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Cloud Walking

Cloud Walking (Find You in the Dark #1.5)(21)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

We fell into dating the same way we had fallen into our friendship. Like it had always been there. The seamless transition in our relationship seemed to take us both by surprise. The first morning after our trip to the cabin, Daniel picked me up for school, as we had agreed the night before.

I had answered the door and he had leaned inside, kissing me softly on the mouth. “Morning baby,” he had whispered against my lips, making me smile. There was no awkwardness in the endearment. No strangeness at the new greeting. It was natural. It was perfect.

Even though we quickly progressed in the physical side our relationship, we didn’t flaunt it at school. Even if it was really hard to resist mauling his face when that was all I had wanted to do for most of my life. But we held hands and touched each other discreetly. But, as with most things, we were on the same page and both agreed that launching into full on coupledom might make it harder on certain people.

Well, certain people being Maggie.

Because even though Danny and I were blissfully happy, things weren’t going so great for her and Clay. In fact, after our trip to the cabin and her subsequent grounding (thanks Mom!), their relationship seemed to spiral downward pretty quickly.

Daniel and I were at my house one day after school a few weeks later, making a pretense of doing our homework but instead spent most of the time exploring each other’s mouths.

“Danny, we’ve got to get our work done.” I laughed as his hand moved up my shirt. He cupped my breast, making me moan. I had never done more than kiss another guy before. But this felt right. Daniel trailed hot kisses down the side of my neck as I pressed into his body.

I knew that my mom and Kaitlyn would be home at any moment, but it was impossible to tear myself away. My hands gripped the back of his head as he pulled the collar of my shirt down and started to trace his mouth along the upper edge of my bra.

“You are so f**king gorgeous,” he breathed as his tongue started to taste the sensitive flesh the piece of fabric was covering. I probably would have gotten both of us naked in ten point two seconds if we hadn’t heard my mother and Kaitlin walking through the kitchen door at that exact moment.

Danny and I jumped apart so fast we both started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” my mom asked as she poked her head into the room. She arched her eyebrow and giving us a knowing look. Daniel and I glanced at each other again, barely able to wipe the ridiculous grins from our faces.

“Nothing, Mom,” I said unconvincingly.

“Hmm,” my mom said, still looking between us. I noticed that Daniel had placed his Chemistry book strategically over the crotch of his pants and I tried to discreetly rearrange my shirt under my mother’s eagle eye. She finally just shook her head and started to head back into the kitchen.

“Get in here and help unload the groceries, you two.” she called out. I groaned and Daniel let out a deep breath.

I leaned over and kissed the side of his neck and he growled low in his throat. “Stop that shit. I don’t want to walk in there with a tent in my pants. I’d probably poke your mom’s eye out.” His lips stretched into a self-satisfied grin and I smacked his arm.

“Wow, someone is a little confident in their endowments, I see.” Danny grabbed me under the arms and pulled me into his lap, making me squeal.

“We can play show and tell with my endowments later, if you wanna.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed. I jumped off his lap and started to make my way into the kitchen, calling over my shoulder.

“I’ll give you a minute…you know, so there aren’t any eye poking accidents.” Daniel flipped me the middle finger and I laughed again before rounding the corner.

My mom pointed to the bags by the refrigerator and I started to unload them. “So, I ran into Laura at the store.” I looked over at my mom wondering why she was sharing that particular story. It wasn’t unusual for her to bump into Maggie’s mom. We did live in the same town.

“Okay,” I said slowly, waiting for her to continue.

My mom walked over and pulled a frozen lasagna from the bag in my hands and took it out of its packaging. “She looked a wreck. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Laura look like that.” I could hear my mom’s worry for her old friend and that in turn made me worry.

“Really? Why? Is everything okay?” I asked turning to watch Mom as she put the oven on and placed the lasagna inside. Daniel came in at that moment and pulled out a chair at the kitchen table, sitting down beside Kaitlin who beamed up at him with a megawatt smile.

He ruffled her hair in a brotherly way, much to her chagrin, before turning his attention to us. “Is what okay?” he asked, leaning backwards in his chair.

My mom pushed the back of his chair so that it sat on the floor. “A chair has four legs for a reason, Daniel,” she said sternly but with a barely concealed smile. Everyone loved Danny. It was that ridiculous charm of his.

After unloading the bags, I turned on the coffee pot and made a cup for my mom. I handed her the steaming mug and she thanked me before finishing her story. “She mentioned that things weren’t good with Maggie,” my mom said, looking between Daniel and me.

“Maggie? What do you mean?” I asked, shooting glance in Daniel’s direction. He met my gaze and we shared an unspoken communication. We had a damn good idea what this was about. Maggie had been slowly pulling inward. We had cornered her last week and demanded to know what was going on. She finally admitted that she and Clay had broken up.

I hate to admit how relieved I was. Did that make me a bad friend? That I’d rather see her miserable than with the guy she loved? Daniel and I talked a lot about it and he felt the exact same way. We had tried. Honest and truly tried to get behind their relationship. But witnessing the slow deterioration of your best friend was a hard thing to stomach.

Watching Maggie’s love for Clay tear her apart, I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to my own new and blossoming relationship. Sure, it had taken us a long time to get here, with our fair share of hurt feelings and tears. But now that we had found our way to each other, the miscommunication, insecurities and doubts had disappeared. Daniel and I were sure in the feelings we had for each other and there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t know how much he cared about me.

I wanted that for Maggie so desperately. I wanted her to have that lighter than air feeling when she and Clay were together. Instead, she felt nothing but the weight of their dysfunction. Because that’s what they were; dysfunctional. I wasn’t sure why. Maggie would never say what Clay’s deal was. Why he was so hot and cold, up and down. I had my theories but not ones that I shared with her. If she wanted to tell me, she would. Until then, Danny and I supported her as best we could. Even as she pushed us away.
