonus at Christmas for being so agreeable.

“Right. Well something’s come up that is definitely taking priority for today. Miss Morrison will just have to be rescheduled for some time next week. Got a pen?”

I ended the call with Terrence and leaned back in my chair, feeling pretty damn smug about my master scheduling skills. I was learning how to play the game, and I had to say it felt really good to have a plan. For the first time since she’d reappeared back into my life, I knew what I was going to do.
