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Claiming His Wife


“For the last two years, Richard has been trying to get Tony to leave you. To let you start a life of your own. He refused. Tony, in his own way, loves you. These past couple of weeks he’s looked like death. I’ve seen him now, and he looks like he could climb Everest – and you’re the one responsible for that.”

“I don’t think this is any of your business, Scarlet. You need to rest.”

“Stop being so f**king stubborn. I should know. I was there with your brother. I wouldn’t let him in, but look at me now. I’m happy, Opal. Happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life. You could have that with Tony.”

Tears erupted in her eyes. She’d missed him more than anything else. Hearing these words was almost her undoing. “Get some rest,” Opal said to the other woman. She walked out of the room, tears falling down her face. She looked up and saw Tony waiting. The others were there, but he was as well.

He stood. She ignored everyone and walked down the hall. She couldn’t face him now. Not with what Scarlet had said.

“Opal, wait,” he said.

She stopped but didn’t turn around. The nurses paused in what they were doing to watch.

“Please, turn around and look at me.”

Closing her eyes, she turned on the spot and stared across the small distance. The tears wouldn’t stop as she looked at him. She stared at him, and a great ache exploded in her chest. Staring at him opened the flood of memories from her childhood all the way to the present day. She saw him smiling and looking at her. Everything she’d been blind to before was opening up in her mind.

“What do you want, Tony?” she asked.

“I want you.”

A burning began in the back of her throat. “I didn’t mean that. I meant what do you want from me?” She pointed at her chest.

“What you saw back at the apartment wasn’t how it happened,” he said, moving closer and ignoring her question. They were becoming a spectacle.

“I know what I saw, and you don’t have to explain it to me.”

“Yes, I do,” he shouted. “You ran before you would even listen to my side of the story. We had a fight. You know which one, and I stormed out and left. I went to the nearest liquor store and bought as much booze as I could. When I got to the apartment, I started on what was there, then moved onto what I bought.”

She wanted him to shut up and stop talking.

“As I drank my way down my second whiskey bottle I wanted to phone you. My dad came to see me at my office. I don’t want to tell you everything, but that man makes me lose my mind. He came to me and talked to me for about ten minutes if that, and then I go home to you and treat you that way. How could you even look at me afterwards? Losing myself in alcohol wasn’t the answer. I looked round at the mess I made and knew I’d made a mistake. I went to bed but knew when I woke in the morning I was coming to get you. I sent you the flowers and the card that night. I went to bed alone. Rita bribed the hotel manager, snuck in, and you know the rest. I wouldn’t touch her even if she begged me.”

“You don’t have to tell me this,” she said, a sob catching in her throat. “You told me plenty of times how unsuited we are.”

“I never meant a word of it. Please, Opal, I’m begging you to come back to me,” he said.

She took a look around at the hospital and shook her head. If she gave in now, what would happen when he broke her heart again? Her life was finally getting back on track. She had a job and a small apartment. Stuff she never imagined she could have.

Shaking her head, she went to turn around.

“Don’t,” he shouted.

If people weren’t watching before they were now.

Opal stared in shock as Tony walked toward her, closing the distance between them. He collapsed onto his knees, tears streaming down his face. He took hold of her hand and begged for her to come back.

“I love you, Opal. More than anything you’ll ever know.”

“You don’t have to do this,” she said. The moment he had gone down on his knees she knew all of his declarations of love had been nothing but the truth. Nothing else mattered. It didn’t matter about the people watching them or what the outside world thought. Tony Hunt was on his knees begging her to have him back. The man who claimed he would never beg anyone for anything was begging her.

“I have to do this. I have to make you see. I can’t go another day without you. I love you, Petal. Always have and always will. You can’t get rid of me, please.”

His arms wrapped around her waist. She gasped as he kissed her stomach and her hips.

“Please, I’m begging you.”

She tried to push his hands away.

“No. I’m not letting you go. I can’t.”

Opal fought with him until she went to her knees in front of him. She cupped his face in her hands. “No more na**d women in your hotel suite,” she said.

“I only ever want you. I love you, Opal. You’re my whole world. Please, say something.”

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. “You’ve always had me.”

Tony grinned, leaned down and kissed her. Cheers and applause erupted from the nurses and their friends.

“I’ll never let you go. I love you so much.”

“That’s good because I won’t ever go. I love you, Tony Hunt.”

He wrapped his arms around her, and she went to him willingly. Life was too short to give everything up. Scarlet was safe, and Tony was hers.


Five years later

Opal lay in her husband’s arms. They’d all decided to celebrate their anniversary by going for a picnic in the local park. Wayne and Lily had brought all four of their children and the bump that was their fifth. Scarlet and Richard brought Harry and the kids. Tony wrapped his arms around her. They had decided to wait for children, taking the time to be together. They both wanted children but had decided to wait. She knew the real reason was because Tony didn’t want to share her with a baby. Kids demanded too much of an adult’s time. After the way their marriage had started she could understand waiting.

“I would like to propose a toast, to my lovely sister and my crazy-ass friend. You’ve been married for seven years and still look as happy in love as always.” Richard raised his glass.

She smiled as all gave a round of applause and knocked back the alcohol. Tony had an orange drink the same as she did, neither of them drinking alcohol.
