Read Books Novel

Cherry Girl

Cherry Girl (Neil & Elaina #1)(44)
Author: Raine Miller

I still had more of my plan to put into action, and wouldn’t stop until it was fully executed.

TO: emorrison

You’re going to want to say ‘yes’ to this one. Trust me. As for the texts between your mum and me? Don’t think about them. See? Easy. xo N

She got busy with some clients who came through, and it was a while before she could respond. I loved to listen to the sound of her voice speaking in Italian or French on the international calls, too. It was sexy as hell, and made me so proud of her for what she’d made of herself with no help from anyone, just her own initiative.

TO: nmcmanus

I think you forgot to ask me the question, Captain. Focus, please. ?

I couldn’t wait to get her to my place that night. First time. My real bed. Total privacy and the luxury of knowing where in the hell she was and what she was doing for the whole night long. And, how she was getting to work the next morning (with me), and how she was getting from work back to my place again (with me). Huge f**kin’ window, with a city lights view of London. Just thinking about it got my c**k throbbing. My Cherry Girl and I had a date in front of that window coming to us.

TO: emorrison

May I drive you home tonight, Cherry?

Her reply came back to me instantly.

TO: nmcmanus

Yes you may. (I love it when you drive me) *blushing*

I checked the time and blew out a sigh. Five more hours. Five more hours before I could make good on my promise, and have my blushing Cherry Girl right where I wanted her.

“When may I look?” I asked impatiently. “I want to see everything.”

“In another moment. Almost there.” Neil had a hold of my hand, leading me through his flat.

I kept my eyes closed, well…only because he told me to do it. One of the unspoken, but clearly understood quirks about us—an element of that made us work so well—was the way in which he was never indecisive with me. He always knew what he wanted, how to ask for it, demand it, get it, or if he must, how to take it. This combination of his large, commanding presence made the whole package of Neil a devastating elixir.

He liked to surprise me with little things and to spoil me. He’d helped me pack enough clothes to last through the next few days of work, without the panic of one of those weird nightmares where everyone has clothes on but you. Hate those.

After leaving my house and kissing Mum on the cheek and thanking her for allowing him to take me away, he’d wined and dined me at Gladstone’s, being the romantic, thoughtful man he’d always been, and still was. The wine, and the mouthwatering vision of him across the table, had left me a little intoxicated, and I knew I couldn’t be in safer hands than his. But, at that moment, he had my scarf over my tightly closed eyes and was leading me along blind, to something inside his flat he wished to show me.

“Now?” I asked again.

He stopped us and moved behind me, placing me where he wanted me with his hands on my upper arms. Next, I felt the silk of my scarf being untied from the back of my head with his large fingers tugging gently on the fabric. I loved Neil’s fingers. They worked a kind of magic on me. He touched me with them and I became a hot mess, desperate for him to do other things to me with more parts of his body.

My eyes were still closed.

“You can open them now, Cherry.”

It took me a moment to utter any words.

“I—I can’t believe how beautiful it is.” The dark night was illuminated by the millions of fairy lights of London.

He stayed quiet.

“This is what you wanted to show me first.” I reached out a hand and touched the glass. “The view out the window.” It was indeed, stunning. A whole wall of glass extending out over the city, both the old and the new, lit up and shining against the stark midnight-blue sky.

“Yes.” I felt him step back and break contact with me.

I turned my head and saw he’d moved to a padded bolster cushion and sat down on it.

“Do you remember what I asked you to do for me the first time we made love at Hallborough?” he asked softly.

“You wanted me naked against the view in the window.”

“Yes, that’s right, Cherry. You do remember…”

“I do, Neil.” I stretched my arms up behind my neck and dragged my palms up through my hair at the back of my scalp. “And now?”

I saw him swallow deeply and his eyes widen. I liked to hear his commands, so I waited for him to tell me. I loved the look of him right then too. Like a fierce golden beast waiting until the perfect moment to pounce upon his prey. I was the prey. Lucky, lucky, me.

“Strip for me in front of this window, Cherry. All the way down to your skin…so my London view is finally made the way I’ve always needed it to look for me in this house. This window—this view—you in front of it. Do that for me now.”

I steadied my racing heart and slowly stripped for my man.

He watched me do it in silence, in stillness.

I imagined this was something more for him than just a prelude to what was certain to be an orgasmic explosion at its conclusion. This was our second beginning.

Only his eyes followed my movements. They tracked my arms as I removed my dress and dropped it to the floor. They lingered on my legs as I unzipped my boots, then peeled off my tights. They glittered when my bra came off, and flashed when my knickers were released from my hand, to land silently somewhere on the heap of garments littering the furry rug beneath my feet.

He leaned back in his position on the bolster and looked at me some more, his elbows propping up his big body, legs stretched out in front of him, ankles crossed. He seemed in no hurry to rush me, but content to savor something he’d wanted for a long time.

I gave him as much time as he wanted, content to wait for the next request.

“Turn around, and look out at the view,” he said on a breath.

I did it, totally confident in the knowledge that nobody but Neil would see me. The photographer in him had organized this so there would be no backlighting. I knew my man well.

I heard the sounds of zippers and belts and clothes coming off. The thud of shoes and trousers being discarded, the clink of metal, as things were abandoned to wherever they happened to fall.

“Move your legs apart and put your palms forward on the frame of the glass.”

A shiver rolled down my spine as I complied with his request. I waited for something to happen, becoming more aroused and needy by the second, when suddenly, I sensed him very close, although I’d not heard him moving toward me.
