Read Books Novel

Cherry Girl

Cherry Girl (Neil & Elaina #1)(42)
Author: Raine Miller

Minutes later we were still panting. Bodies still joined, hearts still pounding, separated only by the skin and bone that encased them.


“I see something worrying you on that beautiful face of yours.” I traced her brow and then moved down her jaw, and finally to her lips, which were puffy and red from what I’d been doing to them for hours. “What is it?”

“You have to drive me home soon.” She yawned sleepily.

Umm…I have you naked in my bed. Do you think I am f**kin’ stupid, beautiful girl? I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face. “Well, I think you must have forgotten something you said to me earlier then.”

“I’m sure I said a great deal of things to you earlier.”

“You did. Things like ‘yeeees’, ‘don’t stop’, and ‘give me more of your big cock, baby.’”

She poked me in the ribs and tried to get in a tickle but I grabbed her hand, knowing I was in for a lifetime of sneak attacks now that she knew my secret.

“You pompous idiot, I did not say that,” she laughed.

“But this one I have in writing, Cherry. You sent me an email at precisely 2:58 pm that said, and I quote, ‘if you think I’m allowing you to drive me home tonight you are dreaming.’”

She smiled as understanding dawned and shook her head at me. “You still haven’t worked it out quite right, mister. What I actually said was that you were ‘bloody’ dreaming.”

I couldn’t resist a kiss and gettin’ in a good handful of her perfect arse cheeks, pulling her against my hips so she could feel what her body did to mine.

“Ahh, right you are. So in deference to your earlier wishes, I’m going to have to turn you down now, on taking you home.”

“Hmm…well, you are a very conflicted person then, aren’t you?” She raised a brow and clucked at me.

“No. Not at all. Why do you say that?”

“I seem to remember that I told you to ‘leave me alone’ as well, and you certainly ignored that request.” She pointed her eyes down below my waist where my c**k was half-hard again. “Obviously.”

She laughed out loud, the sound of her making me so happy. Hearing the easiness in her, knowing we could amuse each other with silly idiotic comments and teasing, was incredible.

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you,” she said.

“But I’m still not taking you home.”

She frowned at me and pulled her lip into a pout. “I have no clothes for work in the morning.”

“Where are your clothes from today?”

“I suppose they’re still in my bag in the ladies locker room down at the training facility where you seduced me.”

I chuckled, realizing her sharp wit was going to give me lots of enjoyment from here on out. “You want me to go down there and get your bag for you?”

The warm feelings of amusement died a quick death when she glared at me like I had all of the intelligence of an earthworm. “I can’t wear the same clothes to work as yesterday. People will know.” Apparently I had a great deal to learn about ladies clothing etiquette. She shook her head at me and yawned again, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

I pulled her close, pressed my lips to her hair, and stroked down the long silky length of it with my fingers. I loved touching her cherry hair, and gratefully, she already knew that about me, and had never minded my obsession. “I’ll take care of it. Go to sleep now, Cherry.”

She was soft and pliable in my arms, snuggling in and getting comfortable for sleep when I heard her tell me again in a drowsy voice. “I love you.”

The sweetest words.

The alarm on my mobile woke me. It took me a moment to figure out exactly where I was, but the soreness of my body reminded me as soon as I stretched. I looked around the en suite he had secreted back behind his office. Was this one of those bachelor pads used for meaningless sex? I had to admit, it didn’t fit Neil’s style from what I remembered, and yet, as I studied the pristine condition of everything from bed sheets to wall art, the place didn’t appear to be used very often, either.

Where was he anyway?

Regardless of wherever Neil was, I had to shower as soon as possible and dress in my work-out gear so I could hop on the train for home. I couldn’t very well show up to my workstation in what I’d worn the previous day, and I certainly couldn’t wear trainers and sports bra with my skirt from yesterday either. I needed appropriate clothes to work in, and even though it would make me late to go home and get them, it couldn’t be helped. I looked at the time again and bolted for the shower.

Washing my body in Neil’s shower was almost something I didn’t want to do. In a way, I was washing him away. So much sex last night. He’d made good on what he’d said to me in his office yesterday… I want you in my bed so we can f**k all night long…over and over until you’re a slave to it—just as you used to be.

He’d gotten his wish. I was a slave to it again. And we had.

I hurried in the shower, becoming more nervous about the time.

When I stepped back out in the bedroom I saw there had been a sneaky delivery.

The bed was made and laid out upon it was my Burberry wool dress, brown on the top with a black skirt, boots, and my blue plaid overnight bag. I checked the bag and found my brush and hairdryer, make-up kit, knickers, bra, perfume, tights…everything I needed to prepare myself for the work day. Amazing.

He really was good.

I saw a note poking out from under the bag.


Thank you for staying. For that precious gift you gave to me. I can’t ever take back what I said to you last night. It’ll never change for me. The evidence is inked onto my skin forever. And onto yours too. I love you, beautiful girl.

xo N

P.S. I snuck out and got some things from your mum so you can get ready for work. I’m stealth that way and she loves me tons, plus she always answers my texts. (don’t be jealous)

P.P.S. If you’re wondering where I am, it’s down in the training facility [where I seduced you] having a work out. I need to keep strong so I can continue to take care of you as a good man should. XOX

I pulled his letter to my chest and held it there. And cried for how happy my man had made my heart.


“Please tell me it’s safe to come in this time.” E stuck his head in through the door after he rapped on it. “Are we behaving today? And more importantly, do I need to secure some legal representation—you know, somebody specializing in sexual harassment in the workplace?”
